Release 1.0.0-beta-7
22 commits
to develop
since this release
Breaking changes
The rpa git config
command now properly configure git merge action. Git repositories that have already committed .wal
files are already corrupted by git indexing feature. Git merge will not work on those committed files.
You need to reset your repository (delete commits or create another git repo) and run rpa git config
before committing any .wal
files, otherwise, git will corrupt the files when indexing them.
Refer to git integration documentation.
What's Changed
- feat(diff): add 'rpa diff' command to compare 2 files by @JobaDiniz in #139
- fix git merge integration by @JobaDiniz in #140
- test(e2e): clear working directory before running test by @JobaDiniz in #143
- fix(project): validate *.rpa.json files instead of .rpa directory exi… by @JobaDiniz in #144
Full Changelog: v1.0.0-beta-6...v1.0.0-beta-7