TPSpawn - Simple & Configurable Spawn Teleportation
TPSpawn is a lightweight and highly configurable plugin for Minecraft servers, designed to enhance player navigation with easy teleportation to the world's spawn point. Perfect for survival, semi-vanilla, or roleplay servers, this plugin adds functionality while maintaining a balanced gameplay experience with cooldowns, sound effects, and full customization.
✅ Teleport to Spawn – Instantly teleport to the world's spawn with /spawn.
✅ Customizable Cooldown – Set a cooldown to prevent spam using /tpspawn cooldown .
✅ Teleport Sound Effect – Enable or disable a teleportation sound using /tpspawn sound <true/false>.
✅ Configuration Reload – Apply changes instantly with /tpspawn reload.
✅ Permissions Support – Fine-tune player access with customizable permission nodes.
/spawn – Teleports the player to the world spawn.
/tpspawn reload – Reloads the plugin configuration.
/tpspawn cooldown – Sets the teleport cooldown.
/tpspawn sound <true/false> – Toggles the teleport sound effect.
/tpspawn help – Displays available commands.
tpspawn.command.spawn – Allows use of the /spawn command.
tpspawn.command.edit – Grants access to admin commands.
tpspawn.cooldown.bypass – Bypasses the teleport cooldown.
All settings are customizable via the config.yml file or can be adjusted dynamically using in-game commands. Modify the following options:
Teleport cooldown time
Sound effect settings
Permission nodes
Download the plugin .jar file from modrinth. Place the file into your server's plugins folder. Restart the server to load the plugin. Optionally, configure settings in config.yml (located in the TPSpawn folder after first launch).
Minecraft Version: 1.19+
Platform: Paper / Purpur (Bukkit & Spigot not tested, use at your own risk!)
License: This plugin is released under the MIT License.