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🚀🚀 「大模型」2小时完全从0训练26M的小参数GPT!🌏 Train a 26M-parameter GPT from scratch in just 2h!
Visualizes daily task completion from a Notion database as a heatmap. 将 Notion 数据库中的每日任务完成情况可视化为热图。
Zippland / ChatTTS
Forked from 2noise/ChatTTSChatTTS is a generative speech model for daily dialogue.
Zippland / Awesome-CV
Forked from posquit0/Awesome-CV📄 Awesome CV is LaTeX template for your outstanding job application
Zippland / marker
Forked from VikParuchuri/markerConvert PDF to markdown quickly with high accuracy
Zippland / ai-town
Forked from a16z-infra/ai-townA MIT-licensed, deployable starter kit for building and customizing your own version of AI town - a virtual town where AI characters live, chat and socialize.
Zippland / morphic
Forked from miurla/morphicAn AI-powered search engine with a generative UI
Convert PDF to markdown + JSON quickly with high accuracy
Zippland / NotionNext
Forked from tangly1024/NotionNext使用 NextJS + Notion API 实现的,支持多种部署方案的静态博客,无需服务器、零门槛搭建网站,为Notion和所有创作者设计。 (A static blog built with NextJS and Notion API, supporting multiple deployment options. No server required, zero threshold t…
Zippland / PTEBookingST
Forked from seacen/PTEBookingSTBooking PTE Academic Exam With Ease
Zippland / Txt2Voice
Forked from Keven1894/ttskittext to speech toolkit. 好用的中文语音合成工具箱,包含语音编码器、语音合成器、声码器和可视化模块。
🎮 Step-by-step instructions on how to recreate Amiibo cards for Animal Crossing: New Horizons. For educational purposes only. Series 5 data uploaded.
Zippland / ChatGPT_WeChat
Forked from ToryPan/ChatGPT_WeChat未认证微信公众号接入chatgpt,新增语音聊天(英语对话),基于Flask,实现个人微信公众号【无认证】接入ChatGPT
Stable Diffusion web UI
Zippland / ItChat
Forked from littlecodersh/ItChatA complete and graceful API for Wechat. 微信个人号接口、微信机器人及命令行微信,三十行即可自定义个人号机器人。
Zippland / maybefinance
Forked from maybe-finance/maybeThe OS for your personal finances