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re-name prototype
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mcabbott committed Feb 9, 2022
1 parent 4a06a6f commit 7ed48a6
Showing 1 changed file with 9 additions and 10 deletions.
19 changes: 9 additions & 10 deletions base/abstractarray.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2627,7 +2627,7 @@ function _typed_stack(::Colon, ::Type{T}, ::Type{S}, A, Aax=_axes(A)) where {T,
nothing === xit && return _empty_stack(:, T, S, A)
x1, _ = xit
ax1 = _axes(x1)
B = similar(_prototype(x1, A), T, ax1..., Aax...)
B = similar(_first_array(x1, A), T, ax1..., Aax...)
off = firstindex(B)
len = length(x1)
while xit !== nothing
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2671,7 +2671,7 @@ function _dim_stack(dims::Integer, ::Type{T}, ::Type{S}, A) where {T,S}

newaxis = _vec_axis(A)
outax = ntuple(d -> d==dims ? newaxis : _axes(x1)[d - (d>dims)], N1)
B = similar(_prototype(x1, A), T, outax...)
B = similar(_first_array(x1, A), T, outax...)

iit = iterate(newaxis)
while xit !== nothing
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2710,33 +2710,32 @@ end

# For `similar`, the goal is to stack an Array of CuArrays to a CuArray:
_prototype(x::AbstractArray, A::AbstractArray) = x
_prototype(x::AbstractArray, A) = x
_prototype(x, A::AbstractArray) = A
_prototype(x, A) = 1:0
_first_array(x::AbstractArray, ys...) = x
_first_array(x, ys...) = _first_array(ys...)
_first_array() = 1:0

# With tuple elements, we can make the empty array the right size:
function _empty_stack(::Colon, ::Type{T}, ::Type{S}, A) where {T, S<:Tuple}
similar(_prototype(nothing, A), T, OneTo(length(fieldtypes(S))), axes(A)...)
similar(_first_array(A), T, OneTo(length(fieldtypes(S))), axes(A)...)
function _empty_stack(dims::Integer, ::Type{T}, ::Type{S}, A) where {T, S<:Tuple}
ax1 = OneTo(length(fieldtypes(S)))
dims in 1:2 || throw(ArgumentError("cannot stack tuples along dims = $dims"))
similar(_prototype(nothing, A), T, ntuple(d -> d==dims ? OneTo(0) : ax1, 2))
similar(_first_array(A), T, ntuple(d -> d==dims ? OneTo(0) : ax1, 2))
# but with arrays of arrays, we must settle for the right ndims:
_empty_stack(dims, ::Type{T}, ::Type{S}, A) where {T,S} = _empty_stack(dims, T, IteratorSize(S), A)
_empty_stack(dims, ::Type{T}, ::HasLength, A) where {T} = _empty_stack(dims, T, HasShape{1}(), A)
_empty_stack(dims, ::Type{T}, ::IteratorSize, A) where {T} = _empty_stack(dims, T, HasShape{0}(), A)

function _empty_stack(::Colon, ::Type{T}, ::HasShape{N}, A) where {T,N}
similar(_prototype(nothing, A), T, ntuple(_->OneTo(1), N)..., _axes(A)...)
similar(_first_array(A), T, ntuple(_->OneTo(1), N)..., _axes(A)...)
function _empty_stack(dims::Integer, ::Type{T}, ::HasShape{N}, A) where {T,N}
# Not sure we should check dims here, e.g. stack(Vector[]; dims=2) is an error
dims in 1:N+1 || throw(ArgumentError("cannot stack slices ndims(x) = $N along dims = $dims"))
ax = ntuple(d -> d==dims ? _vec_axis(A) : OneTo(1), N+1)
similar(_prototype(nothing, A), T, ax...)
similar(_first_array(A), T, ax...)

# These make stack(()) work like stack([])
Expand Down

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