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Releases: RoyalIcing/flambeau

Add combineReducers()

17 Oct 23:26
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  • Add combineReducers() for combining Flambeau-style reducers.
  • Dispatched actions now always have a type (of FLAMBEAU_ACTION_TYPE).

Breaking changes:

  • getConsensus() now accepts getStates() instead of states.
  • Built-in store class is now exported at flambeau/Store – this might be removed outright down the line.
  • Removed SimpleGraphController.

Improved getConsensus()

22 Sep 15:29
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Breaking changes:

  • Using getConsensus() is much better, with it now appearing on the connected action set (e.g. currentActionSet.getConsensus.yourIntrospection within an action creator)
    • Consensus result now returns an object with some, every, reduce, and toArray methods. See [the docs]((docs/ for more information.

Composable API with Redux support

14 Sep 13:03
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Adds support for Redux, allowing integration with the fantastic Redux community’s middleware and tools.

import { createStore, applyMiddleware } from 'redux';
import { createRootReducer, connectActionSetsToStore } from 'flambeau/redux';
import actionSets from '../actions';
import reducers from '../reducers';

const createStoreWithMiddleware = applyMiddleware(
  // All your favorite redux middleware

const rootReducer = createRootReducer({ reducers, idToProps: {} });
export const store = createStoreWithMiddleware(rootReducer, initialState);
export const connectedActionSets = connectActionSetsToStore({ actionSets, store });