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My config files for vim, zsh, pentadactyl, git and other shell tools. I don't expect them to be of much use to anyone except myself, however there are some scripts, snippets and utilities that might be useful and I'll try to list them below.


  • Files are organized into separate folders, each representing a stand-alone component. Each component can define special installation rules in its own Rakefile, as well as add new rake tasks
  • Support for ERB templates instead of plain files
  • Support for joining files from different parts, depending on the current system and installation type: e.g. *.local.darwin for local OS X specific options and *.remote.linux for remote Linux installation
  • Support for partial installation
  • Rake and fabric tasks to automate local and remote environment setup


  • New color scheme: prefect.vim
  • Some snippets for UltiSnips: python, puppet, SQL and more
  • Extended javascript completion with support for jQuery and underscore.js


  • Custom prompt with current mercurial/git branch name and status flags
  • New completion function for curl
  • Wrapper function t for taskwarrior


  • git l and git gl show git log in custom one-line format
  • git dfm shows diff using Mac OS X FileMerge


  • New color scheme: light.penta
  • New plugins to send current URL and selection to Delibar, Twitterrific or The Hit List


  • New color scheme: Prime.itermcolors

Rake and fabric tasks

  • rake python:install_pip_tools install python packages from python/requirements.txt
  • rake vim:macvim build MacVim with current python version
  • fab install_remote_dotfiles build dotfiles and copy them to remote machine
  • fab upload_ssh_key append ~/.ssh/ to remote authorized_keys


Clone the repository to any folder:

git clone git:// ~/Dotfiles
cd ~/Dotfiles

Launch automatic installation (ruby and rake are required for this step):

rake install

This will backup all existing files from ~/ to ~/.backup and replace them with symlinks to files inside your local repository clone, pull all external plugins and render *.erb templates for config files, requiring personal information.

Default installation process

Load existing component Rakefiles, using component name as surrounding rake namespace. Run git pull, initialize and update git submodules. For each component:

  1. Invoke <component>:install task (defined as task :install in <component>/Rakefile) if present

Or, if <component>:install is not defined:

  1. Render all *.erb templates
  2. Concatenate each file with *.local and *.local.<current-system> if any. Current system is determined using uname -s result, converted to lowercase.
  3. Symlink/copy files from <component>/name to ~/.name

Custom installation

You can change installation process with ENV variables, either setting them before invoking rake install, or passing key=value pairs as rake arguments. The following ENV variables can be used:

  • HOME=/path/ rake install install to /path/ instead of user home directory
  • rake install skip=pull skip git pull and git submodule update during installation
  • rake install components=vim,git,web installs only selected components
  • rake install remote=linux performs installation appending *.remote.linux files instead of *.local.<system>

Each component can customize its installation process by defining :install and :uninstall rake tasks in its own Rakefile. If present, these tasks will be invoked during installation instead of the default process.


To uninstall and restore files from ~/.backup run rake uninstall from repository folder.


These should work on Mac OS X 10.6 - 10.7. Most of the scripts should work on Linux systems as is, but I've stopped purposefully making them compatible some time ago. Since there are differences in BSD and Linux coreutils, some of the zsh functions and plugins aren't expected to work properly.


My config files






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