Input Field:
Put your name in there or your ingame tag
Dropdown Menu:
Select your Ranked in Leauge, if you do not have a ranked pick your last rank, if you where never ranked do a serious choice of your gameplay.
Player Array:
After you add players you will see them listed, if you want to remove them just do a left click.
Plus Symbol:
This adds a player to the players array.
Tent Symbol:
This adds a player to the Regular Section below.
Check Symbol:
After player are enter press this button to generate teams.
Shuffle Symbol:
This shuffles the generated team and keeps the balance of those teams.
Regulars Button:
Opens and Closes a Menu of Regulars Name of Regulars:
If the name got left clicked you can change their name and theri elo aswell press the check symbol to confirm. Plus Botton:
Adds the Regular to the Player Array
Team's Display:
If pressed on Team 1 or either Team 2, you will copy the teams and rating into your clipboard