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Interface Demo

This repository is being used for hosting a demo version of the interactive visualization being developed in the interpreteble-splicing-visualization repo.

The demo version only contains the interface being rendered using HTML, CSS and Javascript. The interactive graphs are created using the D3 javascript library.


  • main.js:
    • Contain the main entry point to the interface and the functions for rendering each graph.
  • utils.js:
    • Contain auxialiary functions to be used in the main.js.
    • These are functions that are not directly related to rendering graphs.
  • events.js:
    • Contain code related to listening and responding to events coming fromt he users interactions with the interface.
  • contansts.js:
    • holds contants used throughout the other files. Mostly related to

Styling Notes:

  • We are using rem for specifiying the dimensions dynamicly as the size of the screen changes