Traffic/transportation catalog prototype SPA.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
To run this project locally, you need NodeJS and npm installed.
npm install
yarn install
npm run test a
yarn test a
- We follow a standard structure for React/Redux single-page JS application.
- We call upon a small NodeJS app to serve the application in production environment.
- The application's global state is small and dry. All transformations needed to compute derived data (e.g. filtering records) are extracted to selectors.
- We use react-router package to pair the application with browser history, and a third-party middleware to sync the browser history with application state.
We assume the following:
- The remote service API (backend) returns the result-set in one shot and does not handle neither pagination nor filtering.
- Incoming data is properly formatted and consistent as per the format provided in the instructions.
- Filter results as instructed and show total results.
- Filter inputs change based on results.
- Data retrieval error handling
- Full synchronization with browser history: search params reflect in the query string portion for easier search sharing E.g. /search?colors[]=black&types[]=airplane
- Pagination support, currently with a fixed pageSize of 5 (hardcoded in application state).
- Internationalization/Translations Support
- Increase code coverage
- Track down all hardcoded text and use translation keys instead
- Include pagination (pageSize, page) in the Url.
- Add "Order by" criteria
- Move locale/language to global application state: currently EN (English) hardcoded
- Add support for CI (continuous integration)
- ReactJS - The view library used
- Redux - The state management library used
- Create React App - The boilerplate used
This project is licensed under the MIT License.