A comprehensive leasing platform
This app runs on node version 8.9.3 and uses mongodb.
Make sure you have node 8.9.3 installed before installing any packages as the package lock file may force the server to install the wrong version. Also remember to run npm i
after pulling new changes to make sure you have any new dependencies.
Mongo must be installed and running on your machine before trying to run the app. The version of mongo this app uses is 3.6.x
The following is the schema of every collection in the database
"_id" : ObjectId("5a736ea34aa7683a26563f50"),
"name" : "Joe Roussy 27",
"email" : "[email protected]",
"password" : "$2a$12$IcrNgsEvxlIwAATHyt6x7uDmWFIpLS5FJMonEZJdi2rbuUoPXX7y6",
"profilePictureLink" : "/assets/42df91899b4f4ae0d143ac93125a86081517444232096.jpeg",
"isLandlord" : false,
"isEmailConfirmed": true,
"createdAt" : ISODate("2018-02-01T19:46:43.079Z")
"_id": ObjectId("5aa06d13b79334668e299785"),
"urlIdentifyer" : "1bb86f0ca20b6e2727e10de850339ed68945b382c30323c321c807bec1218e8a1520463123571",
"userId" : ObjectId("5aa06d13b79334668e299784"),
"isCompeted" : true,
"type" : "email",
"createdAt" : ISODate("2018-03-07T22:52:03.571Z")
"name":"Listing Numero Uno",
"description":"The best listing around. Just stop looking. You've found it.",
"postalCode":"N6G 1A5",
"street":"1 Beaufort Street",
"location":"1 Beaufort St, London, ON N6G 1A5, Canada",
"_id" : ObjectId("5aa386a1cd37e6a171dc75c4"),
"userId" : ObjectId("5aa06d13b79334668e299784"),
"urlIdentifyer" : "4facffe8c323f961ad00bba16223a2bfedf2e8be4c499cb467aec0f85ef6878d1520666273741",
"expired" : true,
"createdAt" : ISODate("2018-03-10T07:17:53.741Z")
"_id" : ObjectId("5aa40a9e383fdf132025ccc4"),
"name" : "Test",
"users" : [
"userId" : ObjectId("5aa16bcedc440749402697ba"),
"acceptedInvite" : true
"admin" : ObjectId("5aa16bcedc440749402697ba"),
"createdAt" : ISODate("2018-03-10T16:41:02.740Z")
"_id" : ObjectId("5aac8660b8e7ff26a82c3104"),
"channelId" : ObjectId("5aac757d8e6a2640b05c3550"),
"userId" : ObjectId("5aac72b3be01c43ac828c2e3"),
"body" : "Test",
"createdAt" : ISODate("2018-03-17T03:07:12.947Z")
In order to perform a text search a collection needs to have a text index on the field being searched and it must also declare a language. Note that if you are using a text search on an aggregation pipeline, it must be the first field in the $match
Declaring a language means each document has a language
field set to a language, for example: english
To make a text index on a field, use the following command (in the mongo shell for example):
db.<collection>.createIndex( { <field>: "text" } )
// For example:
db.listings.createIndex( { location: "text" } )
The following collections have a text index:
- Listings on location
- Users on name
This app logs files to /var/log/roomie
. This folder must exist and its permissions must be set so the app can create files inside of it
Environment variables are loaded into the app from a .env
file. These key value pairs must in of the form: key=value
in this file (one per line). These values will be parsed and available in process.env
Required environment variables are:
- SESSION_SECRET: Some random string
- DB_URI: The mongo connection string
- DB_NAME: The name of the database
Optional environment variables are:
- LOG_ROTATING_FILE: Rotating file for logs of all levels other than errors (this is
by default) - LOG_ERROR_FILE: Rotating file for error logs (this is
by default)
Once all of the above conditions are taken care of, run the front end using npm run client-dev
and run the server in a new tab using npm run server-dev
Run npm run build
to build the front-end
Start the app using num run start-prod
Stop the app using npm run stop