Extends Windows Snipping Tool functionality by using Powershell to upload each saved screenshot to a remote host, in the likes of other pieces of software to take and upload screenshots.
- Clone or download the repository.
- Right click inside your local copy folder and create a new shortcut pointing to snip.ps1 with any name you want.
- Right click the shortcut, go to Properties.
- Set Target to C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File "full path to the script file"
- Click Change Icon and insert %SystemRoot%\System32\SnippingTool.exe in the browsing address bar to get the Snipping Tool Icon.
- Drag the shortcut to wherever you want, ie the windows task bar.
- Launch the shortcut and minimize the popup terminal/powershell window.
- Use the launched Windows Snipping Tool as you would normally and save the image as png to $OSPicturesPath set in the script.
- The image will automatically be renamed to yyyy-mm-dd_hh-mm-ss_name.png and moved to a Screenshots\yyyy-mm subfolder.
- The image will automatically be uploaded and the resulting link will be copied to your clipboard. The Snipping Tool will close.
Assuming you do not modify the script, the subfolder Screenshots will contain two text files.
snip_log.txt will verbosely log the script actions, helping you debug potential issues if necessary.
snip_history.txt will save a upload history log of your files in the following format: ScreenshotFullPath DirectLink DeletionLink
Accessing the deletion link through a browser or curl request will remove that image from the host.