This branch contains solutions for Swift 5.0 and the companion guide for Swift 2.0. If you are using Swift 1.2, see the swift1-2 branch.
This repository contains the solutions and errata for Cocoa Programming for OS X - The Big Nerd Ranch Guide, 5th Edition, by Aaron Hillegass, Adam Preble, and Nate Chandler.
Solutions for exercises can be found in the folder corresponding to that chapter. Solutions to challenges are not provided, but we encourage you to discuss your challenge solution (or quest for a solution!) on the forum for this book.
contains a list of all errata that have
been found in the book. If you think you have found a bug, please make a post
on the forum.
This edition was written for Xcode 6.3 on OS X Yosemite 10.10 with Swift 1.2. As with any technology, as Apple releases new versions you may encounter surprises. Where possible we will update the errata to call attention to these changes.
At WWDC 2015, Apple announced Xcode 7 and Swift 2, both of which introduce significant updates. Those changes, and to a lesser extent changes to Cocoa for OS X 10.11, necessitate a companion guide for using Xcode 7 to work through the exercises in the book. That companion guide is here.
If you would like to learn Cocoa from one of us live and in person in a monastic, focused, and intensive setting, consider attending our famous Cocoa Bootcamp. Or, if you have a good handle on Swift, the Fast Track Bootcamp. We can even teach at your company. If you're looking for a deeper understanding of OS X at a system level, check out iOS and OS X Internals for Developers. We also write apps that solve problems for our clients.