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Garth Braithwaite edited this page Sep 19, 2013 · 5 revisions


  • Support flexible data, but defintely the following:
    • Name
    • display component
    • display code snippet - html, css blocks
    • url to bin example js
    • tags (ie. dark, desktop, mobile, etc.)
    • flags like whether the components needs to be in an iframe
  • Node.js based (users shouldn't have to install new environments just to use our tools)
  • Customizable template

Available Solutions:



  • Node based
  • Follows kss style of documentation
  • Psuedo class modifiers


  • url to bin example js
  • tags (ie. dark, desktop, mobile, etc.)
  • flags like whether the components needs to be in an iframe
  • Customization



  • Description
  • Modifiers (states, etc.)
  • Styleguide section - to link to a section in the style guide


  • Good following
  • Well tested


  • Node support
  • Markup code is separate
  • No support for custom data
A button suitable for giving stars to someone.

:hover             - Subtle hover highlight.
.stars-given       - A highlight indicating you've already given a star.
.stars-given:hover - Subtle hover highlight on top of stars-given styling.
.disabled          - Dims the button to indicate it cannot be used.

Styleguide 2.1.3.

##CSS Doc


  • Extracts file-scope documentation for each CSS source file.
  • Extracts documentation for rule sets (i.e. a set of selectors separated by commas with a declaration).
  • Files can be separated into several sections.
  • For rule set documentation, html code examples can be incorporated into the documentation.
  • Generates selector, section and file index pages.


  • Node support



  • Custom data


  • Command line tool
  • Data structure - It is a little too flexible

#Related Solutions: These aren't specifically for css, but are good reference.



  • highly structured


  • no room for custom data
  • really designed for ruby or similar object oriented code
# Public: Duplicate some text an arbitrary number of times.
# text  - The String to be duplicated.
# count - The Integer number of times to duplicate the text.
# Examples
#   multiplex('Tom', 4)
#   # => 'TomTomTomTom'
# Returns the duplicated String.
def multiplex(text, count)
  text * count



  • Details
  • Supports rich formatting
  • Supports inheritance


  • For Actionscript :)
* This is the typical format of a simple multiline comment
* for the myMethod() method.
* <p>This is the second paragraph of the main description
* of the <code>myMethod</code> method.
* Notice that you do not use the paragraph tag in the
* first paragraph of the description.</p>
* @param param1 Describe param1 here.
* @param param2 Describe param2 here.
* @return A value of <code>true</code> means this; 
* <code>false</code> means that.
* @see someOtherMethod
public function myMethod(param1:String, param2:Number):Boolean {}
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