There are two ways for the ULP to be deployed on the server A. with domain B. without domain
git clone
Go to specific directory where you have clone the repository i.e. ref-automation Then perform the following command
sudo chmod -R +x
export your_domain=<domain_name> (Example : export
Then run the file ./
Register The Server IP in the domain name in A records and wait for the validation. Install Certbot To install certbot for the ubuntu20.04 for nginx use cases follow the below command
sudo apt install certbot python3-certbot-nginx
sudo certbot
Add your mail id in the next step. Then agree to the terms and conditions by Typing "A" + Enter After that
certbot will show you domain name you have setup select the appropriate domain name there with number
Ex :
Then select 1
Select the option redirecting the http to https access and you are done with the SSL certificates
For adding directory for the monitoring services perform below steps sudo chmod +x
Run the file by ./
Then it will stop at the password step Enter and you will receive a root password and add that password in the .env.sample file on line no. 45 in below variables in .env file
#monitoring-stack GRAYLOG_ROOT_PASSWORD_SHA2=<add_root_password_here>
After installing certificates to the domain go to specific directory i.e. ref-automation And perform the following command
sudo su -
Then go to specific directory where you have clone the repo :
Run the command : make
It will deploy all the services on the server.
Add the required Entries in the nginx file in below location /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/test.conf
git clone Go to specific directory where you have clone the repository i.e. ref-automation For adding directory for the monitoring services perform below steps sudo chmod +x
Run the file by ./
Then it will stop at the password step then Enter and you will receive a root password and add that password in the .env.sample file on line no. 45 in below variables in .env file
#monitoring-stack GRAYLOG_ROOT_PASSWORD_SHA2=<add_root_password_here>
Perform the following command for installing the services on the server
sudo su -
Then go to specific directory where you have clone the repo : i.e. ref-automation
Run the command : make
It will deploy all the services on the server.
Add the required Entries in the nginx file in below location /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/test.conf