Using Awesome-git and i3-gaps for WM, Arch as Distro and many more things like ZSH, Kitty etc
Awesome rice is not mine. It's work of u/ilovecookieee. A lot of stuff in these dotfiles are work of someone else which are modified for my usecase and preference. Fork it and play around. Link to ilovecookieee's awesome rice dotfiles:
I am not updating powerlevel10k theme, some zsh plugins etc because I need to use git modules to make sure those things get pushed to github. It's not recommended to do things like this so please look into it if you wish to use my dotfiles.
Using GNU Stow to manage Dotfiles
git clone [email protected]:Hudater/dots.git
Just run:
stow -nvt ~ *
to see the changes and
stow -vt ~ *
to commit the dotfiles
stow -nvDt ~ *
to see what will be unlinked and
stow -vDt ~ *
to commit unlinking of dotfiles
Remove * in the installation and removal with the name of the directries you want to link or unlink. For Example:
stow -vt ~ kitty
will link kitty's dotfiles only
- Rice i3wm after watching code cast's vids
- Make a with commands for Arch Linux (BTW)