Exercism's Java track offers a total of 148 coding challenges to master Java fluency. Once the test of a coding challenge is passed and submitted the next concept & exercises are unlocked. See Exercism Java Track for more info.
Find my coding solutions to different exercises here on Github or my Exercism profile.
Currently solved challenges address:
- Java Basics
- String Methods to format log messages
- Implemented non-void methods with and without parameters
- Primitive Data Types
- Conditional Logic
- if-else statements for different production rates based on changing variables, handling errors with System.err.println, turnication of double to int value
- Booleans
- Implemented boolean operators to calculate boolean value depending on multipe arguments
- Arrays
- For Loop, For-Each Loop
- Mutability vs. Immutablity
- Return a clone to prevent external modification of the internal array
- Chars
- Implemented camelCase conversion, leetspeak conversion, alternative Stringbuilder solution through concatenation
- Generic Types
- Lists
- Ternary Operators
- Second iteration to return ternary operational value in return statement instead of storing it in a variable first
- Nullability
- Classes & Constructors
- Implemented private vs. public fields, constructor, getter & setter methods, conditional logic to update instance fields depending on its value and a limiter
- Refactored code in second iteration to use format specifiers instead of concatenating the String in the return statement
- Refactored code in secod iteration of NeedForSpeed challenge to use public methods and getter methods instead of instance fields (now private) to impelement canFinishRace() method in RaceTrack class
- Inheritance
- Override superclass methods for its subclasses
- Randomness in Java
- Date-Time
- Ensured default Locale formatting bug is fixed