my problerm with RMB this is my modlist: Version: 1 Name: standard Mods:
- Id: brrainz.harmony Name: Harmony
- Id: ludeon.rimworld Name: Core
- Id: nals.facialanimation Name: '[NL] Facial Animation - WIP'
- Id: chaeren.sculptures Name: Erotic Greek Sculptures
- Id: ludeon.rimworld.royalty Name: Royalty
- Id: com.distman.gastrap Name: Gas Traps And Shells
- Id: erdelf.humanoidalienraces Name: Humanoid Alien Races
- Id: oskarpotocki.vanillafactionsexpanded.core Name: Vanilla Expanded Framework
- Id: vanillaexpanded.vfepower Name: Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Power
- Id: unlimitedhugs.hugslib Name: HugsLib
- Id: unlimitedhugs.allowtool Name: Allow Tool
- Id: neronix17.toolbox Name: Tabula Rasa
- Id: Name: '[O21] Forgotten Realms'
- Id: rjw.cumflationgraphics Name: Cumflation Graphics
- Id: shauaputa.rimnudeworld Name: RimNudeWorld
- Id: hpregmod.nephila Name: Nephila HPreg Mod (WIP)
- Id: jecrell.jecstools Name: JecsTools (Unofficial)
- Id: Name: RimJobWorld
- Id: eagleofphantoms.betterrjw Name: BetterRJW
- Id: rjw.milk.humanoid Name: RimJobWorld - Milkable Colonists
- Id: s16.core Name: RJW Apparel and Sextoys Extension
- Id: ed86.rjwia Name: RimJobWorld - Interaction Addon
- Id: rimworld.ekss.rjwex Name: RimJobWorld - Extension
- Id: rjw.sexperience Name: RJW Sexperience
- Id: Name: RJW-Events
- Id: fluffy.pharmacist Name: Pharmacist
- Id: heymyteamrules.beastmantribes Name: Beast Man Tribes
- Id: haplo.miscellaneous.robots Name: Misc. Robots
- Id: gloomylynx.dragonianrace Name: Dragonian Race
- Id: frozensnowfox.advancedbionicsexpansion Name: '[FSF] Advanced Bionics Expansion'
- Id: fluffy.medicaltab Name: Medical Tab
- Id: vanillaexpanded.achievements Name: Vanilla Achievements Expanded
- Id: forsakens.fauna Name: 'Forsakens: Fauna'
- Id: mlie.logannrace Name: Logann Race (Continued)
- Id: oblitus.animalslogic Name: Animals Logic
- Id: oskarpotocki.vfe.insectoid Name: Vanilla Factions Expanded - Insectoids
- Id: mlie.cannibalmeals Name: Cannibal and Insect Meals
- Id: lwm.deepstorage Name: LWM's Deep Storage
- Id: oskarpotocki.vfe.mechanoid Name: Vanilla Factions Expanded - Mechanoids
- Id: rah.rbse Name: Rah's Bionics and Surgery Expansion
- Id: dastardlii.rjw.rbse Name: RJW_RBSE
- Id: vanillaexpanded.vcef Name: Vanilla Fishing Expanded
- Id: regrowth.botr.core Name: 'ReGrowth Remastered: Core'
- Id: regrowth.botr.extinctanimalspack Name: 'ReGrowth: Extinct Animals Pack'
- Id: odeum.wmbp Name: World Map Beautification Project
- Id: regrowth.botr.wastelands Name: 'ReGrowth: Wastelands'
- Id: regrowth.botr.wastelandfauna Name: 'ReGrowth: Mutated Animals Pack'
- Id: ludeon.rimworld.ideology Name: Ideology
- Id: spiritcookiecake.sculptures Name: SCC Lewd Sculptures
- Id: treboy.sccaddon Name: SCC Lewd Sculptures More Sculptures Add-on
- Id: vanillaexpanded.vcooke Name: Vanilla Cooking Expanded
- Id: tachyonite.pawnmorpherpublic Name: Pawnmorpher
- Id: spoonshortage.adogsaidanimalprosthetics Name: A Dog Said... Animal Prosthetics
- Id: sarg.alphaanimals Name: Alpha Animals
- Id: sarg.alphabiomes Name: Alpha Biomes
- Id: sarg.jorisexperience Name: The Joris Experience
- Id: sarg.magicalmenagerie Name: Magical Menagerie
- Id: solaris.ratkinracemod Name: NewRatkinPlus
- Id: torann.arimworldofmagic Name: A RimWorld of Magic
- Id: vanillaexpanded.vaeas Name: Vanilla Animals Expanded — Arid Shrubland
- Id: vanillaexpanded.vaeau Name: Vanilla Animals Expanded — Australia
- Id: vanillaexpanded.vaebf Name: Vanilla Animals Expanded — Boreal Forest
- Id: vanillaexpanded.vaecd Name: Vanilla Animals Expanded — Cats and Dogs
- Id: vanillaexpanded.vaed Name: Vanilla Animals Expanded — Desert
- Id: vanillaexpanded.vaeed Name: Vanilla Animals Expanded — Extreme Desert
- Id: vanillaexpanded.vaeis Name: Vanilla Animals Expanded — Ice Sheet
- Id: vanillaexpanded.vaet Name: Vanilla Animals Expanded — Tundra
- Id: vanillaexpanded.vaetr Name: Vanilla Animals Expanded — Tropical Rainforest
- Id: vanillaexpanded.vaets Name: Vanilla Animals Expanded — Tropical Swamp
- Id: ykara.epoe Name: Expanded Prosthetics and Organ Engineering
- Id: sineswiper.xenobionicpatcher Name: Xenobionic Patcher
- Id: Name: '[KV] More Trait Slots'
- Id: vinalx.researchpalforked Name: ResearchPal - Forked
- Id: indeed.stackxxl Name: Stack XXL
- Id: legodude17.qualcolor Name: Quality Colors
- Id: roolo.almostthere Name: Almost There!
- Id: xrushha.animaanimalscommunitypack Name: Anima Animals - Community Pack
- Id: animafruit.velcroboy333 Name: Anima Fruit
- Id: xrushha.animagear Name: Anima Gear
- Id: razor2.3.anotherrimworldmod.autocutblight Name: Auto-Cut Blight
- Id: automatic.bionicicons Name: Bionic icons
- Id: fluffy.blueprints Name: Blueprints
- Id: crashm.colorcodedmoodbar.11 Name: CM Color Coded Mood Bar [1.1+]
- Id: brrainz.cameraplus Name: Camera+
- Id: caesarv6.damageindicators Name: Damage Indicators [1.3]
- Id: dracoix.doormat.r12a Name: Door Mat
- Id: roolo.dualwield Name: Dual Wield
- Id: dubwise.dubsskylights Name: Dubs Skylights
- Id: community.psychology.unofficialupdate Name: Psychology (unofficial) v1.1-1.3
- Id: bichang.ferianrace Name: Ferian Race
- Id: luonastro.ferianfaction Name: Ferian Faction
- Id: maxjamon.bichang.ferian.faction Name: Ferian Pirate Faction Addon
- Id: roolo.whatthehack Name: What the hack?!
- Id: roolo.giddyupcore Name: Giddy-up! Core
- Id: sarg.giddyupsaddles Name: 'Giddy-Up! Add-on: Animal Saddles'
- Id: roolo.giddyupbattlemounts Name: Giddy-up! Battle Mounts
- Id: roolo.giddyupcaravan Name: Giddy-up! Caravan
- Id: roolo.giddyupmechanoids Name: Giddy-up! Mechanoids
- Id: roolo.giddyuprideandroll Name: Giddy-up! Ride and Roll
- Id: smuffle.harvestorganspostmortem Name: Harvest Organs Post Mortem
- Id: stardust3d.rjw.patch.autopsy Name: RJW patch - Harvest Organs Post Mortem
- Id: arandomkiwi.huntforme Name: Hunt for Me
- Id: jaxe.bubbles Name: Interaction Bubbles
- Id: mehni.pickupandhaul Name: Pick Up And Haul
- Id: codeoptimist.jobsofopportunity Name: While You're Up / PUAH+
- Id: ssulunge.bbbodysupport Name: FemaleBB BodyType Support
- Id: ssulunge.kijinrace2 Name: Kijin Race 2.0
- Id: bichang.lapellirace Name: Lapelli Race
- Id: farmradish.nyaron Name: Nyaron race
- Id: krafs.levelup Name: Level Up!
- Id: pyrce.mass.graves Name: Mass Graves
- Id: alien.milkablemuffalo Name: Milkable Muffalo [1.3]
- Id: erdelf.minifyeverything Name: MinifyEverything
- Id: alaestor.miscrobots.plusplus Name: Misc. Robots++
- Id: razar1.monstergirlraces Name: Monstergirl Races
- Id: hatti.qualitybuilder Name: QualityBuilder
- Id: ogliss.thewhitecrayon.quarry Name: Quarry
- Id: sandy.rpgstyleinventory.avilmask.revamped Name: RPG Style Inventory Revamped
- Id: Name: '[KV] Show Hair With Hats or Hide All Hats'
- Id: runnelatki.rabbieracemod Name: Rabbie The Moonrabbit race
- Id: regrowth.botr.borealforestexpansion Name: 'ReGrowth Remastered: Boreal Forests'
- Id: regrowth.botr.coldbogexpansion Name: 'ReGrowth: Cold Bog Expansion'
- Id: regrowth.botr.desertexpansion Name: 'ReGrowth: Desert Expansion'
- Id: crazysquirrel.backstories Name: Pawnmorpher More Backstories
- Id: tachyonite.pawnmorpher.insects Name: 'Pawnmorpher: Insectoids'
- Id: regrowth.botr.temperateforestexpansion Name: 'ReGrowth: Temperate Forest Expansion'
- Id: regrowth.botr.tundraexpansion Name: 'ReGrowth Remastered: Tundras'
- Id: woolstrand.realruins Name: Real Ruins
- Id: jaxe.rimhud Name: RimHUD
- Id: automatic.recipeicons Name: Recipe icons
- Id: uuugggg.replacestuff Name: Replace Stuff
- Id: fs.reviarace Name: Revia Race
- Id: abraxas.rjw.racesupport Name: RJW - RaceSupport
- Id: c0ffee.rjw.ideologyaddons Name: C0ffeeRIA
- Id: aflockofbirds.rjw.pawnmorphersupport Name: RJW Pawnmorpher Support
- Id: rjw.menstruation Name: RJW Menstruation Cycle
- Id: orion.hospitality Name: Hospitality
- Id: mlie.rimquest Name: RimQuest (Continued)
- Id: dubwise.rimatomics Name: Dubs Rimatomics
- Id: shakesthespeare.rimsecsecurity Name: Rimsec Security
- Id: mlie.roadsoftherim Name: Roads of the Rim (Continued)
- Id: roolo.runandgun Name: RunAndGun
- Id: roolo.searchanddestroy Name: Search and Destroy
- Id: petetimessix.simplesidearms Name: Simple sidearms
- Id: dhultgren.smarterconstruction Name: Smarter Construction
- Id: weilbyte.snapout Name: Snap Out!
- Id: linkolas.stabilize Name: Stabilize
- Id: zhrocks11.stackablechunks Name: Stackable Chunks [1.3+]
- Id: automatic.traderships Name: Trader ships
- Id: vanillaexpanded.vaeendandext Name: Vanilla Animals Expanded — Endangered
- Id: vanillaexpanded.vaetf Name: Vanilla Animals Expanded — Temperate Forest
- Id: vanillaexpanded.vappe Name: Vanilla Apparel Expanded
- Id: vanillaexpanded.varme Name: Vanilla Armour Expanded
- Id: vanillaexpanded.vbookse Name: Vanilla Books Expanded
- Id: vanillaexpanded.vbrewe Name: Vanilla Brewing Expanded
- Id: vanillaexpanded.vbrewecandt Name: Vanilla Brewing Expanded - Coffees and Teas
- Id: regrowth.botr.volcanicicesheet Name: 'ReGrowth: Volcanic Ice Sheet [Discontinued] '
- Id: vanillaexpanded.vcookestews Name: Vanilla Cooking Expanded - Stews
- Id: vanillaexpanded.vcookesushi Name: Vanilla Cooking Expanded - Sushi
- Id: vanillaexpanded.vee Name: Vanilla Events Expanded
- Id: oskarpotocki.vfe.vikings Name: Vanilla Factions Expanded - Vikings
- Id: vanillaexpanded.vcefaddon Name: Vanilla Fishing Expanded - Fishing Treasures AddOn
- Id: vanillaexpanded.vfeart Name: Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Art
- Id: vanillaexpanded.vfefarming Name: Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Farming
- Id: vanillaexpanded.vfemedical Name: Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Medical Module
- Id: vanillaexpanded.vfeproduction Name: Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Production
- Id: vanillaexpanded.vfepropsanddecor Name: Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Props and Decor
- Id: vanillaexpanded.vfesecurity Name: Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Security
- Id: vanillaexpanded.vfecore Name: Vanilla Furniture Expanded
- Id: vanillaexpanded.vfespacer Name: Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Spacer Module
- Id: vanillaexpanded.vhe Name: Vanilla Hair Expanded
- Id: regrowth.botr.aspenforest Name: 'ReGrowth: Aspen Forests'
- Id: vanillaexpanded.vplantse Name: Vanilla Plants Expanded
- Id: vanillaexpanded.vplantsesucculents Name: Vanilla Plants Expanded - Succulents
- Id: vanillaexpanded.vanillasocialinteractionsexpanded Name: Vanilla Social Interactions Expanded
- Id: vse.diegoindustrial Name: Vanilla Storytellers Expanded - Diego Industrial
- Id: vse.empressevil Name: Vanilla Storytellers Expanded - Empress Evil
- Id: rimofmadness.hplovecraft Name: H.P. Lovecraft Storyteller
- Id: vse.freyafierce Name: Vanilla Storytellers Expanded - Freya Fierce
- Id: vse.igorinvader Name: Vanilla Storytellers Expanded - Igor Invader
- Id: vse.maynardmedieval Name: Vanilla Storytellers Expanded - Maynard Medieval
- Id: vse.neronneolithic Name: Vanilla Storytellers Expanded - Neron Neolithic
- Id: vse.oskarobnoxious Name: Vanilla Storytellers Expanded - Oskar Obnoxious
- Id: vse.perrypersistent Name: Vanilla Storytellers Expanded - Perry Persistent
- Id: vanillaexpanded.vtexe Name: Vanilla Textures Expanded
- Id: vanillaexpanded.vanillatraitsexpanded Name: Vanilla Traits Expanded
- Id: oskarpotocki.vanillafactionsexpanded.settlersmodule Name: Vanilla Factions Expanded - Settlers
- Id: vanillaexpanded.vwec Name: Vanilla Weapons Expanded - Coilguns
- Id: vanillaexpanded.vwe Name: Vanilla Weapons Expanded
- Id: oskarpotocki.vanillafactionsexpanded.medievalmodule Name: Vanilla Factions Expanded - Medieval
- Id: vanillaexpanded.vwehw Name: Vanilla Weapons Expanded - Heavy Weapons
- Id: vanillaexpanded.vwel Name: Vanilla Weapons Expanded - Laser
- Id: vanillaexpanded.vweq Name: Vanilla Weapons Expanded - Quickdraw
- Id: vanillaexpanded.vweft Name: Vanilla Weapons Expanded - Frontier
- Id: oskarpotocki.vanillaexpanded.ideologypatches Name: Vanilla Expanded - Ideology Patches
- Id: oskarpotocki.vanillaexpanded.royaltypatches Name: Vanilla Expanded - Royalty Patches
- Id: vanillaexpanded.vweg Name: Vanilla Weapons Expanded - Grenades
- Id: vanillaexpanded.vwems Name: Vanilla Weapons Expanded - Makeshift
- Id: vanillaexpanded.vwenl Name: Vanilla Weapons Expanded - Non-Lethal
- Id: vanillaexpanded.vwetb Name: Vanilla Weapons Expanded - Tribal
- Id: murmur.walllight Name: Wall Light
- Id: falconne.heatmap Name: Heat Map
- Id: peppsen.pmusic Name: P-Music
- Id: avilmask.commonsense Name: Common Sense
- Id: voult.betterpawncontrol Name: Better Pawn Control
- Id: dubwise.dubsmintmenus Name: Dubs Mint Menus
- Id: jpt.speakup Name: SpeakUp
- Id: uuugggg.sharetheload Name: Share The Load
- Id: uuugggg.whatismypurpose Name: What Is My Purpose
- Id: syrchalis.prosthetictable Name: '[SYR] Prosthetic Table'
- Id: sf.grim.reality Name: SF Grim Reality
- Id: rupal.rimpymodmanagerdatabase Name: RimPy Mod Manager Database
- Id: orion.cashregister Name: Cash Register
- Id: orion.gastronomy Name: Gastronomy
- Id: goudaquiche.ltfmantisrace Name: Mantis race
- Id: frozensnowfox.filthvanisheswithrainandtime Name: '[FSF] Filth Vanishes With Rain And Time'
- Id: Name: '[KV] Trading Spot'
- Id: unlimitedhugs.mapreroll Name: Map Reroll
- Id: void.charactereditor Name: Character Editor
- Id: notfood.mendandrecycle Name: MendAndRecycle
- Id: fluffy.commandpalette Name: Command Palette
- Id: albion.goexplore Name: Go Explore!
- Id: falconne.aff Name: Avoid Friendly Fire
- Id: Name: Incident Person Stat
- Id: vanillaexpanded.vfea Name: Vanilla Factions Expanded - Ancients
- Id: vanillaexpanded.vieat Name: Vanilla Ideology Expanded - Anima Theme
- Id: vanillaexpanded.vmemese Name: Vanilla Ideology Expanded - Memes and Structures
- Id: vanillaexpanded.viesas Name: Vanilla Ideology Expanded - Splits and Schisms
- Id: vanillaexpanded.vaecaves Name: Vanilla Animals Expanded — Caves
- Id: vanillaexpanded.outposts Name: Vanilla Outposts Expanded
- Id: vanillaexpanded.viehar Name: Vanilla Ideology Expanded - Hats and Rags
- Id: vanillaexpanded.ideo.iconsandsymbols Name: Vanilla Ideology Expanded - Icons and Symbols
- Id: vanillaexpanded.vaeaccessories Name: Vanilla Apparel Expanded — Accessories
- Id: vanillaexpanded.vtexvariations Name: Vanilla Textures Expanded - Variations
- Id: vanillaexpanded.ideo.relicsandartifacts Name: Vanilla Ideology Expanded - Relics and Artifacts
- Id: vanillaexpanded.vfearchitect Name: Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Architect
- Id: fluffy.fluffyrelations Name: Relations Tab
- Id: fluffy.animaltab Name: Animal Tab
- Id: fluffy.colonymanager Name: Colony Manager
- Id: fluffy.worktab Name: Work Tab
- Id: fluffy.followme Name: Follow Me
- Id: fluffy.desirepaths Name: Desire Paths
- Id: fluffy.shitrimworldsays Name: Shit Rimworld Says
- Id: fluffy.backuppower Name: Backup Power
- Id: fluffy.modmanager Name: Mod Manager
- Id: telefonmast.graphicssettings Name: Graphics Settings+
- Id: com.yayo.yayoani Name: Yayo's Animation
- Id: mlie.argoniansofblackmarsh Name: Argonians of Blackmarsh (Continued)
- Id: scurvyez.bastyon Name: Bastyon
- Id: yanzihko.bdfp Name: Braixen and Delphox - Fire Pokemon [1.3]
- Id: mlie.cactaceae Name: Cactaceae (Continued)
- Id: rimofmadness.callofcthulhucosmichorrors Name: Call of Cthulhu - Cosmic Horrors
- Id: rimofmadness.callofcthulhucults Name: Call of Cthulhu - Cults
- Id: rimofmadness.callofcthulhu.factions Name: Call of Cthulhu - Factions
- Id: robotrowful.codzombies Name: 'Call of Duty: Zombies Pack'
- Id: dubwise.dubspaintshop Name: Dubs Paint Shop
- Id: mlie.explosiveimplant Name: Explosive Implant (Continued)
- Id: sr.modrimworld.factionalwar Name: '[SR]Factional War'
- Id: mlie.falloutracesplayableghoul Name: 'Fallout Races: Playable Ghoul (Continued)'
- Id: mlie.falloutracestherobotspack Name: 'Fallout Races: The Robots Pack (Continued)'
- Id: mlie.ferrexrace Name: Ferrex Race (Continued)
- Id: rainbeausfishing.reworkmod Name: '[RF] Fishing-ReWork'
- Id: rainbeausfishing.reworkmod.seafoodaddon Name: '[RF] Fishing-ReWork Seafood and Sushi Addon'
- Id: Name: Jewelry
- Id: mlie.raccrace Name: Racc Race (Continued)
- Id: sargoskar.racetotherim Name: Race to the Rim
- Id: Name: Realistic Darkness V2.0 A16
- Id: sihv.rombones Name: Rim of Madness - Bones
- Id: dismarzero.vgp.vgpvegetablegarden Name: VGP Vegetable Garden
- Id: rimofmadness.vampires Name: Rim of Madness - Vampires
- Id: rimofmadness.werewolves Name: Rim of Madness - Werewolves
- Id: sarg.rimbees Name: RimBees
- Id: Name: RimForge
- Id: sargoskar.witcherhunt Name: RimWorld - Witcher Monster Hunt
- Id: targhetti.showdrafteesweapon Name: Show Draftees Weapon
- Id: mlie.sslightningrod Name: SS Lightning Rod (Continued)
- Id: mlie.tenants Name: Tenants (Continued)
- Id: rmk.anthrorace Name: Anthro Race
- Id: vanillaexpanded.vgeneticse Name: Vanilla Genetics Expanded
- Id: xrushha.animaanimals Name: Anima Animals
- Id: mlie.vulpineracepack Name: Vulpine Race Pack (Continued)
- Id: mlie.waskeleton Name: Wa! Skeleton! (Continued)
- Id: c0ffee.rimworld.animations Name: Rimworld-Animations
- Id: tory187.rjwanimaddons.voicepatch Name: RJWAnimAddons-VoicePatch
- Id: tory187.rjwanimaddons.xtraanims Name: RJWAnimAddons-XtraAnims
- Id: tory187.rjwanimaddons.animalpatch Name: RJWAnimAddons-AnimalPatch
- Id: roboslob.roboanims Name: RoboAnims
- Id: lustlicentia.rjwlabs Name: RimJobWorld - Licentia Labs
- Id: otyoty.sizedapparel Name: Sized Apparel for RJW