This is my bootstrap/setup for Drupal with all the required config and modules enabled for development.
Use the ddev to install foobar.
Instructions to install ddev can be found on their official documentation.
Clone the site. cd into the site.
- Run
ddev config
(Follow the on-screen instructions)
- Run
ddev composer install
(If required)Sometimes ddev doesn't create an entry of the hostname, so I run this command.
sudo ddev hostname
- Install the site.
ddev exec drush site-install --account-name=admin --account-pass=admin
- Let's set up the UUID for the site.
ddev exec drush cset uuid d42d4143-3157-4dae-b083-ab0e1b10d644
- Sync up the config and clear up the cache. Follow the Troubleshoot section if you face any issues here.
ddev exec drush cim -y && ddev exec drush cr
If you get the following error, which you will surely just go to /admin/config/user-interface/shortcut/manage/default/customize
and delete all the shortcut entries.
The import failed due to the following reasons:
Entities exist of type <em class="placeholder">Shortcut link</em> and <em class="placeholder
">Shortcut set</em> <em class="placeholder">Default</em>. These entities need to be deleted
before importing.
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.