Walk around as a cube and solve stages by switching in-between 2D and 3D perspectives.
This project was inspired by the GameOff tournament. Participants had time for 1 month to create a game based on the theme "hybrid", which lead us to create a puzzle game being a hybrid of 2D and 3D.
Unfortunately we ran out of time and put it on hold. The game mechanics are finished, but the design is poor (textures are missing). There is no continuation planned yet, but maybe we will add some decent textures.
Basic features implemented:
- Movement, Jumping
- Swapping between 2D and 3D
- Turning around the camera by 90 degree
- Basic User Interface and Pause Menu
- One level implemented with a green block marked as goal
Future milestones:
- Sound
- Adding textures (for the player, floor and a background image)