This is the official C4-Team-Cesa Project for Data Science team. This repo will have a branch per Scrapers focused on the following Web Sellers:
Mercado Libre.
- Mexico.
- Brazil.
- Argentina.
- Mexico.
- Brazil.
Google Shopping.
**Note 1: ** During the development of this project, some of these Web Sellers could be changed, removed, extended, or decreased to other markets.
**Note 2: ** The Master branch is reserved for field versions of all Web Scrapers, Statistical Analysis, and Data Visualization. Files ready to be delivered to Backend and/or Frontend.
- \Web_Scraping_ML\Ofertas_MX: Directory dedicated for Products-in-Hot-Sale Web Scraper at Mercado Libre\Mexico.
- /venv: Enviroment.
- CSV_Design.xlsx : Sketch of the main table before SQL scripting.
- : Web Scraper coding in Python Script .
- ML_Mex_ofertas.code-workspace : code-workspace .
- ML_XPath_exp.txt: First sketch of XPaths directory
- Please modify and list on it the files before you are going to push. Atte: Luis Cruz