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JVM-based clients configuration

Copy your configuration from UI of ReportPortal at User Profile section


In order to start using an agent, user should configure property file "" in such format:

rp.endpoint =
rp.api.key = 8967de3b-fec7-47bb-9dbc-2aa4ceab8b1e
rp.launch = launch-name
rp.project = project-name

rp.reporting.async = true
rp.reporting.callback = true
rp.enable = true
rp.description = My awesome launch
rp.attributes = key:value;value
rp.rerun = true
rp.rerun.of = ae586912-841c-48de-9391-50720c35dd5a
rp.convertimage = true
rp.mode = DEFAULT
rp.skipped.issue = true
rp.batch.size.logs = 20
rp.keystore.resource = <PATH_TO_YOUR_KEYSTORE>
rp.keystore.password = <PASSWORD_OF_YOUR_KEYSTORE>


User should provide next parameters to agent.

Parameter Description Required
rp.endpoint URL of web service, where requests should be send Yes
rp.api.key or rp.uuid Api token of user Yes
rp.launch The unique name of Launch (Run). Based on that name a history of runs will be created for particular name Yes
rp.project Project name to identify scope Yes
rp.enable Enable/Disable logging to Report Portal: rp.enable=true - enable log to RP server. Any other value means 'false': rp.enable=false - disable log to RP server. If parameter is absent in properties file then automation project results will be posted on RP. No
rp.description Launch description No
rp.attributes Set of attributes for specifying additional meta information for current launch. Format: key:value;value;build:12345-6. Attributes should be separated by “;”, keys and values - “:”. No
rp.reporting.async Enables asynchronous reporting. Available values - true or false(by default). Supported only in 5+ vesion No
rp.reporting.callback Enables callback reporting. Available values - true or false(by default). Supported only in 5+ vesion No
rp.rerun Enables rerun mode. Available values - true or false(by default). Supported only in 5+ version No
rp.rerun.of Specifies UUID of launch that has to be reruned No
rp.convertimage Colored log images can be converted to grayscale for reducing image size. Values: ‘true’ – will be converted. Any other value means ‘false’. No
rp.mode ReportPortal provides possibility to specify visibility of executing launch. Currently two modes are supported: DEFAULT - all users from project can see this launch; DEBUG - all users except of Customer role can see this launch (in debug sub tab). Note: for all java based clients (TestNG, Junit) mode will be set automatically to "DEFAULT" if it is not specified. No
rp.skipped.issue ReportPortal provides feature to mark skipped tests as not 'To Investigate' items on WS side. Parameter could be equal boolean values: TRUE - skipped tests considered as issues and will be marked as 'To Investigate' on Report Portal. FALSE - skipped tests will not be marked as 'To Investigate' on application. No
rp.batch.size.logs Put logs into batches of specified size in order to rise up performance and reduce number of requests to server. Default = 10 No
rp.rx.buffer.size Internal queue size for log processing, increase this value along with log batch size if you see not all your logs passing to server. Default = 128 No
rp.keystore.resource Put your JKS file into resources and specify path to it No
rp.keystore.password Access password for JKS (certificate storage) package, mentioned above No

Launch name can be edited once, and should be edited once, before first execution. As usual, parts of launches are fixed for a long time. Keeping the same name for launch, here we will understand a fixed list of suites under launch, will help to have a history trend, and on UI instances of the same launch will be saved with postfix "#number", like "Test Launch #1", "Test Launch #2" etc.

If mandatory properties are missed client throw exception IllegalArgumentException.

Proxy configuration

For clients using a standard java proxy mechanism. New to Java scripting? try Java networking and proxies page.

Ways to set up properties:

a. file

b. command line properties (-Dhttps.proxyHost=localhost)

How to provide parameters

There are several ways to load parameters. Be aware that higher order overrides previous. For example, properties from file can be overridden by JVM variables

Order Source
1 Environment variables
2 JVM variables
3 Properties file

Properties file should have name

It can be situated on the class path (in the project directory). If listener can’t find properties file it throws FileNotFoundException. By default “” exists in the reportportall-client.jar, but user can create his own “” file and put in class path.


Asynchronous client for Java-based agents







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