This repository contains the VMS pipeline, a dataflow pipeline that computes normalized positions for all countries and stores them in partitioned tables to use with v3.
The project contains the next structure
├── docker-compose.yaml
├── nx.json
├── package-lock.json
├── package.json
└── packages
├── libs
├── pipe-vms-ingestion
└── ...
At the root level, the repository contains common config files or dependencies like NX
- README.MD: Project basic documentation
- docker-compose.yaml: Docker configuration to run the projects locally.
- nx.json: Configuration related to NX library
- package.json and package-lock.json: NodeJS dependencies
- packages: This folder contains all the code related to the pipe-vms projects
Looking the package folder in detail, the repository contains 3 different folders
- libs: Common/shared code between all the projects
Optional, if you do not use Docker, you need to install these dependencies
docker compose up [service-name] [--build]
docker compose up pipe-vms-ingestion --build
Note: you can omit --build flag if you do not need to rebuild the docker image
This process will launch a Cloud Build trigger and generate the Docker image.
If you do not do this before, you need to install the NX dependencies
npm install
Once the NX dependencies were installed, then you can execute the
./create-release [project-name] [tag-version]
For example:
./create-release pipe-vms-ingestion 1.0.0
This script will open an editor, and you can add release notes to there. Once the tag is created
you have to create the release in selecting
the tag that was just created. We recommend using the Generate releease notes
button in the New Release
page to generate the release notes.
One trigger will be launching via CloudBuild and generate a docker image like this:[email protected]
npx nx generate @nxlv/python:poetry-project [project_name] \
--projectType application \
--description='Project description' \
--packageName=[project-name] \
npx nx generate @nxlv/python:poetry-project vms_ingestion \
--projectType application \
--description='VMS Ingestion processes' \
--packageName=pipe-vms-ingestion \
npx nx generate @nxlv/python:poetry-project [library_name] \
--projectType library \
--description='Library description' \
--packageName=[library-name] \
--moduleName=[library_name] \
npx nx generate @nxlv/python:poetry-project gfw-logger \
--projectType library \
--description='Library to reuse the GFW Logger' \
--packageName=gfw-logger \
--moduleName=gfw_logger \
In order to use a shared library in the projects, you need to link the library with the project.
npx nx run [project-name]:add --name [lib-name] --local
npx nx run publication-vms-ingestion:add --name libs-logger --local
Note: NX adds a prefix for each project based on the folder in which they are located. For instance, publication for publication projects, core for core projects or libs for libs. This is something that you need to take into account to link libs with projects.