This project serves as a boilerplate for automating both Android and iOS mobile applications using a single codebase with Robot Framework and the Appium library.
Download and Install Android Studio
Download and Install Python
Check Python installation
python3 -V
Install pip
pip3 -V
Install Appium 2.0
npm i -g appium@next
Install Robot Framework
pip3 install robotframework
Install Appium Library
pip3 install robotframework-appiumlibrary
Download and install VSCode VSCode
Install Robot Code extension from VSCode's Marketplace
Install Appium Drivers
appium driver install uiautomator2
appium driver install xcuitest
The basic usage is giving a path to a test (or task) file or directory as an argument with possible command line options before the path
robot -v PLATFORM_NAME:android -i Smoke -d results tests/*.robot
"-v" refers to the variables. To replace a declared value within the code, you can specify a variable name and value.
"-i" refers to the tags. To run only a selected group of tests, you may specify a tag name.
"-d" refers to the test results. The location to save the test results can be specified here.