Raft is a distributed consensus algorithm designed to manage replication of state machines in distributed systems. Its purpose is to ensure data consistency across multiple servers, despite failures and network partitions. It is widely used in modern distributed systems like etcd, cockroach, and tikv, providing a solid foundation for maintaining data consistency and reliability.
The library includes only the raft algorithm, leaving the network and storage layers to be implemented by the user, which makes the library more flexible and customizable.
- bazel > 3.0
- c++17
bazel build //...
All binary files will be generated in the bazel-bin directory.
bazel test //...
First add the following to your WORKSPACE.
load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:http.bzl", "http_archive")
load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:git.bzl", "git_repository")
name = "raft-cpp",
branch = "main",
remote = "https://github.com/ImSjt/raft-cpp.git",
Since the library depends on protobuf, you also need to add the following to your WORKSPACE.
# rules_cc defines rules for generating C++ code from Protocol Buffers.
name = "rules_cc",
sha256 = "35f2fb4ea0b3e61ad64a369de284e4fbbdcdba71836a5555abb5e194cf119509",
strip_prefix = "rules_cc-624b5d59dfb45672d4239422fa1e3de1822ee110",
urls = [
# rules_proto defines abstract rules for building Protocol Buffers.
name = "rules_proto",
sha256 = "2490dca4f249b8a9a3ab07bd1ba6eca085aaf8e45a734af92aad0c42d9dc7aaf",
strip_prefix = "rules_proto-218ffa7dfa5408492dc86c01ee637614f8695c45",
urls = [
load("@rules_cc//cc:repositories.bzl", "rules_cc_dependencies")
load("@rules_proto//proto:repositories.bzl", "rules_proto_dependencies", "rules_proto_toolchains")
Reference the library in BUILD file.
package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
name = "example",
srcs = [
deps = [
Start using the raft-cpp.
#include "rawnode.h"
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
auto logger = std::make_shared<craft::ConsoleLogger>();
auto storage = std::make_shared<craft::MemoryStorage>(logger);
craft::Raft::Config cfg {
.id = 1,
.election_tick = 10,
.heartbeat_tick = 3,
.storage = storage,
.max_size_per_msg = 1024 * 1024 * 1024,
.max_inflight_msgs = 256,
.logger = logger,
auto node = craft::RawNode::Start(cfg, {craft::Peer{1}});
return 0;
Start a node from scratch using RawNode::Start or start a node from some initial state using RawNode::Restart.
To start a three-node cluster
auto logger = std::make_shared<craft::ConsoleLogger>();
auto storage = std::make_shared<craft::MemoryStorage>(logger);
craft::Raft::Config cfg = {
.id = 1,
.election_tick = 10,
.heartbeat_tick = 3,
.storage = storage,
.max_size_per_msg = 1024 * 1024 * 1024,
.max_inflight_msgs = 256,
.logger = logger,
// Set peer list to the nodes in the cluster.
// Note that they need to be started separately as well.
auto rn = craft::RawNode::Start(cfg, {craft::Peer{1}, craft::Peer{2}, craft::Peer{3}});
Adding a node to the cluster
First add a new node by calling Rawnode::ProposeConfChange
to one of the nodes in the cluster, and then start an empty new node as follows.
auto logger = std::make_shared<craft::ConsoleLogger>();
auto storage = std::make_shared<craft::MemoryStorage>(logger);
craft::Raft::Config cfg = {
.id = 4,
.election_tick = 10,
.heartbeat_tick = 3,
.storage = storage,
.max_size_per_msg = 1024 * 1024 * 1024,
.max_inflight_msgs = 256,
.logger = logger,
// Restart raft without peer information.
// Peer information should be synchronized from the leader.
auto rn = craft::RawNode::ReStart(cfg);
To restart a node from state
auto logger = std::make_shared<craft::ConsoleLogger>();
auto storage = std::make_shared<craft::MemoryStorage>(logger);
// Recover the in-memory storage from persistent snapshot, state and entries.
craft::Raft::Config cfg = {
.id = 1,
.election_tick = 10,
.heartbeat_tick = 3,
.storage = storage,
.max_size_per_msg = 1024 * 1024 * 1024,
.max_inflight_msgs = 256,
.logger = logger,
// Restart raft without peer information.
// Peer information is already included in the storage.
auto rn = craft::RawNode::ReStart(cfg);
After creating the node, there is still some work to be done
First read ready by RawNode::GetReady and process the updates it contains.
- Persist Entries, HardState, Snapshot, write to Entries first, and then write to HardState and Snapshot if they are not empty.
- Send the messages to the specified node. If there is a MsgSnap type, call the RawNode::ReportSnapshot after sending the snapshot.
- Apply snapshot and committed_entries to the state machine, if the committed_entries have EntryConfChange type entries, then you need to call RawNode::ApplyConfChange to apply.
- The final call to RawNode::Advance() indicates that processing is complete and the next batch of updates can be accepted.
Call awNode::Tick at regular intervals
void RawNode::Tick();
RawNode::Tick will drive Raft's heartbeat and election timeout.
RawNode::Step needs to be called when a message is received to process
void RawNode::Step(MsgPtr m);
Send request using RawNode::Propose
Serialize the request into a string before sending it.
Status RawNode::Propose(const std::string& data);
The whole process is similar to the following.
while (1) {
auto items = queue.wait_dequeue(timeout);
for (auto item : items) {
if (request) {
} else if (message) {
if (heartbeat_timeout) {
auto ready = n->GetReady();
saveToStorage(ready->hard_state, ready->entries, ready->snapshot);
if (ready->snapshot) {
for (auto entry : ready->committed_entries) {
if (entry->type() == raftpb::EntryType::EntryConfChange) {
raftpb::ConfChange cc;
This project references the go implementation of etcd raft, thanks to etcd for providing such an elegant implementation.