[0.6.0] - 2021-03-10
It is mandatory to read the ReadMe for this module. Read it in full before you complain about anything.
You need to update these macros:
- (Un-)Stunned
- Personal Health Centre
- RollTable importer macro.
- Cure Fatigue and Healing Potion options added to the Personal Health Centre macro.
- Drinking a potion reduces its quantity. If it was the last it gets removed.
- Drinking a potion has its own sfx (configurable in the settings).
- Potion names can be configures in the modules settings. Must be exact names (also case sensitive) and seperated by
- Potion names can be configures in the modules settings. Must be exact names (also case sensitive) and seperated by
- Added a drinking sfx to the assets.
- Unstun chat message on spending a Benny was giving false information.