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Akiko Takano edited this page Jun 25, 2020 · 11 revisions

Issue Template plugin

This is a plugin to generate and use issue templates, and its objective is to support user's issue creation work.

Information page on

Install / Uninstall

Please see

Table information

Permission Settings (as Redmine Admin)

Now, this plugin works as a project module, and three permissions are defined.

  • Show template
  • Edit template
    • Right to create/edit templates.
  • Manage template
    • Right to add help message for templates, such as usage of templates.

Note: These templates are available only for its project. Note: Only Redmine administrator can set permissions for issue templates.


Enabled Issue Templates as Project Module

Now, this plugin works as a project module. So, the project manager needs to check this plugin at the project module settings page for activation.

Project Module

Usage & Screenshots

Use templates

User who has "show templates" permission can use templates when creating an issue. First, enable, selectable templates related to the tracker are shown as a pulldown menu.

Select template from pulldown, ajax request is posted and template body is loaded into the issue description field.

Use template

NOTE: Since templates are associated with a tracker, that template pulldown menu I changed if the tracker is changed at the new issue page. And if the selected tracker has no associated templates, issue template pulldown is blank. ( only "---" text is shown.)

Template pulldown

Create/Edit templates

To access create / edit templates menu, click "Issues" or "New Issue" project tab, and you can see the menu at the sidebar.

Click "Add template" and the form for creating template will be shown.

And each template is related to some tracker, so that if you change tracker of new issue, template pulldown is also reloaded and updated related to the tracker.

Go to Menu

Add template

Note: This is not shown without "show templates" permission.

Manage project templates

Now, this is optional setting. Who has manage template permission can set custom help messages for template usage on his/her project.

This help message will be shown on the "New Issue" page, beside template pulldown.

Manage templates

Here is a screenshot of custom template help message.

Template help

Use parent's templates at the subproject

You can inherit templates from the parent project.

  1. Marked the template which is defined parent project
  1. Check the Inherit templates flag on.
  • Enabled to use "Issue template" module at the subproject.
  • Go to the setting page for the above subproject's template setting.
  • Check Inherit templates flag on.

Then you can use templates which defined at the parent project.

Change Template order

In case a tracker has some related templates, you can reorder the template on the index page.

Default template setting

If a template marked as default, template text will be loaded when the tracker is changed on creating the issue page.

For example, Bug tracker has 3 templates and "Bug3 default" template is marked as default.

Template list

At the new issue page, when the user selects Bug tracker, soon default template text is appended to the description field.

Load default template

Global template setting

Administrators can make global templates from Administration menu, and associate global templates with each project.

Global template

CI Setting


  • Feedback would be appreciated. You can send from issue tracker on bitbucket or tracker on this project.
  • Translations, UI idea, CSS are also appreciated.