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Data pipeline to extract and preprocess BigQuery user journey data.


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Making better use of BigQuery user journey data.

A data pipeline for extracting and preprocessing BigQuery user journey data. The data captures the sequences of pages visited by users and how often these journeys occur. Additional metadata and Event data (what users do on their journey) is also provided.

Installing / Getting started

When following this guidance, code is executed in the terminal unless specified otherwise.

You need permissions and a key to GOV.UK BigQuery analytics (govuk-bigguery-analytics) to extract raw data for this pipeline. People to ask about this are senior performance analysts or search the GDS wiki for guidance.

Clone this repo using:

git clone [email protected]:ukgovdatascience/govuk-network-data.git

in your terminal.

Where to put your BigQuery key

After cloning the repo, navigate to it using:

cd govuk-network-data

Next, create a directory to hold your private key.

mkdir key

then place the private key (.json) in this folder. There should only be one key.

Python version

You will need the python interpreter version Python 3.6.0.

Virtual environment

Create a new python 3.6.0 virtual environment using your favourite virtual environment manager (you may need pyenv to specify python version; which you can get using pip install pyenv).

If new to python, an easy way to do this is using the PyCharm community edition and opening this repo as a project. You can then specify what python interpreter to use (as explained here).

Setting Environment variables

Either source the environment variables from the .envrc file either using direnv (direnv allow) or source .envrc in the command line or add this EnvFile to the pycharm project run configurations, as described here:

You can check they're loaded using echo $NAME_OF_ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE or printenv.

You might notice that there are two (data directories) provided for your convenience:

  • DATA_DIR which will point to your local data dir in this project.
  • GDRIVE_DATADIR which points to our teams Google Drive data dir for this work. If you have access and the necessary software (Google File Stream) and permissions, then you can access the data from here rather than downloading it locally to your machine first.

Within these data dir are the following sub-dir:

  • raw-bq-extract to hold the output from
  • processed_journey to hold the output from
  • processed_network to hold the output from

Using pip to install necessary packages

Then install required python packages:

pip install -r requirements.txt

We provide you with more than the minimal number of packages you need to run the data pipeline. We provide some convenience packages for reviewing notebooks etc.

Alternatively, you can review the packages that are imported and manually install those that you think are necessary using pip install if you want more control over the process (and are a confident user).

BigQuery cost caveat

You are now ready to use this package to pipe data from BigQuery through a pandas dataframe and save your output locally as several compressed csv files (containing tabular data with tab-separation: tsv was necessary as the page urls can contain commas). Consider the cost of the query you intend to run and read all community guidance beforehand.

What this does

This package equips data scientists with the tools to answer the hardest questions that people are asking about the sequence of pages that users are visiting and the type of behaviour those users are displaying.

  • A data pipeline that produces data in a convenient format to explore the GOV.UK page sequences or journeys that users travel in a session.
  • Express this data as a graph with pages visited expressed as nodes and directed movement between pages as edges.

alt text

Extracting raw data from big query

This produces a compressed csv in the destination directory (raw_bq_extract) where each row is a specific user journey (including events). However this raw data is messy and needs preprocessing to be analytically useful (see next section: 'Converting raw big query data to processed_journey data').

  • Run python src/data/ --help to list required positional arguments:
positional arguments:
  start_date            Start date in Y-m-d, eg 2018-12-31
  end_date              End date in Y-m-d, eg 2018-12-31
  filename              Naming convention for resulting dataframe file(s).
  query                 Name of query to use, within queries directory
                        (specified by environment variable QUERIES_DIR). The
                        first file in query_dir that contains a match for
                        query string is used, this is based on alphabetical
  dest_dir              Specialized destination directory for resulting
                        dataframe file(s). (default: )

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --standard            Specify BigQuery dialect. Legacy default. (default:
  -q, --quiet           Turn off debugging logging. (default: False)
  --ab_test_prefix AB_TEST_PREFIX
                        For use with the stnd_taxon_ab query, prefix of the
                        value in the AB test custom dimension, the bit before
                        the colon, not including it, for example, if you care
                        about values 'RelatedLinksAATest:A' and
                        'RelatedLinksAATest:B', pass 'RelatedLinksAATest'
                        through this arg. (default: None)
  • The default SQL dialect is legacy so specify --standard if needed.
  • Set verbosity as quiet --quiet to reduce logging output.

First, save your sql query 'query_name.sql' in the $QUERIES_DIR directory.

Here's an example of a command execution (please consider your query carefully, as this is not free!):

python src/data/ 2018-10-18 2018-10-18 raw_output_filename prelim_meta_standard_query_with_pageseq raw_bq_extract --standard

In the above example, the SQL query exists as prelim_meta_standard_query_with_pageseq.sql in the $QUERIES_DIR directory.

Which query to use?

This depends on your question. prelim_meta_standard_query_with_pageseq.sql should be your default. It should cost about the same as standard_query but is slightly cleaner and has some additional meta data. You'll have to review the queries yourself to elucidate the precise differences. When you are more familiar you can write your own custom queries. Prior to using custom queries in the pipeline you should write them with the standard BigQuery Google compute tools so that you get an estimate of the cost of the query.

NB: stnd_taxon_ab.sql extracts the variant value of a specific A/B test, as specified by the --ab_test_prefix command line argument. This argument is necessary for any SQL query containing AB_DIMENSION_VALUE_PREFIX (which is a placeholder in the query for an actual prefix). If, for example, you care about RelatedLinksAATest:A and RelatedLinksAATest:B as AB test values, then pass RelatedLinksAATest as the argument (our script adds the : in for you), and then the values of ABVariant in the resulting data will be A and B (we strip out the ab_test_prefix).

replace RelatedLinksAATest with the test you care about in order to get useful figures.

Managing expectations

The test code will take awhile to run (less than 10 mins). You should use caffeinate or prevent your machine from sleeping during this period.

Don't panic

While the code is running it will log its progress. This will appear in the terminal. Remember that the 200 code in the Debug level logging tells us that the request was received and understood and is being processed.

Upon completion you should be notified as to the number of rows, time to run and where the output was saved.

Converting raw big query data to processed_journey data

For A/B tests analysis

Run python src/data/ filename to preprocess the .csv.gz file called filename found in data/raw_bq_extract. A file with the same name will then be saved in data/processed_journey with all the extra columns you need - ['Occurrences', 'ABVariant', 'DeviceCategories', 'Sequence', 'Page_Event_List', 'Page_List', 'PageSequence', 'Event_List', 'num_event_cats', 'Event_cats_agg', 'Event_cat_act_agg', 'Taxon_List', 'Taxon_Page_List', 'Page_List_NL', 'Page_Seq_NL'].

Work in progress script at src/data/ should create a dataframe with fewer columns - ['Occurrences', 'ABVariant', 'DeviceCategories', 'Sequence', 'Page_Event_List', 'Page_List', 'PageSequence', 'Event_cat_act_agg'], this will be quicker if you only need those columns.

For other uses

This creates a csv where each row is a processed user journey and has session information rolled into it.
For example if 3 users went A -> B -> C on different devices, then this would be represented as a single row with a column containing a device dictionary (See table below: DeviceCategories).

This processing script can also merge different inputs such as data extracts from different days.

  • Run python src/data/ --help to list required positional arguments:

    • source_directory - Source directory for input dataframe file(s).
    • dest_directory - Specialized destination directory for output dataframe. file.
    • output_filename - Naming convention for resulting merged dataframe file.start_date - Start date in Y-m-d, eg 2018-12-31
  • Other optional arguments:

    • -doo, --drop_one_offs - Drop rare journeys occurring only once per input file. If merging multiple inputs, the merge will occur before the count (so that single journeys occuring in each file are aggregated before counting). Then the default behaviour is to drop in batches, approximately every 3 days to fit in memory and compute constraints.
    • -kloo, --keep_len_one_only -Keep ONLY journeys with length 1 ie journeys visiting only one page.
    • -dlo, --drop_len_one Drop journeys with length 1 ie journeys visiting only one page.
    • -f FILENAME_STUB, --filename_stub FILENAME_STUB -If merging multiple inputs, filename_stub is the unique prefix in their filenames which identify this group of inputs.
    • -q, --quiet -Turn off debugging logging.
    • -h, --help show the help message and exit

Here's an example of a command execution:
python src/data/ raw_bq_extract processed_journey processed_filename -doo

Here's some definitions of the columns in the resulting dataframe:

Column Description
Sequence Big query generated sequence of events & page hits
PageSequence sequence of pages without events separated by >>
Occurrences Number of times (sessions) the Sequence was identified
Page_Seq_Occurences Number of times (sessions) the PageSequence was identified
DeviceCategories List of tuples (dictionary-like) where the key is the device (str) and the value is the number of sequences performed on each device (int)
Dates List of tuples (dictionary-like) where the key is date (YYYYMMDD) and the value is the number of times the sequence occurred in that date (int)
Page_Event_List from Sequence -> list of tuples of (page url, event, [taxon]). Where it's a page hit, event==PAGE_NULL
Page_List List of urls from PageSequence
PageSequence_internal For debugging: will be dropped
Event_List list of tuples each containing (event category, event action)
num_event_cats Number of event types (categories) identified in sequence
Event_cats_agg List of tuples each containing (event category, its frequency)
Event_cat_act_agg List of nested tuples each containing ((event category, event action), its frequency)
Page_List_NL Page list without self-loops
Page_Seq_NL Page Seqence without self-loops
Occurrences_NL Number of sequence occurrences without self-loops
Taxon_List List of taxons of pages

Analysing this data

For help getting started analysing and visualising this type of data using R or Python, see our notebooks in notebooks/eda.

Interested in one specific page?

See the notebook notebooks/page_intra_journey_analysis on how to read in a processed journey file as a pandas dataframe for analysis. If your curious as to whether a page disrupts journeys there's a notebook with useful functions for this problem.

Using processed journey data for A/B tests

See the govuk_ab_analysis repo for some scripts to do this analysis.

notebooks/eda/generate_ab_rl_mvp.ipynb is a notebook to analyse an A/B test, using data generated by the stnd_taxon_ab.sql query. notebooks/eda/generating_ab_test_data_with_workings.ipynb is a notebook with some more workings of how we derived our metrics.

Analysing journey events

For a reproducible analytical pipeline approach, you can pass a processed_journey file to It creates a dir with the name of said processed_filename in reports and then puts 2 csvs in there.

python src/analysis/ processed_filename

Converting processed_journey data to functional network data

This creates two compressed csvs with tab-seperation (as some page urls have commas in), one containing edges (and their weights = occurrences) and the other nodes. These can be converted into many graph file formats or be read into graph processing software directly.

  • Run python src/data/ -h to list required positional arguments:

    • source_directory - Source directory for input dataframe file(s).
    • input_filename - Source filename for input dataframe file(s).
    • dest_directory - Specialized destination directory for output files.
    • output_filename - Naming convention for resulting node and edge files.
  • Other optional arguments:

    • -h, --help show this help message and exit
    • -q, --quiet Turn off debugging logging.
    • -d, --delooped Use delooped journeys for edge and weight computation
    • -i, --incorrect Drop incorrect occurrences if necessary
    • -t, --taxon Compute and include additional node attributes (only taxon for now).

You need to create a destination directory for the node and edge files:
mkdir data/processed_network

Here's an example of a command execution:
python src/data/ processed_journey processed_filename processed_network network_filename -d -i -t

where processed_journey is the directory containing output from make_dataset, processed_filename is processed_filename.csv.gz, processed_network is the directory that the node and edge files will be exported to and network_filename is the prefix for the node and edge filenames.

Using the network data

The two dataframes for nodes and edges represent the minimal way to produce a network in a tidy fashion.


One option is to use python for the exploration of the data. You can read each csv.gz in with:

import pandas as pd

nodes = pd.read_csv('../data/processed_network/network_filename_nodes.csv.gz', sep='\t')

This is explored further in some of the notebooks/network_analysis, where we use provide a tutorial with networkx.

Docker and Neo4j

Given the size of the data (if over more than a few days) you might consider building a graph database to speed up your analysis (the nodes and edges csv format is also amenable to standard network science tools).

Install Docker on your machine using software management centre (if new to Docker, we suggest you do the tutorial).

From the terminal run:

docker run \
    --publish=7474:7474 --publish=7687:7687 \
    --volume=$HOME/neo4j/data:/data \
    --volume=$HOME/neo4j/logs:/logs \
    --volume=$HOME/neo4j/import:/import \
    --env=NEO4J_AUTH=none \
    # for docker neo4j setup see

Open the local host http://localhost:7474/browser/ in your browser after the instance has started up. You'll see Neo4j running locally.

Move your nodes and edges csv

Notice how one of the arguments creates an import folder in the newly created neo4j dir. This is in your $HOME dir. We need to move the .csv we wish to load into neo4j into the aforementioned /import dir. Copy them across.

Restart neo4j

Stop the neo4j instance using Ctrl + C in the terminal where it is running. Restart it using the above code chunk.

Load the network into neo4j

Open the local host http://localhost:7474/browser/ in your browser after the instance has started up. You'll see Neo4j running locally. There's a prompt where you can enter Cypher commands (the Neo4j language). Run the following code to load in your data, adjusting for filename differences and different header names.

Clear any nodes or edges

Ensure a clean graph database by clearing any old nodes or edges stored.


We can now be confident loading our data in. However, due to changes to the output files being tab-separated files rather than comma-separated (as page urls had commas), the below code needs some modifications. Specifically we need to a Cypher command to acknowledge the tsv-ness, see here for help. This fix has not been tested yet.


Here our csv has the header "url".

// Create nodes for each unique page
LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM "file:///test_nodes.csv" AS row
CREATE (:Page {url:row.url});

This should populate the graph database with nodes (which are page urls in our case). We then index our nodes to speed things up when creating relationships.



Here our csv for edges has the headers; "source", "destination" (both page urls) and "weight" (occurrences). This will take a few seconds to run for one days data.

LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM "file:///test_edges.csv" AS row
MATCH (source:Page {url: row.source})
MATCH (destination:Page {url: row.destination})
MERGE (source)-[:MOVES_TO {occurrences:row.weight}]->(destination);

You can check the correct graph database has been instantiated by calling the schema, or viewing some nodes and edges.

CALL db.schema();



This should look like a bunch of nodes and edges with direction. You can add weights to the edges and colour the nodes by Page metadata type if so inclined.

There's plenty of software available to manage this type of data, don't feel constrained to use Neo4j

Nuanced queries

Neo4j is very fast. You can run nuanced queries quickly. For example:

WHERE n.url STARTS WITH '/government/organisations/department-for-education'
LIMIT 500;

Consult the Neo4j manual for further guidance.

Visualising the network

People like visualisations, use Gephi or any of the plenty of suitable tools for doing this. See the notebooks/network_analysis/networkx_tutorial_govuk for some code to do this.


git clone
cd govuk-network-data/

git pull
git checkout -b feature/something-awesome
# make changes
git push origin feature/something-awesome
# create pull request with branch on Github
# request a review

Develop as a separate branch and push to Github. Create a pull request and ensure all unit tests pass. Create new units tests for any extra functions.

Unit tests

pytest is used for unit testing. If you haven't installed the requirements, then install using pip:

pip install -U pytest

Following installation navigate to the appropriate folder to run tests. For example to run tests on functions associated with the data extraction pipeline, go to ./src/data/ and run:

python -m pytest -v tests/
or python3 -m pytest -v tests/

Testing the pipeline

Some functions change panda dataframes with specific column names.






Data pipeline to extract and preprocess BigQuery user journey data.




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