web3j wallet prototype for android
TBA, see MS-Factory readme for it.
For public network you should consider use connectToInfura
, replacing your own API key for infura
For private networks and for ganache testing you should consider use connectToLocalNetwork
, replacing API end-point by your own.
If you are testing with ganache, then you can obtain address of endpoint directly from ganache GUI
Note - you can change api end-point by switching 'server' configuration from ganache GUI
You can consider to use your own private network with gasprice = 0
, therefore your user can interact with your private blockchain without neccessarity to obtain your private coin
This feature also can allow you to present your private coin as staible coin, which tethered to your local fiat currency
Note - by default web3j has gas limit at 6m gas and 20Gwei gas price. If you want to change those values -- you should either hardcode it as CUSTOM_GAS_PRICE(BigInteger) and use it when load contracts (bad practice) either you should use custom gas provider class, which extend gas price provider and override default values to your own.
TIP -- you can check what is gas limit and what is gas price by google it.
For any interaction with blockchain user should have private key / wallet
wallet file could be generated as WalletUtils.generateLightNewWalletFile(password,walletDir)
you can load wallet from file as credentials = WalletUtils.loadCredentials(password, walletDir);
note -- credentials could be a global static variable for storing wallet object inside lifecycle of application for fastening interaction.
wallet file could also be generated and restored from String
private key, so you can store and load user key, when they authorize at your application backend
Note -- if you want the best funds protection - you can use multisigs with 2FA instead of user single private keys.
If you follow standart web3j smart-contracts artifacts generation, then you could simply put your generated artifacts file inside your main application src folder.
To setup contracts for your application with this artifacts you need to do 2 simple step:
- get contract deployed address via
contract_address = YourContract.getPreviouslyDeployedAddress(deployed_net_id);
, where deployed_net_id is your network id (5777 for ganache) - load smart-contract instance, as
contract = YourContract.load(contract_address,web3,credentials,CUSTOM_GAS_PRICE,CUSTOM_GAS_LIMIT);
Now you can interact with smart-contracts in native way.
All interaction with blockchain should be invoked as CompletableFuture
If your call is changinging state of blockchain, i.e. sending money from one account to another / changing state of smart-contract -- you should use construction with tx receipt and call this functions in async way
Example of Sending money:
try {
CompletableFuture<TransactionReceipt> receipt = Transfer.sendFunds(web3, credentials, recepient, BigDecimal.valueOf(amount), Convert.Unit.ETHER).sendAsync();
receipt.thenAccept(transactionReceipt -> {
// get tx receipt only if successful
String txHash = transactionReceipt.getTransactionHash();
Log.d("txhash", "txhash for send funds: " + txHash);
}).exceptionally(transactionReceipt -> {
return null;
} catch (Exception e) {
Log.e("tx exemption", "failed to transfer funds:" + e);
Example of smart-contract call:
try {
CompletableFuture<TransactionReceipt> receipt = ticketfactory.createTicketSale(organizer_address,price,event_JID).sendAsync();
receipt.thenAccept(transactionReceipt -> {
// get tx receipt only if successful
String txHash = transactionReceipt.getTransactionHash(); // can play with that
Log.d("receipt", "receipt"+transactionReceipt);
Log.d("txhash", "txhash:" +txHash);
}).exceptionally(transactionReceipt -> {
return null;
} catch (Exception e) {
Log.e("tx exeption", "Sale creation fails:",e);
Note - as you can see, if you call sc method, which change state - you cannot get result of this call directly, you get only transaction hash
This is because there will be some time before transaction will include in block and mined to blockchain, and therefore -- you cannot directly get result of invokation of this methods.
In such cases you should only watch for successful tx acceptance (watch for revert
errors if it fails) and also you can get result of this invokation from events -- because events are includes in transaction receipt
In cases, when you need just to retrive info from blockchain without changing state -- you can use CompletableFuture
or RemoteCall<>
In RemoteCall you don't need to wait for mining blocks for just retriving values, so you could call it in sync mode.
However, as far as android forbid networkOnUiThread -- you should either call it from separete threads, either keep continue use CompleatableFuture and call async methods from activity directly.
Example of blockchain calls without changing state:
public BigDecimal getSalePriceInfo(TicketSale721 sale_instance) {
try {
CompletableFuture<BigInteger> price_wei_call = sale_instance.rate().sendAsync();
BigInteger price_wei_int = price_wei_call.get();
BigDecimal price_wei = new BigDecimal(price_wei_int);
BigDecimal price = Convert.fromWei(price_wei, Convert.Unit.ETHER);
return price;
} catch (Exception e) {
Log.e("tx-error","error in tx: " + e);
return null;
Note -- money values inside smart-contracts are in wei, consider proper convertation at UI fromWei and toWei.
As you can see, you can get result of a s-c function call as simple as .get()
There are no need for interaction with transaction/events if you just want to retrive value.
- install and deploy local 'one-click blockchain' enviroment by https://github.com/MoonSHRD/MS-Factory/blob/master/README.md#local-testing-step-by-step-manual
- copy your generated java artifacts file to this project
- in ganache go to settings -> server -> interface api -> change end-point from localhost to your Wi-Fi interface. By Default this api endpoint is 'localhost' which mean you wouldnt able to connect to it from app (cause app will try to connect with itself)
- in this project go to MainActivity -> connectToLocalNetwork -> api endpoint, and change api endpoint to your ganache end-point
- Now you are all set for testing blockchain interaction locally.
- Interaction from app to blockchain may require some test ether. You can obtain it by Metamask For doing so you need to: 6.1 export private key from ganache 6.2 import private key to MetaMask 6.3 connect MetaMask to ganache end-point 6.4 send test ether from this key (administrator) to address, which have been generated from android app (user key) Alternativly you can just export ganache private key and restore them inside app. In this way you don't need to interact with MetaMask, but you should remember, that administrator key has a greater privelege for deployed contracts neither newly generated user key.