SmartSoap by Aldrigo Raffaele
The SmarSoap NuGet allows to simplify Soap API comunication you only need to initialize a SoapClient either directly or by registering the dependency injection. It requires IHttpClientFactory. From version 1.0.2 you can register:
.AddSingleton<ISoapClientFactory, SoapClientFactory()
remember to register IHttpClientFactory !
now you can simply get a new SoapClient like the httpClient
var soapClient = soapClientFactory.Make();
and configure it like an httpClient, for example setting the base Url
soapClient.BaseUrl = new Uri("");
you can also add custom HttpHeaders
soapClient.HttpHeaders.Add("myHeader", "value");
then, once you have mapped the models class you just inoke
var result = await soapClient.SendAsync<ResultType, RequestType>( "method", requestObj );
That's it!
The library also includes a better XmlSerializer, but you can use another or implement yourown please report any bug/problem on this GitHub!