These are the notes for myself taken from the specialization "DevOps On AWS". I have switched from using One Note for any of my note taking to Juypyter notebooks, hosted on Google Colab, mainly because I realized it was a better format for taking technical notes. I could use code block examples and automatically run turning the notes into a better form of active rather than passive learning. I've also found that it is much easier doing the formatting I want using Markdown than the autoformating that Microsoft Office products use, which continues to be a mystery to me. Because most of the code was given in the form of handouts, I mainly do not have code on the notebooks themselves, except for clarification of something that cannot run on Jupyter anyway.
My thoughts for that class is that it was solid, relating to general concepts of DevOps before going into the specific way these concepts could be implemented on AWS. The first class, which was a general walkthrough of AWS applications was something I had already taken, and received credit for. One issue I have found is the AWS Management console, dashboards, and services experience a lot of UI changes, and even though I do not believe this course is very old, it already has a few instructions and steps that are out of date, which I tried to make note of. This seems to be a continuing issue with AWS, and I believe their documentation has not been considered very good, and I can only imagine it would be worse for updating documentation on their classes.
In these notes, I tried to draw from my own personal and professional experiences to relate to the subject.
The specialization is estimated to take about 40 hours to learn, and Coursera breaks it up into three four week chunks, not counting the introduction to AWS, which I had already taken.
I have made some personal anotations for myself through the comments feature of Google Colab, which I do not believe will transfer through into Github. Others are welcome to use these notes as they see fit. None of the code pieces will actually run, since they are generally various yaml and other types of configuration files that I've copied the contents of as examples.
- S3
- CodeCommit
- CodeBuild
- Code Pipeline
- CodeDeploy
- CloudFormation
SAM is gone over briefly, but maybe should be covered in more depth.