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Releases: SalieriC/SWIM


28 Mar 15:32
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[1.4.0] - 2023-03-28

☮️ Peace in the world, or the world in pieces. 🕊️


  • Added a couple failsafes to the Fear Table macro hopefully improving its ability to find what it is looking for.
  • Play the unshake SFX when successfully removing Stunned from a BRSW chat card.
  • Added full support for injuries added by BRSW. The injury active effect will...
    • ... be given a new name so that it is in line with those placed by SWIM.
    • ... be given a new icon unique to the injury.
    • ... be given new effects that respect the rules a bit better, especially in the case of leg and scar injuries.
    • ... be given the proper SWIM flags needed to remove the injuries with the Personal Health Centre.
  • Brought back the token merging effect on the Shape Changer.
  • Added affected to power effect builder flags.
  • Added a warning when a player tries to shape change while the GM is on a different scene. The Warning is displayed to the GM only.
  • Shape Changer now sets the linked actor to the one created from the Shape Changer. This happens only if the actor who changes form is currently the linked actor of the user who shape changes (to prevent allied extras from becoming linked). This will never happen for GMs.


  • Invisible Power Effect doesn't turn tokens fully invisible anymore, instead they get a transparency to not hinder gameplay.
    • The previous alpha value is saved on the token and restored when the effect is removed.
    • As a consequence, SWIM doesn't use the invisible status effect anymore but creates its own AE.
    • Invisible in this fashion sets Alpha to 0.25 and for Intangibility the Alpha was changed to 0.5.
  • Updated the Wiki with the new changes.


  • Fixed a bug where SWIM didn't pass the proper actor when damage was applied from a BRSW chat card, resulting in sfx not playing.


  • Shape Changer doesn't adopt sight and detection modes from the original actor. This was done to prevent the assumed form from becoming worse eyesight in case the creature has superior eyesight compared to the actor assuming the form. As a result, GMs have to set sight and detection modes properly for the Shape Change template.

A note from Sal:

The last year was very hard for me and I haven't ate a cucumber in months because they cost about 3€ here. But I'm back and slowly making my way through some important changes and improvements on all my modules while at the same time working on some other RPG products. If you want to take a look at what I'm doing, you can find all the products over at DriveThruRPG: Adellos Token Factory on DTRPG
If you buy any Adellos product there, I will get a small share from the revenue for my work on them. They are all very high quality and worth the price, I promise.
If you want to support me more directly however, please head over to my Ko-fi page: Support me on Ko-fi
Your support is much appreciated. And as a little token of gratitude: Everyone who donates 5€ or more me on my Ko-fi will get a free, custom made token. Please leave your Discord tag in your Ko-fi message (and make sure you accept direct messages) and I'll DM you to make that happen. Just note that this is not a business deal, it's a token of gratitude from me. You have no legal right to demand the token. (This note is required by law.) Thank you very much for your support.


13 Mar 09:36
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[1.3.0] - 2023-03-13

☮️ Peace in the world, or the world in pieces. 🕊️


  • Campfire ambient sound effect.
  • New craft campfire macro and script that allows players to create a campfire.
    • It allows the user to select a location where then a campfire is created as a tile including a light source and ambient sound.
    • Currently this works without a roll and no resource consumption but this may be added at a later time.
    • Note that this works best (but does not require) Monk's Active Tile Triggers. Without this module the placed campfire tile, sound and light need to be deleted manually. With Monk's Active Tile Triggers you can simply double click the campfire to delete all of them at once.
  • New setting to choose a campfire animation or image.
  • Stealth as a skill for consumable weapons, because of mines, I guess?
  • Added Compatibility with the generic Unstun Bonus introduced by SWADE in v.2.2: The Unstun Script now checks for that bonus and is backwards compatible, so AEs with SWIM.unStunMod as change will still work. I strongly advise to not mix and match both effect keys on the same actor as this could lead to unexpected behaviour.
  • Effect Builder now supports the Relief: Numb power. Duration is always an hour and it is not maintained according to the rules. It sets the system.woundsOrFatigue.ignored property (introduced by SWADE v.2.2) to 1 or 2 with a raise.
  • Started work on a new Power Point Management. Far from being completed yet and currently unusable and inaccessible; I just lack the time to complete it right now.


  • Changed some image styling in some chat messages in the translation strings.
  • Consumable weapons are now deleted when the last one is used as BRSW now allows rolling damage for deleted items.


  • Fixed another bug that caused the reloading sfx to not play in certain circumstances.
  • Arcane Protection from the BRSW support will now reduce damage as it should.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the Power Effect Builder to add Arcane Potection when Damage Field was chosen.
  • Fixed a bug in the Mighty Summoner that caused the dismiss dialogue to not appear due to changes Warpgate made. This now uses SWIM flags to make it more resilient against changes.
  • Fixed a bug in the Effect Builder that caused Pace to not get boosted on applying the Speed effect.


03 Dec 12:01
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[1.2.3] - 2022-12-03

☮️ Peace in the world, or the world in pieces. 🕊️


  • Shape Change presets in the dialogue to change shape are now sorted by size and name. The options also show the size.
  • Token Vision now respects and uses values taken from SWPF which is fortunately not as lackluster on ranges than SWADE.


  • Fixed a bug that caused the ToC block list of SWADE to be reset.
  • Fixed a bug in the Ammo Management that caused AEs from ammo to not be applied when the loaded ammo was empty.
  • Fixed a bug in the Ammo Management that caused the reload SFX to not be played under certain circumstances.


21 Nov 14:38
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[1.2.2] - 2022-11-21

☮️ Peace in the world, or the world in pieces. 🕊️


  • New translation strings.


  • Token vision macro always enables vision unless the "No Change" option was chosen for vision (in which case it just uses the current value).
  • Token vision macro now also fully supports the systems infravision sight mode.
  • Updated the deflection global actions for BRSW (thanks @grendel111111).


  • Fixed a critical Bug in the migration of items. Note that this only affects items migrated manually, the migration that ran automatically was not affected and should be fine.
  • Fixed several bugs in the ammo management which made it impossible to use.
  • Fixed a bug in Power Effect Builder where a property path was declared faulty.
  • Fixed a bug in the Shape Changer Macro that caused the user to not get permission of the actor they change into.
  • Fixed a bug in the Shape Changer Macro that caused the function to stop due to sequencer not getting a proper scale for the animation.
  • Fixed a few instances where functions didn't get the sound effects properly.


11 Nov 15:55
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[1.2.1] - 2022-11-11

☮️ Peace in the world, or the world in pieces. 🕊️


  • Two new SFX (night vision device toggled on and off).
  • Completely overhauled Token Vision Macro to integrate Foundry v10 features.
  • Button in lighting controls of a scene that defines the illumination level of the current scene.
    • This will set the default selected illumination level in the Token Vision macros dialogue.
    • If not set, the macro will make an estimation based on the darkness level of the scene.
  • New translation strings.


  • Skills on the power effect builder macro now get sorted properly.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the initiative tracker showing the wrong turn when toggling on the holding status effect. (SWIM will continue to provide it's own functionality as it is more expanding on the feature.)
  • Token Vision macro works again.

WARNING: The token vision macro will irreversibly overwrite your configured detection modes on the token! This is because it's really hard to deal with them atm. It will set up "Basic sight" and "See heat" as the others are not that useful for SWADE right now. I will adjust that when this changes.


05 Nov 19:29
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[1.2.0] - 2022-11-05

☮️ Peace in the world, or the world in pieces. 🕊️


  • Conviction Maintenance:
    • When a new round in combat starts, a dialogue is shown to players maintaining conviction.
    • In the dialogue, you can choose to spend a Benny to maintain your conviction or...
    • decline and your conviction will be deactivated.
    • The dialogue is not shown if you are out of Bennies and conviction will end.
    • This will only happen if the conviction condition (provided by SUCC) is active, so you can still activate conviction using another effect and maintain it indefinitely if you want.
  • New Translation strings.


  • The check_bennies function now takes an optional modifier (boolean) to stop the no more bennies left notification. It defaults to true.


03 Nov 16:36
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[1.1.0] - 2022-11-03

☮️ Peace in the world, or the world in pieces. 🕊️


  • Highly automated Fear Table macro. Various effects are applied to te selected targets depending on the result of the table.
    • You need to select the cause of the fear, the macro will try to find the Fear modifier for it.
    • Target all of those tokens who were unable to make their spirit roll and the macro will roll on the fear table for each and applies the appropriate effects.
  • Added Heart Attack removal to the Personal healing Centre macro.
  • New API functions: swim.shake(token) and swim.stun(token) which adds Shaken and Stunned respectively and plays the appropriate SFX.


  • Breaking: The Fear Table macro now requires exactly one token to be selected and one or more to be targeted.
  • Made the callback functions (rolls to unshake, unstun and Bleeding out) optional.
  • Added more SWIM compendiums to the toc block list.


31 Oct 17:15
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[1.0.0] - 2022-10-31

☮️ Peace in the world, or the world in pieces. 🕊️


  • New Setting that lets users choose to use the SWD unshake rules. If this setting is active...
    • ... SWIM will disable the adjust Pace with Wounds Setting and
    • puts an effect to Shaken that halves the actors Pace.
  • SWIM now overwrites the callback functions of effects in SWIM, meaning it will initiate its own functions when the character is Shaken, Stunned or Bleeding Out. You are notified about that on your turn.
  • A way to add a bonus to unstun rolls using Active Efects. To use it create an active effect with the attribute key SWIM.unStunMod (case sensitive), the change mode Add and a value of your choosing. A bonus must not have a + in front of the number, a penalty needs a - in front of the number.
  • If the Summoner has the Command edge, the Fervor and/or the Hold the Line! edge, the summoner will add an AE to the summoned creature which respects that.
  • New translation strings and extended localization of the module.
  • New API function which returns all contents of a folder and its sub-folders up to three layers deep.
  • On startup SWIM will check if the actor folder compendium is in the systems block toc list and if not prompt a dialogue to add it as otherwise the folders are invisible.
  • Add button in the header of items and actors that opens a SWIM configuration window (@loofou).
    • The button is accessible by the GM and optionally by players (see settings).
    • The data will be saved no matter if you hit save or the close button to prevent accidental data loss.
    • Along with this comes a new way of storing data, menaing that existing actor and item configurations using additional stats would break, so...
    • a migration script is provided that goes through all actors and items of a world (but not compendiums) and updates them to this new way of storing data.
    • all items and actors not covered by the script (i.e. because they're in a compendium or imported later) are migrated as soon as the SWIM config button is pressed. (In this case the actor and all its items are migrated at once or only the item if the button is pressed on the item.) The migration will also start as soon as the new data is needed (i.e. when using a macro that tries to accesses the new stuff on an actor or item.)
    • The migration function is also exposed in case it is needed. See the wiki for more information.
  • Added the get_weapon_sfx api function to get the sfx from the flags of a weapon.
  • Added file pickers for more SFX to actors (becoming stunned, gaining and loosing fatigue).
  • Soak Damage macro should now play the death SFX on a perish result.
  • A configuration for actors that lets users select a pronoun for each character and NPC.
  • Better BRSW integration: The global actions SWIM needs to function with BRWS together are now set up automatically. Please delete those from SWIM you've set up earlier.


  • Breaking: Changed the API so that the Unshake macro gets the version from the settings rather than being passed to the function. This means that the Unshake macro needs to be replaced by the one in the SWIM compendium.
    • Added a detailed error message explaining the problem in case the old version of the macro is used.
  • Adjusted property paths to support FoundryVTT v10.
  • SWIM now completely ignores the death flag featured in Health Estimate. Instead the proper incapacitation icon will be set in the Health Estimate settings when the game starts and HE is installed. As a result, HE is not a dependency any longer, though still strongly suggested.
  • Adjusted manifest to reflect the FVTT v10 requirements.
  • Changed some translation strings.
  • Removed settings-extender.js and moved to the regular dependency structure suggested by the lib now.
  • A creature summoned with a raise will now receive a max wound in addition to its current max wounds instead of setting it fixed to one. This should cover the Fantasy Companion where some summonable creatures already are resilient.
  • General cleanup of code.
  • Changed the get_actor_sfx api function to get the sfx from the flags instead of the additional stats.
  • Ammo Management completely overhauled (@loofou):
    • Refactored the macro completely and added a new design to the dialogue. It now should display the proper options depending on selection (shooting or reloading)
    • Implement Ammo ActiveEffect system: Ammo that has an Active Effect assigned to it using the SWIM configuration on the ammo item, is applying the effect on the actor if the ammo is loaded. The effect is removed when the ammo is unloaded.
    • Ammo management now uses the audio from the SWIM config instead of additional stats as well as other configurations.
  • Renamed the module to "SWADE Immersion Module". It describes better what it is now and keeps the cool abbreviation.


  • Fixed a bug in the effect builder that didn't set maintainedPowers additional stat up when the caster was also the target.
  • Fixed a bug in the Shape Changer that rendered the ignore size rule setting useless (thanks @jdavasligil).
  • Fixed a bug when holding which resulted on having the combat tracker focus on top of the tracker instead of the token which should have its turn.
  • Fixed a bug that created a second result chat message when an actor rolled a critical failure to unstun.
  • Fixed a bug that caused a duplicate dialogue when using the token vision macro.
  • Fixed a massive bug that caused a freeze scenario in the fall damage macro in FVTT v10.
  • Fixed a bug in the Power Effect Builder that applied Distracted twice on Confusion instead of Distracted and Vulnerable.
  • Power Effect Builder is now able apply multiple instances of Protection, Smite, Boost and Lower.
  • Typo in the Loot-o-Mat.

Known Issues

  • Holding still breaks on first round of combat but I have no clue why.
  • The Shape Changer macro throws a lot of errors when merging. Line 235, 350 and 365 where disabled to prevent that until further investigation. That means that the token merging / blending feature is disabled for now. It otherwise works as it should. The feature will be reindtroduced once the issue was found.


  • Unshake macros from the compendium were removed and unified into a single macro since the version is now drawn from the settings.
  • Removed v10 update warning.


  • Old macros deprecated from the repo. They are still available in a zip file in case s/o wants to check them out.
  • Ways to get data from additional stats were completely removed. A migration is provided.


14 Aug 19:08
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[0.18.5] - 2022-08-14

☮️ Peace in the world, or the world in pieces. 🕊️


  • Soak damage now also handles Bleeding Out rolls.


  • The play_sfx function now accepts a boolean to determine whether the SFX should be played for everyone (true) or just the current user (false). It defaults to true.


  • Falling damage now caps at 10d6+10.

Please note: This is very likely to be the very last SWIM version for Foundry version 10. There will be a v10 compatible version but it won't come a few days after the stable release of v10. It could even take several weeks to make an update ready as I am busy and have a lot of scripts to update. If you need SWIM then do not update to Foundry version 10 right away. Wait until I release a compatible version. There is no going back from v10 to v9 without a backup so make your decision in advance.


22 Jul 15:06
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[0.18.4] - 2022-07-22

☮️ Peace in the world, or the world in pieces. 🕊️


  • Added FVTT card deck support for the chase setup (thanks a lot @mafamac).


  • Two bugs in the PEB that caused either not applying additional changes to protection or not adding it at all.
  • Falling damage didn't explode.