MyIP Tool is developed to check your IP information and to determine if you are connected to Tor. The tool displays IP, country, region, city, and Tor connection information.
- Clone the project from GitHub:
git clone
- Navigate to the project directory:
cd IP_Checker
- Install the required dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Command to start the project:
- linux (tor on)
- windows (tor off)
- Open the appropriate shell file (bash, zsh, etc.):
nano ~/.bashrc
- Add the following command to the aliases section and save and exit:
alias myip="python3 /path/to/"
I would like to express my gratitude to the following services for providing their APIs and tools, which were instrumental in the development of this project:
- For providing accurate and reliable IP information.
- Tor Project: For their Tor bulk exit list service, helping to determine Tor connections.
Thank you for your contributions to the community!