class Program
public static void Main(string[] args)
class MyApp
public static void Print(string text, int count)
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
>myexe print -text:"Hello World" -count:10 Hello World Hello World Hello World Hello World Hello World Hello World Hello World Hello World Hello World Hello World
Complex sample: Various verbs, global handlers, help handler, validation, default values, switches, arrays
class MyApp
[Global(Aliases = "d", Description = "Launch a debugger")]
public static void Debug()
// this is a global parameter handler.
// it works for any verb.
[Empty, Help]
public static void Help(string help)
// this is an empty handler that prints
// the automatic help string to the console.
public static void Print(string text, int count)
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
public static void Foo(
[Parameter(Aliases = "t", Description = "A string parameter with an additional alias")]
string text,
[Parameter(Default = 5, Description = "An int parameter with a default")]
int number,
[Parameter(Default = 42.3, Description = "A double parameter with validation and a default value")]
double percent,
[Parameter(Description = "A bool parameter, which can be used as a switch")]
bool verbose,
[Parameter(Description = "An enum parameter")]
OptionEnum option,
[Parameter(Description = "An array of strings")]
string[] array)
Console.WriteLine("text = {0}", text);
Console.WriteLine("number = {0}", number);
Console.WriteLine("percent = {0}", percent);
Console.WriteLine("verbose = {0}", verbose);
Console.WriteLine("option = {0}", option);
Console.WriteLine("array = [{0}]", string.Join(",", array));
>myexe foo -t:hello -number:88 -percent:12.446 -verbose -option:Option2 -array:a,b,c,d text = hello number = 88 percent = 12.446 verbose = True option = Option2 array = [a,b,c,d]
No arguments, help is printed:
>myexe Print: -text: [String] -count: [Int32] Foo: -text/t: A string parameter with an additional alias [String] -number: An int parameter with a default [Int32, Default = 5] -percent: A double parameter with validation and a default value [Double, Default = 42.3, More than 10, Less than 100] -verbose: A bool parameter, which can be used as a switch [Boolean] -option: An enum parameter [OptionEnum] -array: An array of strings [String[]] Global parameters: -Debug/d: Launch a debugger [Boolean]