Application made during a NLW, event promoted by @Rocketseat_Oficial
Project | Technologies | Run | Author | Credits |
Rocketpay is an Elixir application developed at Next Level Week, a payment API was created, which creates an account for the user, among the features are: deposits, withdrawals and transfers. This API is covered by automated tests and its routes are protected by authentication
Main Technologies:
It is a 🇧🇷 Brazilian functional programming language, perfect for scalable applications and tolerant of errors. It is a good language to work with multi tasks, competition, real time and others
OBS: Elixir need of Earlang, by default the Elixir Installer installs Erlang, but if necessary, install separately by click on this image
Build rich, interactive web applications quickly, with less code and fewer moving parts. Join our growing community of developers using Phoenix to craft APIs, HTML5 apps and more, for fun or at scale.
by default the Phoenix installs Credo, but if necessary, install separately by click on this image
PostgreSQL is a powerful, open source object-relational database system with over 30 years of active development that has earned it a strong reputation for reliability, feature robustness, and performance. See more: PostgresSQL - Home
Install by click on this Image:
$ git clone ""
$ git pull ""
$ cd rocketpay
mix deps.get
mix deps.recompile
mix ecto.setup
mix ecto.create
mix ecto.gen.migration create_TableName_table
mix ecto.migration
mix test
mix phx.server
Now Your server is running in localhost:4000
If you want see details of your application, access the dashboard of Phoenix: localhost:4000/dashboard/home
mix ecto.drop

Samuel Ricardo