This is a URL shortener service for UvA project. There are three microservices in the system, which is api-service, authenticator-service, and database. The users need to provide a valid access token in the HTTP Authorization header when requesting every API in api-service, which the access token can be obtained through the authenticator-service. Both api-service and authenticator-service would access database to store and load the user information and the short and full URL mapping.
We provide two deployments methods for the URL shortener project. The first one is on Docker. The second one is on Kubernetes. The source code of url-shortener project is under url-shortener/url-shortener/
directory. The deployment script for Docker (assignment 3.1) is under url-shortener/deployment/docker
directory, and the deployment script for Kubernetes (assignment 3.2) is under url-shortener/deployment/kubernetes
directory. Below is the rough directory layout of our project.
.github/ # The github workflow action. Build and push the docker image when commit.
docker/ # Contain the script to deploy url-shortener on Docker (assignment 3.1).
kubernetes/ # Contain the Ansible script to deploy Kubernetes cluster and
# depoly url-shortener on Kubernetes. (assignment 3.2).
url-shortener/ # Contain the common source that would be used in both docker and kubernetes.
api/ # The source code of api-service, including Dockerfile.
authenenticator/ # The source code of authenticator-service, including Dockerfile.
db/ # The Dockerfile of database.
Get started with URL Shortener on Docker
Install Docker engine and Docker compose
The easiest way is to install Docker Desktop, which includes Docker Compose along with Docker Engine and Docker CLI.
To install url-shortener service, follow the below steps:
Clone the url-shortener repository
git clone
Deploy and run url-shortener service on Docker
bash url-shortener/deployment/docker/
See and interact with RESTful APIs on for api-service and for authenticator-service.
Get started with URL Shortener on Kuberentes
Prepare target machines for Kubernetes Cluster
Prepare at least two target machines with Debian 11 operating system X86_64 architecutre. The target machines need to have at least 2 CPU and 4 Gi memory.
The deployment of Kubernetes cluster might fail under other environments.
Prepare one host as Ansible node
Please follow the step in Ansible documentation to install Ansible on the node that is able to connect with target machines. Choose one of the targe machines as the Ansible node is also acceptable.
Enable SSH connection on target machines
The ansible node communicate with target machines through SSH connection. Therefore, the target machines need to enable SSH connection.
To install url-shortener service, follow the below steps:
Clone the url-shortener repository
Clone the project on the Ansible node.
git clone
Configure inventory file
Modify the target machines information in
. This allow Ansible node to connect with the target machines.[master] k8s-master ansible_host= ansible_user=student169 ansible_password=passwd [worker] k8s-worker1 ansible_host= ansible_user=student170 ansible_password=passwd k8s-worker2 ansible_host= ansible_user=student171 ansible_password=passwd
You only have to modify ansible_host, ansible_user, and ansible_password these three field. Do not change other parts. To note that the provided ansible_user must be sudo user.
Deploy and run url-shortener service on Kubernetes
bash url-shortener/deployment/kubernetes/
Before access our service, add the mapping of to one of your target machines IP address in /etc/hosts
# The example record of /etc/hosts file #
After adding the mapping, see and interact with RESTful APIs on for api-service and for authenticator-service.
- Environment variable configuration
If you want your url-shortener service run on different port, configure the environment variable in url-shortener/url-shortener/.env
file. Also, you can modify the database password, the base URL, and the lifespan of access token in this file. The default configuration is shown as below.
Deploy parital services
If you only want to deploy parital service instead of all services, you can control it by configure
file[v] k8s [v] monitor-service [v] infra-service [v] app-service
- k8s: Deploy Kubernetes cluster.
- monitor-service: Deploy k9s on master node.
- infra-service: Deploy Calico, Ingress NGINX Controller, and Longhorn.
- app-service: Deploy URL Shortener, which include api-service, authenticator-service, and database.
The default configuration is to deploy everything. For example, if you only want to deploy k8s and monitor-service. Just tick these two and cross others as below shown.
[v] k8s [v] monitor-service [x] infra-service [x] app-service
URL Shortener Environment variable configuration
If you want to change the database username and password or the service domain name. Configure the variable in
Other configuration
In fact, all of our the service deployment is managed through Helm Charts. Therefore, more configurable value can be found in the
file in the helm charts of each services. For example, you can configure the number of replica of url-shortener pod inurl-shortner/deployment/kubernetes/ansible/roles/deploy-k8s-service/files/app-service/url-shortener/helm/url-shortener/values.yaml
file. The detail directory layout of our project is shown below.url-shortener/ .github/ # The github workflow action. Build and push # The docker image when commit. url-shortener/ # Contain the common source that would # be used in both docker and kubernetes. deployment/ docker/ # Contain the script to deploy url-shortener # on Docker (assignment 3.1). kubernetes/ # Contain the Ansible script to deploy Kubernetes cluster and # depoly url-shortener on Kubernetes. (assignment 3.2). taglist ansible/ hosts # The inventory file for target machine playbook.yaml roles/ ansible-init/ # Init connection between target machine and # ansible node. helm/ # Install Helm on master node. docker/ # Install Docker Engine on all machines. k8s-install/ # Install kubeadm, kubelet, kubectl on all machines. k8s-master-init/ # Init master node. k8s-worker-init/ # Join k8s cluster. deploy-k8s-service/ # Deploy service on k8s. tasks/ files/ app-services/ # Contains the helm charts and deploy script of app-services. url-shortener/ helm/ # Helm chart of url-shortener. url-shortener/ charts/ templates/ Chart.yaml values.yaml # Configure more values in this file. config.ini infra-services/ calico/ helm/ # Helm chart of calico. ingress-nginx/ helm/ # Helm chart of calico. longhorn/ helm/ # Helm chart of longhorn. monitor-service/ k9s/
Our application refer to this structure, as we consider it as properly structure.
The error handle of our application for 400 and 404 exceptions refer to Blueprint Error Handlers in Flask official document.
The token signature refer to rsa-sign-verify-example