Salitag is a little side project I made to help me and encourage me to learn more about the Tagalog language.
The website name comes from the Filipino word "Salita" which means "Speak/Word" and from the word "Tagalog" which is the most talked language in the Philippines.
To create this Website I worked with SvelteKit, also, because I needed to fill my database with differents words, I used Puppeteer.
Fix null description in the scrapper.ts
Make the scrapper more flexible
Improve the app UI
Generate the Open Graph dynamically with Satori
Add pronunciation for the word of the day
Dynamically change provider and url of the prisma.schema
If the word of the day is a verb, get it's conjugation data
Clone the project
git clone
Go to the project directory
cd salitag
Install dependencies
npm i
Start the server
npm run dev
Start the scrapper
curl -XGET 'http://localhost:5173/api'
To run this project, you will need to add the following environment variables to your .env file
(only for the scrapper)
(used for the pronunciation)