This is a mobile application written with the Sencha touch framework. It is designed to give users the ability to browse through and find information about Philadelphia schools.
Currently it lists open schools and schools that closed as part of the budget cuts. It allows users to see all schools on a map and filter by their status.
Address, phone number, grade level and website are avaliable for all schools. A pie chart is avaliable displaying the demographics of each school.
This app was built using Mark Headd's School Data API.
This applicaiton was built by Jarvus Innovation's developers Chris Alfono, Kevin Clough and Ryon Coleman.
This application is hosted on an emergence server and hosting has been provided by Jarvus. It can be hosted on any basic webserver, and can also be packaged as a native app on a variety of mobile platforms including iOS and Android.
This app can be easliy integrated into the 311 widget application with the following url
The following data points are avaliable in Mark Headd's School Data API and will be integrated into the application in the near future:for a future release:
- Standardized Test Scores
- Enrollment Information
- Budget Information (Christopher Brown's School Budget API