StarWars Portfolio is a modern animated web portfolio themed-on Star Wars that showcases my skills, projects, work experience, tech blogs, educational background, and certifications.
- Contact Form: A robust contact form using React Hook Form and Zod for data validation.
- Real-time Email Validation: A real-time email address validation by fetching ZeroBounce API to visualize the status of the validation result and form submission, enhancing user experience and reliability.
- Auto-reply System: An auto-reply system using EmailJS REST API to ensure seamless communication.
- Secured API Keys: The API keys are stored in the Dotenv file to minimize the risk of exposing sensitive data to the client side, ensuring security.
- Tech Blog Showcase: Integration with DEV Community API to display the latest blog posts, including likes (heart), comments, estimated reading time, and links.
- Project Showcase: Detailed information about various projects, including live links, demo videos, docs on GitHub repos, technologies used, etc.
- Credential Showcase: A timeline of professional and educational backgrounds with detailed descriptions, skills, and links to certifications.
- Skill Showcase: Modern user-friendly interface to showcase skills I'm familiar with and primary technologies I'm proficient in the most, including their percentages.
- Full Responsive Design: The website is fully responsive and works on mobile, tablet, laptop, and desktop devices.
- Modern Animation: The website is animated by Framer Motion, including revealing animations, loading screen like Star Wars opening scene, and scrolling slideshow using Swiper.
PS: Framer Motion was recently renamed to Motion in November 2024.
- Main:
- APIs: DEV | ZeroBounce | EmailJS
- Other Tools and Open Source Libraries: axios | dotenv | swiper | react hook form | zod | typewriterjs | react-icon-cloud | react-vertical-timeline | cobe | magicui | animata | react-icons
- Prerequisites: Git is installed on your local machine.
- Clone the repo:
git clone
- Install dependencies:
cd root_of_your_folder
npm install
- React
- Vite
- Tailwind CSS
- Framer Motion (Motion)
- Swiper
- Axios
- Dotenv
- Run the project:
npm run dev
- Open your browser and navigate to:
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.