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Brain Connectivity Toolbox¶
- bct.betweenness_bin(G)¶
Node betweenness centrality is the fraction of all shortest paths in the network that contain a given node. Nodes with high values of betweenness centrality participate in a large number of shortest paths.
Parameters: A : NxN np.ndarray
binary directed/undirected connection matrix
BC : Nx1 np.ndarray
node betweenness centrality vector
Betweenness centrality may be normalised to the range [0,1] as BC/[(N-1)(N-2)], where N is the number of nodes in the network.
- bct.betweenness_wei(G)¶
Node betweenness centrality is the fraction of all shortest paths in the network that contain a given node. Nodes with high values of betweenness centrality participate in a large number of shortest paths.
Parameters: L : NxN np.ndarray
directed/undirected weighted connection matrix
Returns: BC : Nx1 np.ndarray
node betweenness centrality vector
- The input matrix must be a connection-length matrix, typically
- obtained via a mapping from weight to length. For instance, in a weighted correlation network higher correlations are more naturally interpreted as shorter distances and the input matrix should consequently be some inverse of the connectivity matrix.
- Betweenness centrality may be normalised to the range [0,1] as
- BC/[(N-1)(N-2)], where N is the number of nodes in the network.
- bct.diversity_coef_sign(W, ci)¶
The Shannon-entropy based diversity coefficient measures the diversity of intermodular connections of individual nodes and ranges from 0 to 1.
Parameters: W : NxN np.ndarray
undirected connection matrix with positive and negative weights
ci : Nx1 np.ndarray
community affiliation vector
Returns: Hpos : Nx1 np.ndarray
diversity coefficient based on positive connections
Hneg : Nx1 np.ndarray
diversity coefficient based on negative connections
- bct.edge_betweenness_bin(G)¶
Edge betweenness centrality is the fraction of all shortest paths in the network that contain a given edge. Edges with high values of betweenness centrality participate in a large number of shortest paths.
Parameters: A : NxN np.ndarray
binary directed/undirected connection matrix
Returns: EBC : NxN np.ndarray
edge betweenness centrality matrix
BC : Nx1 np.ndarray
node betweenness centrality vector
Betweenness centrality may be normalised to the range [0,1] as BC/[(N-1)(N-2)], where N is the number of nodes in the network.
- bct.edge_betweenness_wei(G)¶
Edge betweenness centrality is the fraction of all shortest paths in the network that contain a given edge. Edges with high values of betweenness centrality participate in a large number of shortest paths.
Parameters: L : NxN np.ndarray
directed/undirected weighted connection matrix
Returns: EBC : NxN np.ndarray
edge betweenness centrality matrix
BC : Nx1 np.ndarray
nodal betweenness centrality vector
- The input matrix must be a connection-length matrix, typically
- obtained via a mapping from weight to length. For instance, in a weighted correlation network higher correlations are more naturally interpreted as shorter distances and the input matrix should consequently be some inverse of the connectivity matrix.
- Betweenness centrality may be normalised to the range [0,1] as
- BC/[(N-1)(N-2)], where N is the number of nodes in the network.
- bct.eigenvector_centrality_und(CIJ)¶
Eigenector centrality is a self-referential measure of centrality: nodes have high eigenvector centrality if they connect to other nodes that have high eigenvector centrality. The eigenvector centrality of node i is equivalent to the ith element in the eigenvector corresponding to the largest eigenvalue of the adjacency matrix.
Parameters: CIJ : NxN np.ndarray
binary/weighted undirected adjacency matrix
v : Nx1 np.ndarray
eigenvector associated with the largest eigenvalue of the matrix
- bct.flow_coef_bd(CIJ)¶
Computes the flow coefficient for each node and averaged over the network, as described in Honey et al. (2007) PNAS. The flow coefficient is similar to betweenness centrality, but works on a local neighborhood. It is mathematically related to the clustering coefficient (cc) at each node as, fc+cc <= 1.
Parameters: CIJ : NxN np.ndarray
binary directed connection matrix
Returns: fc : Nx1 np.ndarray
flow coefficient for each node
FC : float
average flow coefficient over the network
total_flo : int
number of paths that “flow” across the central node
- bct.kcoreness_centrality_bd(CIJ)¶
The k-core is the largest subgraph comprising nodes of degree at least k. The coreness of a node is k if the node belongs to the k-core but not to the (k+1)-core. This function computes k-coreness of all nodes for a given binary directed connection matrix.
Parameters: CIJ : NxN np.ndarray
binary directed connection matrix
Returns: coreness : Nx1 np.ndarray
node coreness
kn : int
size of k-core
- bct.kcoreness_centrality_bu(CIJ)¶
The k-core is the largest subgraph comprising nodes of degree at least k. The coreness of a node is k if the node belongs to the k-core but not to the (k+1)-core. This function computes the coreness of all nodes for a given binary undirected connection matrix.
Parameters: CIJ : NxN np.ndarray
binary undirected connection matrix
Returns: coreness : Nx1 np.ndarray
node coreness
kn : int
size of k-core
- bct.module_degree_zscore(W, ci, flag=0)¶
The within-module degree z-score is a within-module version of degree centrality.
Parameters: W : NxN np.narray
binary/weighted directed/undirected connection matrix
ci : Nx1 np.array_like
community affiliation vector
flag : int
- Graph type. 0: undirected graph (default)
1: directed graph in degree 2: directed graph out degree 3: directed graph in and out degree
Returns: Z : Nx1 np.ndarray
within-module degree Z-score
- bct.pagerank_centrality(A, d, falff=None)¶
The PageRank centrality is a variant of eigenvector centrality. This function computes the PageRank centrality of each vertex in a graph.
Formally, PageRank is defined as the stationary distribution achieved by instantiating a Markov chain on a graph. The PageRank centrality of a given vertex, then, is proportional to the number of steps (or amount of time) spent at that vertex as a result of such a process.
The PageRank index gets modified by the addition of a damping factor, d. In terms of a Markov chain, the damping factor specifies the fraction of the time that a random walker will transition to one of its current state’s neighbors. The remaining fraction of the time the walker is restarted at a random vertex. A common value for the damping factor is d = 0.85.
Parameters: A : NxN np.narray
adjacency matrix
d : float
damping factor (see description)
falff : Nx1 np.ndarray | None
Initial page rank probability, non-negative values. Default value is None. If not specified, a naive bayesian prior is used.
Returns: r : Nx1 np.ndarray
vectors of page rankings
Note: The algorithm will work well for smaller matrices (number of nodes around 1000 or less)
- bct.participation_coef(W, ci, degree='undirected')¶
Participation coefficient is a measure of diversity of intermodular connections of individual nodes.
Parameters: W : NxN np.ndarray
binary/weighted directed/undirected connection matrix
ci : Nx1 np.ndarray
community affiliation vector
degree : str
- Flag to describe nature of graph ‘undirected’: For undirected graphs
‘in’: Uses the in-degree ‘out’: Uses the out-degree
Returns: P : Nx1 np.ndarray
participation coefficient
- bct.participation_coef_sign(W, ci)¶
Participation coefficient is a measure of diversity of intermodular connections of individual nodes.
Parameters: W : NxN np.ndarray
undirected connection matrix with positive and negative weights
ci : Nx1 np.ndarray
community affiliation vector
Returns: Ppos : Nx1 np.ndarray
participation coefficient from positive weights
Pneg : Nx1 np.ndarray
participation coefficient from negative weights
- bct.subgraph_centrality(CIJ)¶
The subgraph centrality of a node is a weighted sum of closed walks of different lengths in the network starting and ending at the node. This function returns a vector of subgraph centralities for each node of the network.
Parameters: CIJ : NxN np.ndarray
binary adjacency matrix
Cs : Nx1 np.ndarray
subgraph centrality
- bct.agreement(ci, buffsz=None)¶
Takes as input a set of vertex partitions CI of dimensions [vertex x partition]. Each column in CI contains the assignments of each vertex to a class/community/module. This function aggregates the partitions in CI into a square [vertex x vertex] agreement matrix D, whose elements indicate the number of times any two vertices were assigned to the same class.
In the case that the number of nodes and partitions in CI is large (greater than ~1000 nodes or greater than ~1000 partitions), the script can be made faster by computing D in pieces. The optional input BUFFSZ determines the size of each piece. Trial and error has found that BUFFSZ ~ 150 works well.
Parameters: ci : NxM np.ndarray
set of (possibly degenerate) partitions
buffsz : int | None
sets buffer size. If not specified, defaults to 1000
Returns: D : NxN np.ndarray
agreement matrix
- bct.agreement_weighted(ci, wts)¶
D = AGREEMENT_WEIGHTED(CI,WTS) is identical to AGREEMENT, with the exception that each partitions contribution is weighted according to the corresponding scalar value stored in the vector WTS. As an example, suppose CI contained partitions obtained using some heuristic for maximizing modularity. A possible choice for WTS might be the Q metric (Newman’s modularity score). Such a choice would add more weight to higher modularity partitions.
NOTE: Unlike AGREEMENT, this script does not have the input argument BUFFSZ.
Parameters: ci : NxM np.ndarray
set of (possibly degenerate) partitions
wts : Mx1 np.ndarray
relative weight of each partition
Returns: D : NxN np.ndarray
weighted agreement matrix
- bct.clustering_coef_bd(A)¶
The clustering coefficient is the fraction of triangles around a node (equiv. the fraction of nodes neighbors that are neighbors of each other).
Parameters: A : NxN np.ndarray
binary directed connection matrix
Returns: C : Nx1 np.ndarray
clustering coefficient vector
Methodological note: In directed graphs, 3 nodes generate up to 8 triangles (2*2*2 edges). The number of existing triangles is the main diagonal of S^3/2. The number of all (in or out) neighbour pairs is K(K-1)/2. Each neighbour pair may generate two triangles. “False pairs” are i<->j edge pairs (these do not generate triangles). The number of false pairs is the main diagonal of A^2. Thus the maximum possible number of triangles =
= (2 edges)*([ALL PAIRS] - [FALSE PAIRS]) = 2 * (K(K-1)/2 - diag(A^2)) = K(K-1) - 2(diag(A^2))
- bct.clustering_coef_bu(G)¶
The clustering coefficient is the fraction of triangles around a node (equiv. the fraction of nodes neighbors that are neighbors of each other).
Parameters: A : NxN np.ndarray
binary undirected connection matrix
Returns: C : Nx1 np.ndarray
clustering coefficient vector
- bct.clustering_coef_wd(W)¶
The weighted clustering coefficient is the average “intensity” of triangles around a node.
Parameters: W : NxN np.ndarray
weighted directed connection matrix
Returns: C : Nx1 np.ndarray
clustering coefficient vector
Methodological note (also see clustering_coef_bd) The weighted modification is as follows: - The numerator: adjacency matrix is replaced with weights matrix ^ 1/3 - The denominator: no changes from the binary version
The above reduces to symmetric and/or binary versions of the clustering coefficient for respective graphs.
- bct.clustering_coef_wu(W)¶
The weighted clustering coefficient is the average “intensity” of triangles around a node.
Parameters: W : NxN np.ndarray
weighted undirected connection matrix
Returns: C : Nx1 np.ndarray
clustering coefficient vector
- bct.consensus_und(D, tau, reps=1000)¶
This algorithm seeks a consensus partition of the agreement matrix D. The algorithm used here is almost identical to the one introduced in Lancichinetti & Fortunato (2012): The agreement matrix D is thresholded at a level TAU to remove an weak elements. The resulting matrix is then partitions REPS number of times using the Louvain algorithm (in principle, any clustering algorithm that can handle weighted matrixes is a suitable alternative to the Louvain algorithm and can be substituted in its place). This clustering produces a set of partitions from which a new agreement is built. If the partitions have not converged to a single representative partition, the above process repeats itself, starting with the newly built agreement matrix.
NOTE: In this implementation, the elements of the agreement matrix must be converted into probabilities.
NOTE: This implementation is slightly different from the original algorithm proposed by Lanchichinetti & Fortunato. In its original version, if the thresholding produces singleton communities, those nodes are reconnected to the network. Here, we leave any singleton communities disconnected.
Parameters: D : NxN np.ndarray
agreement matrix with entries between 0 and 1 denoting the probability of finding node i in the same cluster as node j
tau : float
threshold which controls the resolution of the reclustering
reps : int
number of times the clustering algorithm is reapplied. default value is 1000.
Returns: ciu : Nx1 np.ndarray
consensus partition
- bct.get_components(A, no_depend=False)¶
Returns the components of an undirected graph specified by the binary and undirected adjacency matrix adj. Components and their constitutent nodes are assigned the same index and stored in the vector, comps. The vector, comp_sizes, contains the number of nodes beloning to each component.
Parameters: adj : NxN np.ndarray
binary undirected adjacency matrix
no_depend : bool
If true, doesn’t import networkx to do the calculation. Default value is false.
Returns: comps : Nx1 np.ndarray
vector of component assignments for each node
comp_sizes : Mx1 np.ndarray
vector of component sizes
Note: disconnected nodes will appear as components with a component size of 1
Note: The identity of each component (i.e. its numerical value in the result) is not guaranteed to be identical the value returned in BCT, although the component topology is.
Note: networkx is used to do the computation efficiently. If networkx is not available a breadth-first search that does not depend on networkx is used instead, but this is less efficient. The corresponding BCT function does the computation by computing the Dulmage-Mendelsohn decomposition. I don’t know what a Dulmage-Mendelsohn decomposition is and there doesn’t appear to be a python equivalent. If you think of a way to implement this better, let me know.
- bct.transitivity_bd(A)¶
Transitivity is the ratio of ‘triangles to triplets’ in the network. (A classical version of the clustering coefficient).
Parameters: A : NxN np.ndarray
binary directed connection matrix
Returns: T : float
transitivity scalar
Methodological note: In directed graphs, 3 nodes generate up to 8 triangles (2*2*2 edges). The number of existing triangles is the main diagonal of S^3/2. The number of all (in or out) neighbour pairs is K(K-1)/2. Each neighbour pair may generate two triangles. “False pairs” are i<->j edge pairs (these do not generate triangles). The number of false pairs is the main diagonal of A^2. Thus the maximum possible number of triangles = (2 edges)*([ALL PAIRS] - [FALSE PAIRS])
= 2 * (K(K-1)/2 - diag(A^2)) = K(K-1) - 2(diag(A^2))
- bct.transitivity_bu(A)¶
Transitivity is the ratio of ‘triangles to triplets’ in the network. (A classical version of the clustering coefficient).
Parameters: A : NxN np.ndarray
binary undirected connection matrix
Returns: T : float
transitivity scalar
- bct.transitivity_wd(W)¶
Transitivity is the ratio of ‘triangles to triplets’ in the network. (A classical version of the clustering coefficient).
Parameters: W : NxN np.ndarray
weighted directed connection matrix
Returns: T : int
transitivity scalar
Methodological note (also see note for clustering_coef_bd) :
The weighted modification is as follows: :
- The numerator: adjacency matrix is replaced with weights matrix ^ 1/3 :
- The denominator: no changes from the binary version :
The above reduces to symmetric and/or binary versions of the clustering :
coefficient for respective graphs. :
- bct.transitivity_wu(W)¶
Transitivity is the ratio of ‘triangles to triplets’ in the network. (A classical version of the clustering coefficient).
Parameters: W : NxN np.ndarray
weighted undirected connection matrix
Returns: T : int
transitivity scalar
- bct.assortativity_bin(CIJ, flag)¶
The assortativity coefficient is a correlation coefficient between the degrees of all nodes on two opposite ends of a link. A positive assortativity coefficient indicates that nodes tend to link to other nodes with the same or similar degree.
Parameters: CIJ : NxN np.ndarray
binary directed/undirected connection matrix
flag : int
0 : undirected graph; degree/degree correlation 1 : directed graph; out-degree/in-degree correlation 2 : directed graph; in-degree/out-degree correlation 3 : directed graph; out-degree/out-degree correlation 4 : directed graph; in-degree/in-degreen correlation
Returns: r : float
assortativity coefficient
The function accepts weighted networks, but all connection weights are ignored. The main diagonal should be empty. For flag 1 the function computes the directed assortativity described in Rubinov and Sporns (2010) NeuroImage.
- bct.assortativity_wei(CIJ, flag)¶
The assortativity coefficient is a correlation coefficient between the strengths (weighted degrees) of all nodes on two opposite ends of a link. A positive assortativity coefficient indicates that nodes tend to link to other nodes with the same or similar strength.
Parameters: CIJ : NxN np.ndarray
weighted directed/undirected connection matrix
flag : int
0 : undirected graph; strength/strength correlation 1 : directed graph; out-strength/in-strength correlation 2 : directed graph; in-strength/out-strength correlation 3 : directed graph; out-strength/out-strength correlation 4 : directed graph; in-strength/in-strengthn correlation
Returns: r : float
assortativity coefficient
- The main diagonal should be empty. For flag 1
- the function computes the directed assortativity described in Rubinov and Sporns (2010) NeuroImage.
- bct.kcore_bd(CIJ, k, peel=False)¶
The k-core is the largest subnetwork comprising nodes of degree at least k. This function computes the k-core for a given binary directed connection matrix by recursively peeling off nodes with degree lower than k, until no such nodes remain.
Parameters: CIJ : NxN np.ndarray
binary directed adjacency matrix
k : int
level of k-core
peel : bool
If True, additionally calculates peelorder and peellevel. Defaults to False.
Returns: CIJkcore : NxN np.ndarray
connection matrix of the k-core. This matrix only contains nodes of degree at least k.
kn : int
size of k-core
peelorder : Nx1 np.ndarray
indices in the order in which they were peeled away during k-core decomposition. only returned if peel is specified.
peellevel : Nx1 np.ndarray
corresponding level - nodes in at the same level have been peeled away at the same time. only return if peel is specified
‘peelorder’ and ‘peellevel’ are similar the the k-core sub-shells described in Modha and Singh (2010).
- bct.kcore_bu(CIJ, k, peel=False)¶
The k-core is the largest subnetwork comprising nodes of degree at least k. This function computes the k-core for a given binary undirected connection matrix by recursively peeling off nodes with degree lower than k, until no such nodes remain.
Parameters: CIJ : NxN np.ndarray
binary undirected connection matrix
k : int
level of k-core
peel : bool
If True, additionally calculates peelorder and peellevel. Defaults to False.
Returns: CIJkcore : NxN np.ndarray
connection matrix of the k-core. This matrix only contains nodes of degree at least k.
kn : int
size of k-core
peelorder : Nx1 np.ndarray
indices in the order in which they were peeled away during k-core decomposition. only returned if peel is specified.
peellevel : Nx1 np.ndarray
corresponding level - nodes in at the same level have been peeled away at the same time. only return if peel is specified
‘peelorder’ and ‘peellevel’ are similar the the k-core sub-shells described in Modha and Singh (2010).
- bct.rich_club_bd(CIJ, klevel=None)¶
The rich club coefficient, R, at level k is the fraction of edges that connect nodes of degree k or higher out of the maximum number of edges that such nodes might share.
Parameters: CIJ : NxN np.ndarray
binary directed connection matrix
klevel : int | None
sets the maximum level at which the rich club coefficient will be calculated. If None (default), the maximum level is set to the maximum degree of the adjacency matrix
Returns: R : Kx1 np.ndarray
vector of rich-club coefficients for levels 1 to klevel
Nk : int
number of nodes with degree > k
Ek : int
number of edges remaining in subgraph with degree > k
- bct.rich_club_bu(CIJ, klevel=None)¶
The rich club coefficient, R, at level k is the fraction of edges that connect nodes of degree k or higher out of the maximum number of edges that such nodes might share.
Parameters: CIJ : NxN np.ndarray
binary undirected connection matrix
klevel : int | None
sets the maximum level at which the rich club coefficient will be calculated. If None (default), the maximum level is set to the maximum degree of the adjacency matrix
Returns: R : Kx1 np.ndarray
vector of rich-club coefficients for levels 1 to klevel
Nk : int
number of nodes with degree > k
Ek : int
number of edges remaining in subgraph with degree > k
- bct.rich_club_wd(CIJ, klevel=None)¶
Parameters: CIJ : NxN np.ndarray
weighted directed connection matrix
klevel : int | None
sets the maximum level at which the rich club coefficient will be calculated. If None (default), the maximum level is set to the maximum degree of the adjacency matrix
Returns: Rw : Kx1 np.ndarray
vector of rich-club coefficients for levels 1 to klevel
- bct.rich_club_wu(CIJ, klevel=None)¶
Parameters: CIJ : NxN np.ndarray
weighted undirected connection matrix
klevel : int | None
sets the maximum level at which the rich club coefficient will be calculated. If None (default), the maximum level is set to the maximum degree of the adjacency matrix
Returns: Rw : Kx1 np.ndarray
vector of rich-club coefficients for levels 1 to klevel
- bct.score_wu(CIJ, s)¶
The s-core is the largest subnetwork comprising nodes of strength at least s. This function computes the s-core for a given weighted undirected connection matrix. Computation is analogous to the more widely used k-core, but is based on node strengths instead of node degrees.
Parameters: CIJ : NxN np.ndarray
weighted undirected connection matrix
s : float
level of s-core. Note that can take on any fractional value.
Returns: CIJscore : NxN np.ndarray
connection matrix of the s-core. This matrix contains only nodes with a strength of at least s.
sn : int
size of s-core
- bct.degrees_dir(CIJ)¶
Node degree is the number of links connected to the node. The indegree is the number of inward links and the outdegree is the number of outward links.
Parameters: CIJ : NxN np.ndarray
directed binary/weighted connection matrix
Returns: id : Nx1 np.ndarray
node in-degree
od : Nx1 np.ndarray
node out-degree
deg : Nx1 np.ndarray
node degree (in-degree + out-degree)
- Inputs are assumed to be on the columns of the CIJ matrix.
- Weight information is discarded.
- bct.degrees_und(CIJ)¶
Node degree is the number of links connected to the node.
Parameters: CIJ : NxN np.ndarray
undirected binary/weighted connection matrix
Returns: deg : Nx1 np.ndarray
node degree
Weight information is discarded.
- bct.jdegree(CIJ)¶
This function returns a matrix in which the value of each element (u,v) corresponds to the number of nodes that have u outgoing connections and v incoming connections.
Parameters: CIJ : NxN np.ndarray
directed binary/weighted connnection matrix
Returns: J : ZxZ np.ndarray
joint degree distribution matrix (shifted by one, replicates matlab one-based-indexing)
J_od : int
number of vertices with od>id
J_id : int
number of vertices with id>od
J_bl : int
number of vertices with id==od
Weights are discarded.
- bct.strengths_dir(CIJ)¶
Node strength is the sum of weights of links connected to the node. The instrength is the sum of inward link weights and the outstrength is the sum of outward link weights.
Parameters: CIJ : NxN np.ndarray
directed weighted connection matrix
Returns: is : Nx1 np.ndarray
node in-strength
os : Nx1 np.ndarray
node out-strength
str : Nx1 np.ndarray
node strength (in-strength + out-strength)
Inputs are assumed to be on the columns of the CIJ matrix.
- bct.strengths_und(CIJ)¶
Node strength is the sum of weights of links connected to the node.
Parameters: CIJ : NxN np.ndarray
undirected weighted connection matrix
Returns: str : Nx1 np.ndarray
node strengths
- bct.strengths_und_sign(W)¶
Node strength is the sum of weights of links connected to the node.
Parameters: W : NxN np.ndarray
undirected connection matrix with positive and negative weights
Returns: Spos : Nx1 np.ndarray
nodal strength of positive weights
Sneg : Nx1 np.ndarray
nodal strength of positive weights
vpos : float
total positive weight
vneg : float
total negative weight
- bct.breadthdist(CIJ)¶
The binary reachability matrix describes reachability between all pairs of nodes. An entry (u,v)=1 means that there exists a path from node u to node v; alternatively (u,v)=0.
The distance matrix contains lengths of shortest paths between all pairs of nodes. An entry (u,v) represents the length of shortest path from node u to node v. The average shortest path length is the characteristic path length of the network.
Parameters: CIJ : NxN np.ndarray
binary directed/undirected connection matrix
Returns: R : NxN np.ndarray
binary reachability matrix
D : NxN np.ndarray
distance matrix
slower but less memory intensive than “reachdist.m”.
- bct.breadth(CIJ, source)¶
Implementation of breadth-first search.
Parameters: CIJ : NxN np.ndarray
binary directed/undirected connection matrix
source : int
source vertex
Returns: distance : Nx1 np.ndarray
vector of distances between source and ith vertex (0 for source)
branch : Nx1 np.ndarray
vertex that precedes i in the breadth-first search (-1 for source)
Breadth-first search tree does not contain all paths (or all shortest paths), but allows the determination of at least one path with minimum distance. The entire graph is explored, starting from source vertex ‘source’.
- bct.charpath(D, include_diagonal=False)¶
The characteristic path length is the average shortest path length in the network. The global efficiency is the average inverse shortest path length in the network.
Parameters: D : NxN np.ndarray
distance matrix
include_diagonal : bool
If True, include the weights on the diagonal. Default value is False.
Returns: lambda : float
characteristic path length
efficiency : float
global efficiency
ecc : Nx1 np.ndarray
eccentricity at each vertex
radius : float
radius of graph
diameter : float
diameter of graph
The input distance matrix may be obtained with any of the distance functions, e.g. distance_bin, distance_wei. Characteristic path length is calculated as the global mean of the distance matrix D, excludings any ‘Infs’ but including distances on the main diagonal.
- bct.cycprob(Pq)¶
Cycles are paths which begin and end at the same node. Cycle probability for path length d, is the fraction of all paths of length d-1 that may be extended to form cycles of length d.
Parameters: Pq : NxNxQ np.ndarray
Path matrix with Pq[i,j,q] = number of paths from i to j of length q. Produced by findpaths()
Returns: fcyc : Qx1 np.ndarray
fraction of all paths that are cycles for each path length q
pcyc : Qx1 np.ndarray
probability that a non-cyclic path of length q-1 can be extended to form a cycle of length q for each path length q
- bct.distance_bin(G)¶
The distance matrix contains lengths of shortest paths between all pairs of nodes. An entry (u,v) represents the length of shortest path from node u to node v. The average shortest path length is the characteristic path length of the network.
Parameters: A : NxN np.ndarray
binary directed/undirected connection matrix
Returns: D : NxN
distance matrix
Lengths between disconnected nodes are set to Inf. Lengths on the main diagonal are set to 0. Algorithm: Algebraic shortest paths.
- bct.distance_wei(G)¶
The distance matrix contains lengths of shortest paths between all pairs of nodes. An entry (u,v) represents the length of shortest path from node u to node v. The average shortest path length is the characteristic path length of the network.
Parameters: L : NxN np.ndarray
Directed/undirected connection-length matrix. NB L is not the adjacency matrix. See below.
Returns: D : NxN np.ndarray
distance (shortest weighted path) matrix
B : NxN np.ndarray
matrix of number of edges in shortest weighted path
obtained via a mapping from weight to length. For instance, in a weighted correlation network higher correlations are more naturally interpreted as shorter distances and the input matrix should consequently be some inverse of the connectivity matrix.
The number of edges in shortest weighted paths may in generalexceed the number of edges in shortest binary paths (i.e. shortest paths computed on the binarized connectivity matrix), because shortest weighted paths have the minimal weighted distance, but not necessarily the minimal number of edges.
Lengths between disconnected nodes are set to Inf. Lengths on the main diagonal are set to 0.Algorithm: Dijkstra’s algorithm.
- bct.efficiency_bin(G, local=False)¶
The global efficiency is the average of inverse shortest path length, and is inversely related to the characteristic path length.
The local efficiency is the global efficiency computed on the neighborhood of the node, and is related to the clustering coefficient.
Parameters: A : NxN np.ndarray
binary undirected connection matrix
local : bool
If True, computes local efficiency instead of global efficiency. Default value = False.
Returns: Eglob : float
global efficiency, only if local=False
Eloc : Nx1 np.ndarray
local efficiency, only if local=True
- bct.efficiency_wei(Gw, local=False)¶
The global efficiency is the average of inverse shortest path length, and is inversely related to the characteristic path length.
The local efficiency is the global efficiency computed on the neighborhood of the node, and is related to the clustering coefficient.
Parameters: W : NxN np.ndarray
undirected weighted connection matrix (all weights in W must be between 0 and 1)
local : bool
If True, computes local efficiency instead of global efficiency. Default value = False.
Returns: Eglob : float
global efficiency, only if local=False
Eloc : Nx1 np.ndarray
local efficiency, only if local=True
matrix L, defined as L_ij = 1/W_ij for all nonzero L_ij; This has an intuitive interpretation, as higher connection weights intuitively correspond to shorter lengths.
The weighted local efficiency broadly parallels the weightedclustering coefficient of Onnela et al. (2005) and distinguishes the influence of different paths based on connection weights of the corresponding neighbors to the node in question. In other words, a path between two neighbors with strong connections to the node in question contributes more to the local efficiency than a path between two weakly connected neighbors. Note that this weighted variant of the local efficiency is hence not a strict generalization of the binary variant.
Algorithm: Dijkstra’s algorithm
- bct.findpaths(CIJ, qmax, sources, savepths=False)¶
Paths are sequences of linked nodes, that never visit a single node more than once. This function finds all paths that start at a set of source nodes, up to a specified length. Warning: very memory-intensive.
Parameters: CIJ : NxN np.ndarray
binary directed/undirected connection matrix
qmax : int
maximal path length
sources : Nx1 np.ndarray
source units from which paths are grown
savepths : bool
True if all paths are to be collected and returned. This functionality is currently not enabled.
Returns: Pq : NxNxQ np.ndarray
Path matrix with P[i,j,jq] = number of paths from i to j with length q
tpath : int
total number of paths found
plq : Qx1 np.ndarray
path length distribution as a function of q
qstop : int
path length at which findpaths is stopped
allpths : None
a matrix containing all paths up to qmax. This function is extremely complicated and reimplementing it in bctpy is not straightforward.
util : NxQ np.ndarray
node use index
Note that Pq(:,:,N) can only carry entries on the diagonal, as all “legal” paths of length N-1 must terminate. Cycles of length N are possible, with all vertices visited exactly once (except for source and target). ‘qmax = N’ can wreak havoc (due to memory problems).
Note: Weights are discarded. Note: I am certain that this algorithm is rather inefficient - suggestions for improvements are welcome.
- bct.findwalks(CIJ)¶
Walks are sequences of linked nodes, that may visit a single node more than once. This function finds the number of walks of a given length, between any two nodes.
Parameters: CIJ : NxN np.ndarray
binary directed/undirected connection matrix
Returns: Wq : NxNxQ np.ndarray
Wq[i,j,q] is the number of walks from i to j of length q
twalk : int
total number of walks found
wlq : Qx1 np.ndarray
walk length distribution as a function of q
Wq grows very quickly for larger N,K,q. Weights are discarded.
- bct.reachdist(CIJ)¶
The binary reachability matrix describes reachability between all pairs
of nodes. An entry (u,v)=1 means that there exists a path from node u to node v; alternatively (u,v)=0.
The distance matrix contains lengths of shortest paths between all pairs of nodes. An entry (u,v) represents the length of shortest path from node u to node v. The average shortest path length is the characteristic path length of the network.
Parameters: CIJ : NxN np.ndarray
binary directed/undirected connection matrix
Returns: R : NxN np.ndarray
binary reachability matrix
D : NxN np.ndarray
distance matrix
faster but more memory intensive than “breadthdist.m”.
- bct.ci2ls(ci)¶
Convert from a community index vector to a 2D python list of modules The list is a pure python list, not requiring numpy.
Parameters: ci : Nx1 np.ndarray
the community index vector
zeroindexed : bool
If True, ci uses zero-indexing (lowest value is 0). Defaults to False.
Returns: ls : listof(list)
pure python list with lowest value zero-indexed (regardless of zero-indexing parameter)
- bct.ls2ci(ls, zeroindexed=False)¶
Convert from a 2D python list of modules to a community index vector. The list is a pure python list, not requiring numpy.
Parameters: ls : listof(list)
pure python list with lowest value zero-indexed (regardless of value of zeroindexed parameter)
zeroindexed : bool
If True, ci uses zero-indexing (lowest value is 0). Defaults to False.
Returns: ci : Nx1 np.ndarray
community index vector
- bct.community_louvain(W, gamma=1, ci=None, B='modularity', seed=None)¶
The optimal community structure is a subdivision of the network into nonoverlapping groups of nodes which maximizes the number of within-group edges and minimizes the number of between-group edges.
This function is a fast an accurate multi-iterative generalization of the louvain community detection algorithm. This function subsumes and improves upon modularity_[louvain,finetune]_[und,dir]() and additionally allows to optimize other objective functions (includes built-in Potts Model i Hamiltonian, allows for custom objective-function matrices).
Parameters: W : NxN np.array
directed/undirected weighted/binary adjacency matrix
gamma : float
resolution parameter. default value=1. Values 0 <= gamma < 1 detect larger modules while gamma > 1 detects smaller modules. ignored if an objective function matrix is specified.
ci : Nx1 np.arraylike
initial community affiliation vector. default value=None
B : str | NxN np.arraylike
string describing objective function type, or provides a custom objective-function matrix. builtin values ‘modularity’ uses Q-metric as objective function, or ‘potts’ uses Potts model Hamiltonian. Default value ‘modularity’.
seed : int | None
random seed. default value=None. if None, seeds from /dev/urandom.
Returns: ci : Nx1 np.array
final community structure
q : float
optimized q-statistic (modularity only)
- bct.link_communities(W, type_clustering='single')¶
The optimal community structure is a subdivision of the network into nonoverlapping groups of nodes which maximizes the number of within-group edges and minimizes the number of between-group edges.
This algorithm uncovers overlapping community structure via hierarchical clustering of network links. This algorithm is generalized for weighted/directed/fully-connected networks
Parameters: W : NxN np.array
directed weighted/binary adjacency matrix
type_clustering : str
type of hierarchical clustering. ‘single’ for single-linkage, ‘complete’ for complete-linkage. Default value=’single’
Returns: M : CxN np.ndarray
nodal community affiliation matrix.
- bct.modularity_dir(A, gamma=1, kci=None)¶
The optimal community structure is a subdivision of the network into nonoverlapping groups of nodes in a way that maximizes the number of within-group edges, and minimizes the number of between-group edges. The modularity is a statistic that quantifies the degree to which the network may be subdivided into such clearly delineated groups.
Parameters: W : NxN np.ndarray
directed weighted/binary connection matrix
gamma : float
resolution parameter. default value=1. Values 0 <= gamma < 1 detect larger modules while gamma > 1 detects smaller modules.
kci : Nx1 np.ndarray | None
starting community structure. If specified, calculates the Q-metric on the community structure giving, without doing any optimzation. Otherwise, if not specified, uses a spectral modularity maximization algorithm.
Returns: ci : Nx1 np.ndarray
optimized community structure
Q : float
maximized modularity metric
This algorithm is deterministic. The matlab function bearing this name incorrectly disclaims that the outcome depends on heuristics involving a random seed. The louvain method does depend on a random seed, but this function uses a deterministic modularity maximization algorithm.
- bct.modularity_und(A, gamma=1, kci=None)¶
The optimal community structure is a subdivision of the network into nonoverlapping groups of nodes in a way that maximizes the number of within-group edges, and minimizes the number of between-group edges. The modularity is a statistic that quantifies the degree to which the network may be subdivided into such clearly delineated groups.
Parameters: W : NxN np.ndarray
undirected weighted/binary connection matrix
gamma : float
resolution parameter. default value=1. Values 0 <= gamma < 1 detect larger modules while gamma > 1 detects smaller modules.
kci : Nx1 np.ndarray | None
starting community structure. If specified, calculates the Q-metric on the community structure giving, without doing any optimzation. Otherwise, if not specified, uses a spectral modularity maximization algorithm.
Returns: ci : Nx1 np.ndarray
optimized community structure
Q : float
maximized modularity metric
This algorithm is deterministic. The matlab function bearing this name incorrectly disclaims that the outcome depends on heuristics involving a random seed. The louvain method does depend on a random seed, but this function uses a deterministic modularity maximization algorithm.
- bct.modularity_finetune_und(W, ci=None, gamma=1, seed=None)¶
The optimal community structure is a subdivision of the network into nonoverlapping groups of nodes in a way that maximizes the number of within-group edges, and minimizes the number of between-group edges. The modularity is a statistic that quantifies the degree to which the network may be subdivided into such clearly delineated groups.
This algorithm is inspired by the Kernighan-Lin fine-tuning algorithm and is designed to refine a previously detected community structure.
Parameters: W : NxN np.ndarray
undirected weighted/binary connection matrix
ci : Nx1 np.ndarray | None
initial community affiliation vector
gamma : float
resolution parameter. default value=1. Values 0 <= gamma < 1 detect larger modules while gamma > 1 detects smaller modules.
seed : int | None
random seed. default value=None. if None, seeds from /dev/urandom.
Returns: ci : Nx1 np.ndarray
refined community affiliation vector
Q : float
optimized modularity metric
Ci and Q may vary from run to run, due to heuristics in the algorithm. Consequently, it may be worth to compare multiple runs.
- bct.modularity_finetune_und_sign(W, qtype='sta', ci=None, seed=None)¶
The optimal community structure is a subdivision of the network into nonoverlapping groups of nodes in a way that maximizes the number of within-group edges, and minimizes the number of between-group edges. The modularity is a statistic that quantifies the degree to which the network may be subdivided into such clearly delineated groups.
This algorithm is inspired by the Kernighan-Lin fine-tuning algorithm and is designed to refine a previously detected community structure.
Parameters: W : NxN np.ndarray
undirected weighted/binary connection matrix with positive and negative weights.
qtype : str
modularity type. Can be ‘sta’ (default), ‘pos’, ‘smp’, ‘gja’, ‘neg’. See Rubinov and Sporns (2011) for a description.
ci : Nx1 np.ndarray | None
initial community affiliation vector
seed : int | None
random seed. default value=None. if None, seeds from /dev/urandom.
Returns: ci : Nx1 np.ndarray
refined community affiliation vector
Q : float
optimized modularity metric
Ci and Q may vary from run to run, due to heuristics in the algorithm. Consequently, it may be worth to compare multiple runs.
- bct.modularity_louvain_dir(W, gamma=1, hierarchy=False, seed=None)¶
The optimal community structure is a subdivision of the network into nonoverlapping groups of nodes in a way that maximizes the number of within-group edges, and minimizes the number of between-group edges. The modularity is a statistic that quantifies the degree to which the network may be subdivided into such clearly delineated groups.
The Louvain algorithm is a fast and accurate community detection algorithm (as of writing). The algorithm may also be used to detect hierarchical community structure.
Parameters: W : NxN np.ndarray
directed weighted/binary connection matrix
gamma : float
resolution parameter. default value=1. Values 0 <= gamma < 1 detect larger modules while gamma > 1 detects smaller modules.
hierarchy : bool
Enables hierarchical output. Defalut value=False
seed : int | None
random seed. default value=None. if None, seeds from /dev/urandom.
Returns: ci : Nx1 np.ndarray
refined community affiliation vector. If hierarchical output enabled, it is an NxH np.ndarray instead with multiple iterations
Q : float
optimized modularity metric. If hierarchical output enabled, becomes an Hx1 array of floats instead.
Ci and Q may vary from run to run, due to heuristics in the algorithm. Consequently, it may be worth to compare multiple runs.
- bct.modularity_louvain_und(W, gamma=1, hierarchy=False, seed=None)¶
The optimal community structure is a subdivision of the network into nonoverlapping groups of nodes in a way that maximizes the number of within-group edges, and minimizes the number of between-group edges. The modularity is a statistic that quantifies the degree to which the network may be subdivided into such clearly delineated groups.
The Louvain algorithm is a fast and accurate community detection algorithm (as of writing). The algorithm may also be used to detect hierarchical community structure.
Parameters: W : NxN np.ndarray
undirected weighted/binary connection matrix
gamma : float
resolution parameter. default value=1. Values 0 <= gamma < 1 detect larger modules while gamma > 1 detects smaller modules.
hierarchy : bool
Enables hierarchical output. Defalut value=False
seed : int | None
random seed. default value=None. if None, seeds from /dev/urandom.
Returns: ci : Nx1 np.ndarray
refined community affiliation vector. If hierarchical output enabled, it is an NxH np.ndarray instead with multiple iterations
Q : float
optimized modularity metric. If hierarchical output enabled, becomes an Hx1 array of floats instead.
Ci and Q may vary from run to run, due to heuristics in the algorithm. Consequently, it may be worth to compare multiple runs.
- bct.modularity_louvain_und_sign(W, qtype='sta', seed=None)¶
The optimal community structure is a subdivision of the network into nonoverlapping groups of nodes in a way that maximizes the number of within-group edges, and minimizes the number of between-group edges. The modularity is a statistic that quantifies the degree to which the network may be subdivided into such clearly delineated groups.
The Louvain algorithm is a fast and accurate community detection algorithm (at the time of writing).
Use this function as opposed to modularity_louvain_und() only if the network contains a mix of positive and negative weights. If the network contains all positive weights, the output will be equivalent to that of modularity_louvain_und().
Parameters: W : NxN np.ndarray
undirected weighted/binary connection matrix with positive and negative weights
qtype : str
modularity type. Can be ‘sta’ (default), ‘pos’, ‘smp’, ‘gja’, ‘neg’. See Rubinov and Sporns (2011) for a description.
seed : int | None
random seed. default value=None. if None, seeds from /dev/urandom.
Returns: ci : Nx1 np.ndarray
refined community affiliation vector
Q : float
optimized modularity metric
Ci and Q may vary from run to run, due to heuristics in the algorithm. Consequently, it may be worth to compare multiple runs.
- bct.modularity_probtune_und_sign(W, qtype='sta', ci=None, p=0.45, seed=None)¶
The optimal community structure is a subdivision of the network into nonoverlapping groups of nodes in a way that maximizes the number of within-group edges, and minimizes the number of between-group edges. The modularity is a statistic that quantifies the degree to which the network may be subdivided into such clearly delineated groups. High-modularity degeneracy is the presence of many topologically distinct high-modularity partitions of the network.
This algorithm is inspired by the Kernighan-Lin fine-tuning algorithm and is designed to probabilistically refine a previously detected community by incorporating random node moves into a finetuning algorithm.
Parameters: W : NxN np.ndarray
undirected weighted/binary connection matrix with positive and negative weights
qtype : str
modularity type. Can be ‘sta’ (default), ‘pos’, ‘smp’, ‘gja’, ‘neg’. See Rubinov and Sporns (2011) for a description.
ci : Nx1 np.ndarray | None
initial community affiliation vector
p : float
probability of random node moves. Default value = 0.45
seed : int | None
random seed. default value=None. if None, seeds from /dev/urandom.
Returns: ci : Nx1 np.ndarray
refined community affiliation vector
Q : float
optimized modularity metric
Ci and Q may vary from run to run, due to heuristics in the algorithm. Consequently, it may be worth to compare multiple runs.
- bct.partition_distance(cx, cy)¶
This function quantifies the distance between pairs of community partitions with information theoretic measures.
Parameters: cx : Nx1 np.ndarray
community affiliation vector X
cy : Nx1 np.ndarray
community affiliation vector Y
Returns: VIn : Nx1 np.ndarray
normalized variation of information
MIn : Nx1 np.ndarray
normalized mutual information
- (Definitions:
- VIn = [H(X) + H(Y) - 2MI(X,Y)]/log(n) MIn = 2MI(X,Y)/[H(X)+H(Y)]
where H is entropy, MI is mutual information and n is number of nodes)
- bct.find_motif34(m, n=None)¶
This function returns all motif isomorphs for a given motif id and class (3 or 4). The function also returns the motif id for a given motif matrix
- Input: Motif_id, e.g. 1 to 13, if class is 3
Motif_class, number of nodes, 3 or 4.
Output: Motif_matrices, all isomorphs for the given motif
2. Input: Motif_matrix e.g. [0 1 0; 0 0 1; 1 0 0] Output Motif_id e.g. 1 to 13, if class is 3
Parameters: m : int | matrix
In use case 1, a motif_id which is an integer. In use case 2, the entire matrix of the motif (e.g. [0 1 0; 0 0 1; 1 0 0])
n : int | None
In use case 1, the motif class, which is the number of nodes. This is either 3 or 4. In use case 2, None.
Returns: M : np.ndarray | int
In use case 1, returns all isomorphs for the given motif In use case 2, returns the motif_id for the specified motif matrix
- bct.motif3funct_bin(A)¶
Functional motifs are subsets of connection patterns embedded within anatomical motifs. Motif frequency is the frequency of occurrence of motifs around a node.
Parameters: A : NxN np.ndarray
binary directed connection matrix
Returns: F : 13xN np.ndarray
motif frequency matrix
f : 13x1 np.ndarray
motif frequency vector (averaged over all nodes)
- bct.motif3funct_wei(W)¶
Functional motifs are subsets of connection patterns embedded within anatomical motifs. Motif frequency is the frequency of occurrence of motifs around a node. Motif intensity and coherence are weighted generalizations of motif frequency.
Parameters: W : NxN np.ndarray
weighted directed connection matrix (all weights between 0 and 1)
Returns: I : 13xN np.ndarray
motif intensity matrix
Q : 13xN np.ndarray
motif coherence matrix
F : 13xN np.ndarray
motif frequency matrix
Average intensity and coherence are given by I./F and Q./F.
- bct.motif3struct_bin(A)¶
Structural motifs are patterns of local connectivity. Motif frequency is the frequency of occurrence of motifs around a node.
Parameters: A : NxN np.ndarray
binary directed connection matrix
Returns: F : 13xN np.ndarray
motif frequency matrix
f : 13x1 np.ndarray
motif frequency vector (averaged over all nodes)
- bct.motif3struct_wei(W)¶
Structural motifs are patterns of local connectivity. Motif frequency is the frequency of occurrence of motifs around a node. Motif intensity and coherence are weighted generalizations of motif frequency.
Parameters: W : NxN np.ndarray
weighted directed connection matrix (all weights between 0 and 1)
Returns: I : 13xN np.ndarray
motif intensity matrix
Q : 13xN np.ndarray
motif coherence matrix
F : 13xN np.ndarray
motif frequency matrix
Average intensity and coherence are given by I./F and Q./F.
- bct.motif4funct_bin(A)¶
Functional motifs are subsets of connection patterns embedded within anatomical motifs. Motif frequency is the frequency of occurrence of motifs around a node.
Parameters: A : NxN np.ndarray
binary directed connection matrix
Returns: F : 199xN np.ndarray
motif frequency matrix
f : 199x1 np.ndarray
motif frequency vector (averaged over all nodes)
- bct.motif4funct_wei(W)¶
Functional motifs are subsets of connection patterns embedded within anatomical motifs. Motif frequency is the frequency of occurrence of motifs around a node. Motif intensity and coherence are weighted generalizations of motif frequency.
Parameters: W : NxN np.ndarray
weighted directed connection matrix (all weights between 0 and 1)
Returns: I : 199xN np.ndarray
motif intensity matrix
Q : 199xN np.ndarray
motif coherence matrix
F : 199xN np.ndarray
motif frequency matrix
Average intensity and coherence are given by I./F and Q./F.
- bct.motif4struct_bin(A)¶
Structural motifs are patterns of local connectivity. Motif frequency is the frequency of occurrence of motifs around a node.
Parameters: A : NxN np.ndarray
binary directed connection matrix
Returns: F : 199xN np.ndarray
motif frequency matrix
f : 199x1 np.ndarray
motif frequency vector (averaged over all nodes)
- bct.motif4struct_wei(W)¶
Structural motifs are patterns of local connectivity. Motif frequency is the frequency of occurrence of motifs around a node. Motif intensity and coherence are weighted generalizations of motif frequency.
Parameters: W : NxN np.ndarray
weighted directed connection matrix (all weights between 0 and 1)
Returns: I : 199xN np.ndarray
motif intensity matrix
Q : 199xN np.ndarray
motif coherence matrix
F : 199xN np.ndarray
motif frequency matrix
Average intensity and coherence are given by I./F and Q./F.
- bct.threshold_absolute(W, thr, copy=True)¶
This function thresholds the connectivity matrix by absolute weight magnitude. All weights below the given threshold, and all weights on the main diagonal (self-self connections) are set to 0.
If copy is not set, this function will modify W in place.
Parameters: W : np.ndarray
weighted connectivity matrix
thr : float
absolute weight threshold
copy : bool
if True, returns a copy of the matrix. Otherwise, modifies the matrix in place. Default value=True.
Returns: W : np.ndarray
thresholded connectivity matrix
- bct.threshold_proportional(W, p, copy=True)¶
This function “thresholds” the connectivity matrix by preserving a proportion p (0<p<1) of the strongest weights. All other weights, and all weights on the main diagonal (self-self connections) are set to 0.
If copy is not set, this function will modify W in place.
Parameters: W : np.ndarray
weighted connectivity matrix
p : float
proportional weight threshold (0<p<1)
copy : bool
if True, returns a copy of the matrix. Otherwise, modifies the matrix in place. Default value=True.
Returns: W : np.ndarray
thresholded connectivity matrix
The proportion of elements set to 0 is a fraction of all elements in the matrix, whether or not they are already 0. That is, this function has the following behavior:
>> x = np.random.random((10,10)) >> x_25 = threshold_proportional(x, .25) >> np.size(np.where(x_25)) #note this double counts each nonzero element 46 >> x_125 = threshold_proportional(x, .125) >> np.size(np.where(x_125)) 22 >> x_test = threshold_proportional(x_25, .5) >> np.size(np.where(x_test)) 46
That is, the 50% thresholding of x_25 does nothing because >=50% of the elements in x_25 are aleady <=0. This behavior is the same as in BCT. Be careful with matrices that are both signed and sparse.
- bct.weight_conversion(W, wcm, copy=True)¶
W_bin = weight_conversion(W, ‘binarize’); W_nrm = weight_conversion(W, ‘normalize’); L = weight_conversion(W, ‘lengths’);
This function may either binarize an input weighted connection matrix, normalize an input weighted connection matrix or convert an input weighted connection matrix to a weighted connection-length matrix.
Binarization converts all present connection weights to 1.
Normalization scales all weight magnitudes to the range [0,1] and should be done prior to computing some weighted measures, such as the weighted clustering coefficient.
Conversion of connection weights to connection lengths is needed prior to computation of weighted distance-based measures, such as distance and betweenness centrality. In a weighted connection network, higher weights are naturally interpreted as shorter lengths. The connection-lengths matrix here is defined as the inverse of the connection-weights matrix.
If copy is not set, this function will modify W in place.
Parameters: W : NxN np.ndarray
weighted connectivity matrix
wcm : str
weight conversion command. ‘binarize’ : binarize weights ‘normalize’ : normalize weights ‘lengths’ : convert weights to lengths (invert matrix)
copy : bool
if True, returns a copy of the matrix. Otherwise, modifies the matrix in place. Default value=True.
Returns: W : NxN np.ndarray
connectivity matrix with specified changes
This function is included for compatibility with BCT. But there are other functions binarize(), normalize() and invert() which are simpler to call directly.
- bct.binarize(W, copy=True)¶
Binarizes an input weighted connection matrix. If copy is not set, this function will modify W in place.
Parameters: W : NxN np.ndarray
weighted connectivity matrix
copy : bool
if True, returns a copy of the matrix. Otherwise, modifies the matrix in place. Default value=True.
Returns: W : NxN np.ndarray
binary connectivity matrix
- bct.normalize(W, copy=True)¶
Normalizes an input weighted connection matrix. If copy is not set, this function will modify W in place.
Parameters: W : np.ndarray
weighted connectivity matrix
copy : bool
if True, returns a copy of the matrix. Otherwise, modifies the matrix in place. Default value=True.
Returns: W : np.ndarray
normalized connectivity matrix
- bct.invert(W, copy=True)¶
Inverts elementwise the weights in an input connection matrix. In other words, change the from the matrix of internode strengths to the matrix of internode distances.
If copy is not set, this function will modify W in place.
Parameters: W : np.ndarray
weighted connectivity matrix
copy : bool
if True, returns a copy of the matrix. Otherwise, modifies the matrix in place. Default value=True.
Returns: W : np.ndarray
inverted connectivity matrix
- bct.autofix(W, copy=True)¶
Fix a bunch of common problems. More specifically, remove Inf and NaN, ensure exact binariness and symmetry (i.e. remove floating point instability), and zero diagonal.
Parameters: W : np.ndarray
weighted connectivity matrix
copy : bool
if True, returns a copy of the matrix. Otherwise, modifies the matrix in place. Default value=True.
Returns: W : np.ndarray
connectivity matrix with fixes applied
Physical Connectivity¶
- bct.density_dir(CIJ)¶
Density is the fraction of present connections to possible connections.
Parameters: CIJ : NxN np.ndarray
directed weighted/binary connection matrix
Returns: kden : float
N : int
number of vertices
k : int
number of edges
Assumes CIJ is directed and has no self-connections. Weight information is discarded.
- bct.density_und(CIJ)¶
Density is the fraction of present connections to possible connections.
Parameters: CIJ : NxN np.ndarray
undirected (weighted/binary) connection matrix
Returns: kden : float
N : int
number of vertices
k : int
number of edges
- Assumes CIJ is undirected and has no self-connections.
- Weight information is discarded.
- bct.rentian_scaling(A, xyz, n)¶
Physical Rentian scaling (or more simply Rentian scaling) is a property of systems that are cost-efficiently embedded into physical space. It is what is called a “topo-physical” property because it combines information regarding the topological organization of the graph with information about the physical placement of connections. Rentian scaling is present in very large scale integrated circuits, the C. elegans neuronal network, and morphometric and diffusion-based graphs of human anatomical networks. Rentian scaling is determined by partitioning the system into cubes, counting the number of nodes inside of each cube (N), and the number of edges traversing the boundary of each cube (E). If the system displays Rentian scaling, these two variables N and E will scale with one another in loglog space. The Rent’s exponent is given by the slope of log10(E) vs. log10(N), and can be reported alone or can be compared to the theoretical minimum Rent’s exponent to determine how cost efficiently the network has been embedded into physical space. Note: if a system displays Rentian scaling, it does not automatically mean that the system is cost-efficiently embedded (although it does suggest that). Validation occurs when comparing to the theoretical minimum Rent’s exponent for that system.
Parameters: A : NxN np.ndarray
unweighted, binary, symmetric adjacency matrix
xyz : Nx3 np.ndarray
vector of node placement coordinates
n : int
Number of partitions to compute. Each partition is a data point; you want a large enough number to adequately compute Rent’s exponent.
Returns: N : Mx1 np.ndarray
Number of nodes in each of the M partitions
E : Mx1 np.ndarray
Subsequent Analysis: Rentian scaling plots are then created by: figure; loglog(E,N,’*’); To determine the Rent’s exponent, p, it is important not to use partitions which may be affected by boundary conditions. In Bassett et al. 2010 PLoS CB, only partitions with N<M/2 were used in the estimation of the Rent’s exponent. Thus, we can define N_prime = N(find(N<M/2)) and E_prime = E(find(N<M/2)). Next we need to determine the slope of Eprime vs. Nprime in loglog space, which is the Rent’s exponent. There are many ways of doing this with more or less statistical rigor. Robustfit in MATLAB is one such option:
[b,stats] = robustfit(log10(N_prime),log10(E_prime))Then the Rent’s exponent is b(1,2) and the standard error of the estimation is given by stats.se(1,2).
Note: n=5000 was used in Bassett et al. 2010 in PLoS CB.
- bct.latmio_dir_connected(R, iter, D=None)¶
This function “latticizes” a directed network, while preserving the in- and out-degree distributions. In weighted networks, the function preserves the out-strength but not the in-strength distributions. The function also ensures that the randomized network maintains connectedness, the ability for every node to reach every other node in the network. The input network for this function must be connected.
Parameters: R : NxN np.ndarray
directed binary/weighted connection matrix
iter : int
rewiring parameter. Each edge is rewired approximately iter times.
D : np.ndarray | None
distance-to-diagonal matrix. Defaults to the actual distance matrix if not specified.
Returns: Rlatt : NxN np.ndarray
latticized network in original node ordering
Rrp : NxN np.ndarray
latticized network in node ordering used for latticization
ind_rp : Nx1 np.ndarray
node ordering used for latticization
eff : int
number of actual rewirings carried out
- bct.latmio_dir(R, iter, D=None)¶
This function “latticizes” a directed network, while preserving the in- and out-degree distributions. In weighted networks, the function preserves the out-strength but not the in-strength distributions.
Parameters: R : NxN np.ndarray
directed binary/weighted connection matrix
iter : int
rewiring parameter. Each edge is rewired approximately iter times.
D : np.ndarray | None
distance-to-diagonal matrix. Defaults to the actual distance matrix if not specified.
Returns: Rlatt : NxN np.ndarray
latticized network in original node ordering
Rrp : NxN np.ndarray
latticized network in node ordering used for latticization
ind_rp : Nx1 np.ndarray
node ordering used for latticization
eff : int
number of actual rewirings carried out
- bct.latmio_und_connected(R, iter, D=None)¶
This function “latticizes” an undirected network, while preserving the degree distribution. The function does not preserve the strength distribution in weighted networks. The function also ensures that the randomized network maintains connectedness, the ability for every node to reach every other node in the network. The input network for this function must be connected.
Parameters: R : NxN np.ndarray
undirected binary/weighted connection matrix
iter : int
rewiring parameter. Each edge is rewired approximately iter times.
D : np.ndarray | None
distance-to-diagonal matrix. Defaults to the actual distance matrix if not specified.
Returns: Rlatt : NxN np.ndarray
latticized network in original node ordering
Rrp : NxN np.ndarray
latticized network in node ordering used for latticization
ind_rp : Nx1 np.ndarray
node ordering used for latticization
eff : int
number of actual rewirings carried out
- bct.latmio_und(R, iter, D=None)¶
This function “latticizes” an undirected network, while preserving the degree distribution. The function does not preserve the strength distribution in weighted networks.
Parameters: R : NxN np.ndarray
undirected binary/weighted connection matrix
iter : int
rewiring parameter. Each edge is rewired approximately iter times.
D : np.ndarray | None
distance-to-diagonal matrix. Defaults to the actual distance matrix if not specified.
Returns: Rlatt : NxN np.ndarray
latticized network in original node ordering
Rrp : NxN np.ndarray
latticized network in node ordering used for latticization
ind_rp : Nx1 np.ndarray
node ordering used for latticization
eff : int
number of actual rewirings carried out
- bct.makeevenCIJ(n, k, sz_cl)¶
This function generates a random, directed network with a specified number of fully connected modules linked together by evenly distributed remaining random connections.
Parameters: N : int
number of vertices (must be power of 2)
K : int
number of edges
sz_cl : int
size of clusters (must be power of 2)
Returns: CIJ : NxN np.ndarray
connection matrix
- N must be a power of 2.
- A warning is generated if all modules contain more edges than K. Cluster size is 2^sz_cl;
- bct.makefractalCIJ(mx_lvl, E, sz_cl)¶
This function generates a directed network with a hierarchical modular organization. All modules are fully connected and connection density decays as 1/(E^n), with n = index of hierarchical level.
Parameters: mx_lvl : int
number of hierarchical levels, N = 2^mx_lvl
E : int
connection density fall off per level
sz_cl : int
size of clusters (must be power of 2)
Returns: CIJ : NxN np.ndarray
connection matrix
K : int
number of connections present in output CIJ
- bct.makerandCIJdegreesfixed(inv, outv)¶
This function generates a directed random network with a specified in-degree and out-degree sequence.
Parameters: inv : Nx1 np.ndarray
in-degree vector
outv : Nx1 np.ndarray
out-degree vector
Returns: CIJ : NxN np.ndarray
- Necessary conditions include:
length(in) = length(out) = n sum(in) = sum(out) = k in(i), out(i) < n-1 in(i) + out(j) < n+2 in(i) + out(i) < n
No connections are placed on the main diagonal
The algorithm used in this function is not, technically, guaranteed to terminate. If a valid distribution of in and out degrees is provided, this function will find it in bounded time with probability 1-(1/(2*(k^2))). This turns out to be a serious problem when computing infinite degree matrices, but offers good performance otherwise.
- bct.makerandCIJ_dir(n, k)¶
This function generates a directed random network
Parameters: N : int
number of vertices
K : int
number of edges
Returns: CIJ : NxN np.ndarray
directed random connection matrix
no connections are placed on the main diagonal.
- bct.makerandCIJ_und(n, k)¶
This function generates an undirected random network
Parameters: N : int
number of vertices
K : int
number of edges
Returns: CIJ : NxN np.ndarray
undirected random connection matrix
no connections are placed on the main diagonal.
- bct.makeringlatticeCIJ(n, k)¶
This function generates a directed lattice network with toroidal boundary counditions (i.e. with ring-like “wrapping around”).
Parameters: N : int
number of vertices
K : int
number of edges
Returns: CIJ : NxN np.ndarray
connection matrix
The lattice is made by placing connections as close as possible to the main diagonal, with wrapping around. No connections are made on the main diagonal. In/Outdegree is kept approx. constant at K/N.
- bct.maketoeplitzCIJ(n, k, s)¶
This function generates a directed network with a Gaussian drop-off in edge density with increasing distance from the main diagonal. There are toroidal boundary counditions (i.e. no ring-like “wrapping around”).
Parameters: N : int
number of vertices
K : int
number of edges
s : float
standard deviation of toeplitz
Returns: CIJ : NxN np.ndarray
connection matrix
no connections are placed on the main diagonal.
- bct.null_model_dir_sign(W, bin_swaps=5, wei_freq=0.1)¶
This function randomizes an directed network with positive and negative weights, while preserving the degree and strength distributions. This function calls randmio_dir.m
Parameters: W : NxN np.ndarray
directed weighted connection matrix
bin_swaps : int
average number of swaps in each edge binary randomization. Default value is 5. 0 swaps implies no binary randomization.
wei_freq : float
frequency of weight sorting in weighted randomization. 0<=wei_freq<1. wei_freq == 1 implies that weights are sorted at each step. wei_freq == 0.1 implies that weights sorted each 10th step (faster,
default value)
wei_freq == 0 implies no sorting of weights (not recommended)
Returns: W0 : NxN np.ndarray
randomized weighted connection matrix
R : 4-tuple of floats
Correlation coefficients between strength sequences of input and output connection matrices, rpos_in, rpos_out, rneg_in, rneg_out
- The value of bin_swaps is ignored when binary topology is fully
- connected (e.g. when the network has no negative weights).
- Randomization may be better (and execution time will be slower) for
- higher values of bin_swaps and wei_freq. Higher values of bin_swaps may enable a more random binary organization, and higher values of wei_freq may enable a more accurate conservation of strength sequences.
- R are the correlation coefficients between positive and negative
- in-strength and out-strength sequences of input and output connection matrices and are used to evaluate the accuracy with which strengths were preserved. Note that correlation coefficients may be a rough measure of strength-sequence accuracy and one could implement more formal tests (such as the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test) if desired.
- bct.null_model_und_sign(W, bin_swaps=5, wei_freq=0.1)¶
This function randomizes an undirected network with positive and negative weights, while preserving the degree and strength distributions. This function calls randmio_und.m
Parameters: W : NxN np.ndarray
undirected weighted connection matrix
bin_swaps : int
average number of swaps in each edge binary randomization. Default value is 5. 0 swaps implies no binary randomization.
wei_freq : float
frequency of weight sorting in weighted randomization. 0<=wei_freq<1. wei_freq == 1 implies that weights are sorted at each step. wei_freq == 0.1 implies that weights sorted each 10th step (faster,
default value)
wei_freq == 0 implies no sorting of weights (not recommended)
Returns: W0 : NxN np.ndarray
randomized weighted connection matrix
R : 4-tuple of floats
Correlation coefficients between strength sequences of input and output connection matrices, rpos_in, rpos_out, rneg_in, rneg_out
- The value of bin_swaps is ignored when binary topology is fully
- connected (e.g. when the network has no negative weights).
- Randomization may be better (and execution time will be slower) for
- higher values of bin_swaps and wei_freq. Higher values of bin_swaps may enable a more random binary organization, and higher values of wei_freq may enable a more accurate conservation of strength sequences.
- R are the correlation coefficients between positive and negative
- strength sequences of input and output connection matrices and are used to evaluate the accuracy with which strengths were preserved. Note that correlation coefficients may be a rough measure of strength-sequence accuracy and one could implement more formal tests (such as the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test) if desired.
- bct.randmio_dir_connected(R, iter)¶
This function randomizes a directed network, while preserving the in- and out-degree distributions. In weighted networks, the function preserves the out-strength but not the in-strength distributions. The function also ensures that the randomized network maintains connectedness, the ability for every node to reach every other node in the network. The input network for this function must be connected.
Parameters: W : NxN np.ndarray
directed binary/weighted connection matrix
iter : int
rewiring parameter. Each edge is rewired approximately iter times.
Returns: R : NxN np.ndarray
randomized network
eff : int
number of actual rewirings carried out
- bct.randmio_dir(R, iter)¶
This function randomizes a directed network, while preserving the in- and out-degree distributions. In weighted networks, the function preserves the out-strength but not the in-strength distributions.
Parameters: W : NxN np.ndarray
directed binary/weighted connection matrix
iter : int
rewiring parameter. Each edge is rewired approximately iter times.
Returns: R : NxN np.ndarray
randomized network
eff : int
number of actual rewirings carried out
- bct.randmio_und_connected(R, iter)¶
This function randomizes an undirected network, while preserving the degree distribution. The function does not preserve the strength distribution in weighted networks. The function also ensures that the randomized network maintains connectedness, the ability for every node to reach every other node in the network. The input network for this function must be connected.
Parameters: W : NxN np.ndarray
undirected binary/weighted connection matrix
iter : int
rewiring parameter. Each edge is rewired approximately iter times.
Returns: R : NxN np.ndarray
randomized network
eff : int
number of actual rewirings carried out
- bct.randmio_und(R, iter)¶
This function randomizes an undirected network, while preserving the degree distribution. The function does not preserve the strength distribution in weighted networks.
Parameters: W : NxN np.ndarray
undirected binary/weighted connection matrix
iter : int
rewiring parameter. Each edge is rewired approximately iter times.
Returns: R : NxN np.ndarray
randomized network
eff : int
number of actual rewirings carried out
- bct.randmio_und_signed(R, iter)¶
This function randomizes an undirected weighted network with positive and negative weights, while simultaneously preserving the degree distribution of positive and negative weights. The function does not preserve the strength distribution in weighted networks.
Parameters: W : NxN np.ndarray
undirected binary/weighted connection matrix
iter : int
rewiring parameter. Each edge is rewired approximately iter times.
Returns: R : NxN np.ndarray
randomized network
- bct.randomize_graph_partial_und(A, B, maxswap)¶
A = RANDOMIZE_GRAPH_PARTIAL_UND(A,B,MAXSWAP) takes adjacency matrices A and B and attempts to randomize matrix A by performing MAXSWAP rewirings. The rewirings will avoid any spots where matrix B is nonzero.
Parameters: A : NxN np.ndarray
undirected adjacency matrix to randomize
B : NxN np.ndarray
mask; edges to avoid
maxswap : int
number of rewirings
Returns: A : NxN np.ndarray
randomized matrix
- Graph may become disconnected as a result of rewiring. Always
important to check.- A can be weighted, though the weighted degree sequence will not be
preserved.- A must be undirected.
- bct.randomizer_bin_und(R, alpha)¶
This function randomizes a binary undirected network, while preserving the degree distribution. The function directly searches for rewirable edge pairs (rather than trying to rewire edge pairs at random), and hence avoids long loops and works especially well in dense matrices.
Parameters: A : NxN np.ndarray
binary undirected connection matrix
alpha : float
fraction of edges to rewire
Returns: R : NxN np.ndarray
randomized network
- bct.edge_nei_overlap_bd(CIJ)¶
This function determines the neighbors of two nodes that are linked by an edge, and then computes their overlap. Connection matrix must be binary and directed. Entries of ‘EC’ that are ‘inf’ indicate that no edge is present. Entries of ‘EC’ that are 0 denote “local bridges”, i.e. edges that link completely non-overlapping neighborhoods. Low values of EC indicate edges that are “weak ties”.
If CIJ is weighted, the weights are ignored. Neighbors of a node can be linked by incoming, outgoing, or reciprocal connections.
Parameters: CIJ : NxN np.ndarray
directed binary/weighted connection matrix
Returns: EC : NxN np.ndarray
edge neighborhood overlap matrix
ec : Kx1 np.ndarray
edge neighborhood overlap per edge vector
degij : NxN np.ndarray
degrees of node pairs connected by each edge
- bct.edge_nei_overlap_bu(CIJ)¶
This function determines the neighbors of two nodes that are linked by an edge, and then computes their overlap. Connection matrix must be binary and directed. Entries of ‘EC’ that are ‘inf’ indicate that no edge is present. Entries of ‘EC’ that are 0 denote “local bridges”, i.e. edges that link completely non-overlapping neighborhoods. Low values of EC indicate edges that are “weak ties”.
If CIJ is weighted, the weights are ignored.
Parameters: CIJ : NxN np.ndarray
undirected binary/weighted connection matrix
Returns: EC : NxN np.ndarray
edge neighborhood overlap matrix
ec : Kx1 np.ndarray
edge neighborhood overlap per edge vector
degij : NxN np.ndarray
degrees of node pairs connected by each edge
- bct.gtom(adj, nr_steps)¶
The m-th step generalized topological overlap measure (GTOM) quantifies the extent to which a pair of nodes have similar m-th step neighbors. Mth-step neighbors are nodes that are reachable by a path of at most length m.
This function computes the the M x M generalized topological overlap measure (GTOM) matrix for number of steps, numSteps.
Parameters: adj : NxN np.ndarray
connection matrix
nr_steps : int
number of steps
Returns: gt : NxN np.ndarray
GTOM matrix
When numSteps is equal to 1, GTOM is identical to the topological overlap measure (TOM) from reference [2]. In that case the ‘gt’ matrix records, for each pair of nodes, the fraction of neighbors the two nodes share in common, where “neighbors” are one step removed. As ‘numSteps’ is increased, neighbors that are furter out are considered. Elements of ‘gt’ are bounded between 0 and 1. The ‘gt’ matrix can be converted from a similarity to a distance matrix by taking 1-gt.
- bct.matching_ind(CIJ)¶
For any two nodes u and v, the matching index computes the amount of overlap in the connection patterns of u and v. Self-connections and u-v connections are ignored. The matching index is a symmetric quantity, similar to a correlation or a dot product.
Parameters: CIJ : NxN np.ndarray
adjacency matrix
Returns: Min : NxN np.ndarray
matching index for incoming connections
Mout : NxN np.ndarray
matching index for outgoing connections
Mall : NxN np.ndarray
matching index for all connections
Does not use self- or cross connections for comparison. Does not use connections that are not present in BOTH u and v. All output matrices are calculated for upper triangular only.
- bct.matching_ind_und(CIJ0)¶
M0 = MATCHING_IND_UND(CIJ) computes matching index for undirected graph specified by adjacency matrix CIJ. Matching index is a measure of similarity between two nodes’ connectivity profiles (excluding their mutual connection, should it exist).
Parameters: CIJ : NxN np.ndarray
undirected adjacency matrix
Returns: M0 : NxN np.ndarray
matching index matrix
- bct.dice_pairwise_und(a1, a2)¶
Calculates pairwise dice similarity for each vertex between two matrices. Treats the matrices as binary and undirected.
Returns: D : Nx1 np.ndarray
dice similarity vector
- bct.corr_flat_und(a1, a2)¶
Returns the correlation coefficient between two flattened adjacency matrices. Only the upper triangular part is used to avoid double counting undirected matrices. Similarity metric for weighted matrices.
Parameters: A1 : NxN np.ndarray
undirected matrix 1
A2 : NxN np.ndarray
undirected matrix 2
Returns: r : float
Correlation coefficient describing edgewise similarity of a1 and a2
- bct.corr_flat_dir(a1, a2)¶
Returns the correlation coefficient between two flattened adjacency matrices. Similarity metric for weighted matrices.
Parameters: A1 : NxN np.ndarray
directed matrix 1
A2 : NxN np.ndarray
directed matrix 2
Returns: r : float
Correlation coefficient describing edgewise similarity of a1 and a2
- bct.adjacency_plot_und(A, coor, tube=False)¶
This function in matlab is a visualization helper which translates an adjacency matrix and an Nx3 matrix of spatial coordinates, and plots a 3D isometric network connecting the undirected unweighted nodes using a specific plotting format. Including the formatted output is not useful at all for bctpy since matplotlib will not be able to plot it in quite the same way.
Instead of doing this, I have included code that will plot the adjacency matrix onto nodes at the given spatial coordinates in mayavi
This routine is basically a less featureful version of the 3D brain in cvu, the connectome visualization utility which I also maintain. cvu uses freesurfer surfaces and annotations to get the node coordinates (rather than leaving them up to the user) and has many other interactive visualization features not included here for the sake of brevity.
There are other similar visualizations in the ConnectomeViewer and the UCLA multimodal connectivity database.
Note that unlike other bctpy functions, this function depends on mayavi.
Returns: fig : Instance(Scene)
handle to a mayavi figure.
To display the output interactively, call
fig=adjacency_plot_und(A,coor) from mayavi import mlab mlab.show()
Note: Thresholding the matrix is strongly recommended. It is recommended that the input matrix have fewer than 5000 total connections in order to achieve reasonable performance and noncluttered visualization.
- bct.align_matrices(m1, m2, dfun='sqrdiff', verbose=False, H=1000000.0, Texp=1, T0=0.001, Hbrk=10)¶
This function aligns two matrices relative to one another by reordering the nodes in M2. The function uses a version of simulated annealing.
Parameters: M1 : NxN np.ndarray
first connection matrix
M2 : NxN np.ndarray
second connection matrix
dfun : str
- distance metric to use for matching
‘absdiff’ : absolute difference ‘sqrdiff’ : squared difference (default) ‘cosang’ : cosine of vector angle
verbose : bool
print out cost at each iteration. Default False.
H : int
annealing parameter, default value 1e6
Texp : int
annealing parameter, default value 1. Coefficient of H s.t. Texp0=1-Texp/H
T0 : float
annealing parameter, default value 1e-3
Hbrk : int
annealing parameter, default value = 10. Coefficient of H s.t. Hbrk0 = H/Hkbr
Returns: Mreordered : NxN np.ndarray
reordered connection matrix M2
Mindices : Nx1 np.ndarray
reordered indices
cost : float
objective function distance between M1 and Mreordered
Connection matrices can be weighted or binary, directed or undirected. They must have the same number of nodes. M1 can be entered in any node ordering.
Note that in general, the outcome will depend on the initial condition (the setting of the random number seed). Also, there is no good way to determine optimal annealing parameters in advance - these parameters will need to be adjusted “by hand” (particularly H, Texp, T0, and Hbrk). For large and/or dense matrices, it is highly recommended to perform exploratory runs varying the settings of ‘H’ and ‘Texp’ and then select the best values.
Based on extensive testing, it appears that T0 and Hbrk can remain unchanged in most cases. Texp may be varied from 1-1/H to 1-10/H, for example. H is the most important parameter - set to larger values as the problem size increases. Good solutions can be obtained for matrices up to about 100 nodes. It is advisable to run this function multiple times and select the solution(s) with the lowest ‘cost’.
If the two matrices are related it may be very helpful to pre-align them by reordering along their largest eigenvectors:
[v,~] = eig(M1); v1 = abs(v(:,end)); [a1,b1] = sort(v1); [v,~] = eig(M2); v2 = abs(v(:,end)); [a2,b2] = sort(v2); [a,b,c] = overlapMAT2(M1(b1,b1),M2(b2,b2),’dfun’,1);Setting ‘Texp’ to zero cancels annealing and uses a greedy algorithm instead.
- bct.backbone_wu(CIJ, avgdeg)¶
The network backbone contains the dominant connections in the network and may be used to aid network visualization. This function computes the backbone of a given weighted and undirected connection matrix CIJ, using a minimum-spanning-tree based algorithm.
Parameters: CIJ : NxN np.ndarray
weighted undirected connection matrix
avgdeg : int
desired average degree of backbone
Returns: CIJtree : NxN np.ndarray
connection matrix of the minimum spanning tree of CIJ
CIJclus : NxN np.ndarray
connection matrix of the minimum spanning tree plus strongest connections up to some average degree ‘avgdeg’. Identical to CIJtree if the degree requirement is already met.
NOTE: nodes with zero strength are discarded. NOTE: CIJclus will have a total average degree exactly equal to
(or very close to) ‘avgdeg’.- NOTE: ‘avgdeg’ backfill is handled slightly differently than in Hagmann
- et al 2008.
- bct.grid_communities(c)¶
(X,Y,INDSORT) = GRID_COMMUNITIES(C) takes a vector of community assignments C and returns three output arguments for visualizing the communities. The third is INDSORT, which is an ordering of the vertices so that nodes with the same community assignment are next to one another. The first two arguments are vectors that, when overlaid on the adjacency matrix using the PLOT function, highlight the communities.
Parameters: c : Nx1 np.ndarray
community assignments
Returns: bounds : list
list containing the communities
indsort : np.ndarray
Note: This function returns considerably different values than in matlab due to differences between matplotlib and matlab. This function has been designed to work with matplotlib, as in the following example:
ci,_=modularity_und(adj) bounds,ixes=grid_communities(ci) pylab.imshow(adj[np.ix_(ixes,ixes)],interpolation=’none’,cmap=’BuGn’) for b in bounds:
pylab.axvline(x=b,color=’red’) pylab.axhline(y=b,color=’red’)Note that I adapted the idea from the matlab function of the same name, and have not tested the functionality extensively.
- bct.reorderMAT(m, H=5000, cost='line')¶
This function reorders the connectivity matrix in order to place more edges closer to the diagonal. This often helps in displaying community structure, clusters, etc.
Parameters: MAT : NxN np.ndarray
connection matrix
H : int
number of reordering attempts
cost : str
‘line’ or ‘circ’ for shape of lattice (linear or ring lattice). Default is linear lattice.
Returns: MATreordered : NxN np.ndarray
reordered connection matrix
MATindices : Nx1 np.ndarray
reordered indices
MATcost : float
objective function cost of reordered matrix
I’m not 100% sure how the algorithms between this and reorder_matrix differ, but this code looks a ton sketchier and might have had some minor bugs in it. Considering reorder_matrix() does the same thing using a well vetted simulated annealing algorithm, just use that. ~rlaplant
- bct.reorder_matrix(m1, cost='line', verbose=False, H=10000.0, Texp=10, T0=0.001, Hbrk=10)¶
This function rearranges the nodes in matrix M1 such that the matrix elements are squeezed along the main diagonal. The function uses a version of simulated annealing.
Parameters: M1 : NxN np.ndarray
connection matrix weighted/binary directed/undirected
cost : str
‘line’ or ‘circ’ for shape of lattice (linear or ring lattice). Default is linear lattice.
verbose : bool
print out cost at each iteration. Default False.
H : int
annealing parameter, default value 1e6
Texp : int
annealing parameter, default value 1. Coefficient of H s.t. Texp0=1-Texp/H
T0 : float
annealing parameter, default value 1e-3
Hbrk : int
annealing parameter, default value = 10. Coefficient of H s.t. Hbrk0 = H/Hkbr
Returns: Mreordered : NxN np.ndarray
reordered connection matrix
Mindices : Nx1 np.ndarray
reordered indices
Mcost : float
objective function cost of reordered matrix
Note that in general, the outcome will depend on the initial condition (the setting of the random number seed). Also, there is no good way to determine optimal annealing parameters in advance - these paramters will need to be adjusted “by hand” (particularly H, Texp, and T0). For large and/or dense matrices, it is highly recommended to perform exploratory runs varying the settings of ‘H’ and ‘Texp’ and then select the best values.
Based on extensive testing, it appears that T0 and Hbrk can remain unchanged in most cases. Texp may be varied from 1-1/H to 1-10/H, for example. H is the most important parameter - set to larger values as the problem size increases. It is advisable to run this function multiple times and select the solution(s) with the lowest ‘cost’.
Setting ‘Texp’ to zero cancels annealing and uses a greedy algorithm instead.
- bct.reorder_mod(A, ci)¶
This function reorders the connectivity matrix by modular structure and may hence be useful in visualization of modular structure.
Parameters: A : NxN np.ndarray
binary/weighted connectivity matrix
ci : Nx1 np.ndarray
module affiliation vector
Returns: On : Nx1 np.ndarray
new node order
Ar : NxN np.ndarray
reordered connectivity matrix
- bct.writetoPAJ(CIJ, fname, directed)¶
This function writes a Pajek .net file from a numpy matrix
Parameters: CIJ : NxN np.ndarray
adjacency matrix
fname : str
directed : bool
True if the network is directed and False otherwise. The data format may be required to know this for some reason so I am afraid to just use directed as the default value.
Network Based Statistic¶
- nbs.nbs_bct(x, y, thresh, k=1000, tail='both', paired=False, verbose=False)¶
Performs the NBS for populations X and Y for a t-statistic threshold of alpha.
Parameters: x : NxNxP np.ndarray
matrix representing the first population with P subjects. must be symmetric.
y : NxNxQ np.ndarray
matrix representing the second population with Q subjects. Q need not equal P. must be symmetric.
thresh : float
minimum t-value used as threshold
k : int
number of permutations used to estimate the empirical null distribution
tail : {‘left’, ‘right’, ‘both’}
enables specification of particular alternative hypothesis ‘left’ : mean population of X < mean population of Y ‘right’ : mean population of Y < mean population of X ‘both’ : means are unequal (default)
paired : bool
use paired sample t-test instead of population t-test. requires both subject populations to have equal N. default value = False
verbose : bool
print some extra information each iteration. defaults value = False
Returns: pval : Cx1 np.ndarray
A vector of corrected p-values for each component of the networks identified. If at least one p-value is less than alpha, the omnibus null hypothesis can be rejected at alpha significance. The null hypothesis is that the value of the connectivity from each edge has equal mean across the two populations.
adj : IxIxC np.ndarray
an adjacency matrix identifying the edges comprising each component. edges are assigned indexed values.
null : Kx1 np.ndarray
A vector of K sampled from the null distribution of maximal component size.
ALGORITHM DESCRIPTION The NBS is a nonparametric statistical test used to isolate the components of an N x N undirected connectivity matrix that differ significantly between two distinct populations. Each element of the connectivity matrix stores a connectivity value and each member of the two populations possesses a distinct connectivity matrix. A component of a connectivity matrix is defined as a set of interconnected edges.
The NBS is essentially a procedure to control the family-wise error rate, in the weak sense, when the null hypothesis is tested independently at each of the N(N-1)/2 edges comprising the undirected connectivity matrix. The NBS can provide greater statistical power than conventional procedures for controlling the family-wise error rate, such as the false discovery rate, if the set of edges at which the null hypothesis is rejected constitues a large component or components. The NBS comprises fours steps: 1. Perform a two-sample T-test at each edge indepedently to test the
hypothesis that the value of connectivity between the two populations come from distributions with equal means.- Threshold the T-statistic available at each edge to form a set of suprathreshold edges.
- Identify any components in the adjacency matrix defined by the set of suprathreshold edges. These are referred to as observed components. Compute the size of each observed component identified; that is, the number of edges it comprises.
- Repeat K times steps 1-3, each time randomly permuting members of the two populations and storing the size of the largest component identified for each permuation. This yields an empirical estimate of the null distribution of maximal component size. A corrected p-value for each observed component is then calculated using this null distribution.
- [1] Zalesky A, Fornito A, Bullmore ET (2010) Network-based statistic:
- Identifying differences in brain networks. NeuroImage. 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2010.06.041