The client uses Python 2.7, to match FireCloud Jupyter environments.
The file all_of_us_config.json contains configuration settings used during local tests; this file is copied to notebook clusters during localization.
If you want to point at a different workspace or CDR, you can change the values; check in your changes if you want it to be permanent.
virtualenv venv
. venv/bin/activate
./project.rb setup-env
pyclient$ ./project.rb swagger-regen
This will place generated Python files in py/aou_workbench_client/swagger_client, and generated README files in py/swagger_docs and py/
After running this, run the following to add new files to git:
git add py/aou_workbench_client/swagger_client
git add py/swagger_docs
pyclient$ ./project.rb cdr-regen
This will regenerate the file py/aou_workbench_client/cdr/ and py/aou_workbench_client/cdr/ based on the CDR schema.
pyclient$ ./project.rb test
Running tests will place the test service account credentials in sa-key.json.
The test service account owns free tier billing projects for the test environment, and has access to all workspaces created in them.
If you want to do manual testing of the client when running locally, you can run:
export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=<absolute path to sa-key.json>
Push your topic branch to GitHub.
From your notebook, run:
%%bash PY_VERSION=2.7 # or 3.4 MY_TOPIC_BRANCH= "pip${PY_VERSION}" install --user --upgrade "git+${MY_TOPIC_BRANCH}#egg=aou_workbench_client&subdirectory=py"
You may also need to restart the kernel via the Jupyter UI: 'Kernels' -> 'Restart'
To publish a new version, modify py/ with the new version number, merge any changes to master (including any regenerated Swagger client changes), and then run:
git checkout master
git pull
git tag pyclient-vX-Y-rcZ
git push --tags
where X is a major version, Y is a minor version, and Z is a release candidate number.
You will then be able to use the pushed version of the client library in a notebook by running:
!pip install --user ''