The goals of this tutorial is to help tech sellers getting good knowledge of Event-driven solution based on IBM Event Streams, so they could develop quick proof of concepts around event streams solution.
The tutorial addresses the current overview of the knowledge to have and also reference other materials so you can learn more over time. Some material are still under improvement, all are open sourced so you can contribute too.
The overall tutorial should be around 4 hours.
- Get a git client, docker desktop or podman on developer local laptop
- Get a Java development IDE, we use Visual Code
- OCP access with CP4I installed, we are using CoC environment as a based for our deployments.
You can read the tutorial content using the BOOK VIEW
git clone
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- Install MkDocs locally following the official documentation instructions.
- Install Material plugin for mkdocs:
pip install mkdocs-material
mkdocs serve
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In some cases you might not want to alter your Python setup and rather go with a docker image instead. This requires docker is running locally on your computer though.
- docker run --rm -it -p 8000:8000 -v ${PWD}:/docs squidfunk/mkdocs-material
- Go to in your browser.
- Run
mkdocs gh-deploy
from the root directory.