A simple developer tool for adding, editing and exporting documentation for one or more Fox Modules.
WARNING: The actual version is not yet ready to be used.
This section describes how to setup the project using Eclipse.
You should be able to use an alternative IDE, such as NetBean. You however will need some libraries from Eclipse.
Download Eclipse from http://www.eclipse.org/downloads/
This project has been build with JFace/SWT using WindowBuilder. You'll also need a couple of libraries from this plugin.
Install it using the Eclipse Wizard Help
-> Install New Software...
You'll find the URL to add here : http://www.eclipse.org/windowbuilder/download.php
- Get the code from Github
- In Eclipse, create a new SWT/Jface Java Project (from
) - Set the project location to the local copy of the code
FoxyDocs a library called Databinding included in Eclipse. Add it to the Build Path following these steps :
- Open the project's Properties
- Go to the tab
withinJava Build Path
- Click on
Add External JARs
- Browse to the Eclipse install directory (such ash /opt/eclipse or C:\Program Files\eclipse)
- Open the
folder - Add every jars containing
In the future, the relevant JARs will be added in the lib directory so we won't depend on an Eclipse installation.
- Open a folder containing Fox Module (Ctrl + O)
- Browse to each module to add proper documentation for each entry.
- Green Tick : entry completed
- Red Dash : partial entry
- Red Cross : missing entry
- If the file is locked (grey icon), unlock it with SVN or Preforce.
- Save the files (Ctrl + S)
- Export the directory to HTML (Ctrl + H) or the currently open module to PDF (Ctrl + P)
- The Pretty Print function does not align with the XMLSpy one
- Adding or removing folders or files within the opened folder may behave improperly
- The user can select multiple text fields at the same time
- Comments within a documentation node are not accessible
- There is no CSS nor image in the PDF export
- It is not possible to export an entire directory as PDF
- After saving a file, the currently opened entry is not highlighted anymore
- You can close an unsaved tab without any warning
- Pierre-Dominique Putallaz
- Mike Leonard
- William Friesen
- XML-Region-Analyzer : https://github.com/vincent-zurczak/Xml-Region-Analyzer
- Metro icons : http://dakirby309.deviantart.com/art/Metro-UI-Dock-Icon-Set-678-Icons-280724102
- FOP 1.1
- jConfig
- jDom2