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List of mods which work on Android and other non Windows platforms without troubles
List of mods which work on Android and other non-Windows platforms without troubles
List of Half-life-based mods
- The big singleplayer mods and mappacks
- Unfinished singleplayer mods and mappacks
- Just mappacks
- Singleplayer mods or mappacks with a little incompatibilities
- Singleplayer mods which has custom gamedll with minor changes and fully playable with vanilla Half-Life libraries
- Singleplayer mods with one map or single maps
- List of mods which based on Spirit of Half-Life
- List of Opposing Force-based mods
- List of XashXT-based mods
- List of maps for They Hunger
- List of games and mods with custom gamedll
- List of mods for Counter Strike(Android only)
List of Half-life-based mods
Originally this list was written by Qwertyus(Qortez)
To run mods from this category - place mod folder to folder where is valve folder located and launch xash3d fwgs with command-line parameter -game <modfolder>
For mappacks - place *.bsp files to valve/maps folder, *.wad files to valve and type map <mapname>
- 101 grunts
- 1986(Black Mesa Circa 1979,1986)
- A dream aka Map a Dream by Skals (set fps_max to 60 to prevent a possible sticking of the box in the elevator at the map comp28m2)
- Adam
- Affliction
- Afraid of Monsters (Windows version uses WON HL libraries which has a bug with gibs)
- Agamemnon Icarus Glass
- Aggregate Pain
- Alternative Way: Part 1
- Assassin Mark 2
- Assault on Roswell v2.0
- Back to Xen
- Back to Xen 2
- Be Careful!
- Beginnings
- Betrayal (this mod has inner bugs; set gl_allow_mirrors to 0 to prevent drops of game's perfomance in some areas)
- Between Two Worlds
- Black Mesa Energy Testing Chamber
- Black Mesa Sideline (set gl_allow_mirrors to 0 to prevent drops of game's perfomance in some areas)
- BlackMesa 2007( Black Mesa Missions 2007 )
- Blood and Bones
- Boom (Huknenn) v1.0 & HL Boom: Gold Edition v1.1
- BoomeNShtein3D: Episode 1
- Brave Brain
- Breakdown
- Breakdown 2: Afterwards
- Buddhist Wars
- C&C Tiberian Dawn v2.0
- Castle Creep (there is an inner bug in the end of 4th map - don't go further of that point where a bomb is placed, otherwise level change will not work)
- Castle Disposed
- Chaos Theory
- Chernobyl (this mod has inner bugs; in the beginning you have to use noclip, to fix a sticking in the bus)
- ChickenMix
- ChickenMix 2 (there are a couple of minor bugs, but they are inner bugs of the mod)
- Confronted with Consequences
- Construction
- Conundrum
- Conundrum 2
- Crack-Life
- Crash (there is a small issue with a lift in a final map - you should stay closely to the lift's button after you've pressed it, otherwise door of the lift won't open)
- CWC Board Mappack Initiative (the mod has inner bugs)
- DAV Sub
- DAV Train
- death = power
- Death in the Dark (there are some minor inner bugs, but they don't interfere with the mod's progress)
- DejaVu v2.00
- Destination Black Mesa (there is a small inner problem that can randomly appear in the mod's ending - the last map with credits may not work properly; type restart command into console if you get this issue)
- Destiny
- Do
- Doomed-life
- Down Time
- Drug Barons
- Dungeon Death
- Dust Runner v1.1
- Dwell
- E. T. C. ( Earthquake Testing Centre )
- E. T. F.
- E7: Black Star (set fps_max to 50 for the map an_ele to prevent a possible sticking of boxes on a big elevator's platform; or you can try to push a box down from the platrofm before the elevator stops)
- Edge of Darkness
- Edge of Death - Series 1
- Engineering Mankind
- Episode Power Plant and China
- Episode Secret Weapon (you will face a serious inner bug at the second map if you try to play this mod on hard difficulty)
- Escape by Leo Ring
- Escape from the Egyptian Tomb( RacerX Compo 12 Egyptian Museum )
- Espionage
- Exodus
- Exodus 2
- Failure
- Faraon
- Fate Reversal v1.1
- Fathom 2.4
- Freeman
- Freeman's Escape (2 maps by JiggZ)
- Freeman's Fight
- Freeman's Return
- Freeman's Return 2
- Freeman's Revenge
- Freeman's Tomb( The Crypt )
- G-Invasion v2.5 aka G-Man Invasion (there is an inner crash bug on final titles: some text lines are too long and cannot be properly displayed)
- G-Man House
- GameStar( Episode 4 GameStar )
- Gateway
- Gateway 2
- Gina's Adventures
- Gman Island Part 1
- Gman Island Part 2
- Graber v1.1
- Ground Zero by Derek 'Hellfire' McBurney
- Gut Reaction
- Half-Life C.A.G.E.D. (set -num edicts 4096 in command-line parameters for successful start)
- Half-Life: Dreamcast v1.1
- Half-Life: OPS (link dead!)
- Half-Life: Uplink
- Half-Quake
- Half-Quake 2: Amen
- Hard 2 (set fps_max to 60 to prevent a possible sticking of Barney on an elevator in the beginning of the mod)
- Hardman - In the City (the updated version of the mod has been tested)
- Haunted (set sv_validate_changelevel to 0 to avoid a problem with level change between maps pagan7 and pagan8)
- Hazardous Materials: Episode 1 & 2
- Hazardous-Course 2
- Help Wanted
- Hidden Evil v1.01
- High Speed
- hlife_hotdog_compo26
- Home Alone -NOT
- Hour-Glass
- Idol Hunt
- Independence Day (set sv_validate_changelevel to 0 to avoid a problem with incorrect level transitions)
- Infestation
- Infiltracja
- Infinite Rift
- Instinct
- Insurrection
- Irreality
- Ispitatel
- Kill All Greenpeace
- Krypton (there is one inner bug on the map with a rocket pad - the rocket can get stuck when you try to launch it)
- Lands of Lore v2 (set gl_allow_mirrors to 0 to avoid performance problems with last 2 maps)
- Last-life
- Life's End
- Macky's Adventure
- MadCrabs (there are couple of potential scripting problems, but they seem to be inner problems of the mod, so if you stuck somewhere just try to replay your game from last autosave)
- Marine Invasion: Episode 1 & 2 + Freak-Lager(OF map)
- Mario Keys
- McBeth
- Medieval World
- Mel Soaring 2: Star Rancor
- Mission Failed
- Mission MC Poker
- Mission of Mercy
- Mission to Kill
- Mission to Kill 2
- Moonwalker
- Mystery House v1.0
- NewBlackMesaVille
- Night Shooting
- No Exit
- No-Life
- Nuclear Power Plant
- Occupied Territory
- Operacja Gargantua
- Operacja Mirra
- Operation Krautsalat v1.1 (there is a potential inner bug at third map - a door to the control room will not be opened, until all alien grunts leaved their cells, so don't kill any of them, which are still in cells)
- Operation: Nova (there is an inner bug with an M60 machinegun on a map with Osprey: it can be activated and used if you are staying in front of it, not behind it)
- Optimum Fear
- Outrun
- Outwards (Day One)
- Overhaul Pack (Just HD pack for Half-Life)
- P.I.Z.D.E.C.
- pagoda
- Peaces Like Us v1.0
- Phobos IV
- Pimp My Car (there is an inner issue with incorrect responses of buttons on combination locks)
- Point Blank – Stackdeath Complex
- Prisoner Escaped
- Prisoner of Event
- Prisoner of War
- Project Quantum Leap
- Project VIP
- Projekt Einstein
- Recon( Reconnaissance )
- Red Mesa
- Red Mesa 2
- RES v1.0
- Rescue 9-1-Freeman
- Resistance
- Resistance 2
- Resistance 3
- Return
- Return 2 (there is an inner problem in the first map with a moving of the second metal box, just keep pushing the box, until it begins to move)
- Reviviscence
- Road of Destiny
- Rooms: TWHL COOP Project( Rooms Half-Life or TWHL Rooms ) (set gl_allow_mirrors to 0 to prevent drops of perfomance at the map rooms7)
- Run for Life (the "stolen" version of this mod with changed menu background also known as Mad Escape)
- S.W.A.T.
- Sabotage
- Sagharmath (link dead!)
- Sandscroll
- Saving Bob
- Secret Base
- Secret Santa 2011 for Soup Miner
- Secret Santa 2011 for Stojke
- Senses in Decay
- Shift-Two v1.1
- Sky Mesa
- Sleephorst v1.5
- Smart Decoy
- Somewhere in Time (link dead!)
- Sooper 2 (link dead!)
- Split-Second
- Subhumanity
- Terror Side (set sv_validate_changelevel to 0 to avoid problem with level change between some maps)
- Test Your Skill (link dead!)
- The Challenger Deep
- The Challenger Deep 2
- The Evil Thing
- The Evil World
- The Haunted Lab
- The Long Night
- The Mansion
- The Night Things
- The Night Things 2: Woodstock Manor
- The Ropes (set fps_max to 60 to prevent a possible sticking of a barrel which you need to lift down with an elevator at the second map)
- The Way Is Clear
- The Way Is Clear 2
- The Xeno Project
- The Xeno Project 2
- Then and Now
- They Live( Chungo )
- Timefall
- Timeline
- Timeline II: Iced Earth
- Todesangst
- Tokami Island
- Tower (set sv_validate_changelevel to 0 to avoid a problem with incorrect level transitions)
- Trespasser
- Try, Try Again
- Tucked Up
- TWHLmix
- Two Smoking Barrels
- Typical Disaster
- Typical Disaster: The Lost Levels
- U-Life
- Underground v2.0 (there is an inner crash bug on final titles: some text lines are too long and cannot be properly displayed)
- Underground Territory
- Undertime
- Uplink Addon v1.2
- Uplink Lite & Uplink Lite Plus Demo
- USS Darkstar (set gl_allow_mirrors to 0 to prevent drops of perfomance in some areas)
- Vengeance
- Virtual Reality: The Real World
- Wail of Death
- Wail of Death 2: The Hell Master
- War Crimes v1.2
- Windmill v2.0
- World War III Missions (parts 1, 2 & 3)
- Worst Holiday (there are 2 problems with doors; a door at second map can be opened if you sit down near it; to pass the door in laboratory you should run quickly as you can from ventilaion shaft - there is an autosave point on a previous map, if you failed)
- Xen
- You Are in Army Now
- Zubben
- Alpha Research Facility v0.3
- Back in Future Alpha version
- Biohazard 2 (unfinished mod version)
- Bloodreign (the mod has inner bugs, especially second map)
- Boreality: Part 1 (there is a visual glitch problem on the map mell04, but same happens for original Half-Life too)
- Catacombs: Part 1
- Cro-man's Office Mappack
- Half-Life Episode Two Demo Alpha v1.0
- Hazardous-Course (first version of Hazardous-Course 2) (link dead!)
- High Tech v0.2
- HL Shadows, Part 1
- HLNewEnd
- Kleiners Adventures Demo
- Kleiners Adventures: The White Line Demo (link dead!)
- LV-426: Episode 1
- Malevolence(1.3 and older)
- Meth-Life Demo v1.0
- Night-Fire Demo
- On the Other Side aka OTOS (there is a train-related bug in the beginning, which makes you to use noclip, but it's an inner flaw of the map)
- Orion: Part 1( Project Orion )
- Padle Mesto Demo (some scripts & buttons are not configured properly in this mod, so they can be activated/deactivated automaically after reloading of a saved game)
- Panic at Black Mesa Demo
- Plan B v1.1
- Project Focus North v1.6 Demo
- Qortez( Quortez ) (it's recommended to use only default low-poly model of scientist for this mod; also set fps_max to 60 via console to prevent an issue with one of scripted sequences)
- Return to Lambdacore Demo
- Route City Beta 1
- SHAFT - Part 1
- Shortcut v1.0 Beta
- Stoka
- Striker's Compo 26 (buggy)
- Technology Test 2 (link dead!)
- The Gate Playable Demo
- They are Back
- Tiefseelabor( Deep Sea Laboratory )
- Time-Shift (link dead!)
- Train Single Beta (Remove gfx.wad from TrainSingle folder)
- WAR: The Killer Beta 0.1
- White Force Beta( Residual Point prototype )
- Your First Mission Demo
- Zombieland v1.1
- AvsM 1 v1.2 (link dead!)
- Cook The Headcrab Episodes 1 & 2
- Cook The Headcrab Episode 3
- Cook The Headcrab Episode 4
- DAV HL Pack 1
- Discoman v2.2
- Dramatic Measures( Surprise! )
- Funny Map Pack 1
- Half-Life Shorts
- Half-Starwars
- Japanese Episodes
- K7 Trouble (Remove string secure 1 from liblist.gam)
- Night Shift Beta
- Pillars of Pain: A Buddy & Kona Saga( PoP-BaKs )
- Star Wars Half-Life (second map running via console using map swpart2 cmd)
- The Crabulator v0. (Rename mod folder to TheCrabulator)
- The Mansion by Unbreakable
- TWHL Cubicles
- Valve ERC Contest #1 - The martyred pop machine
- Valve ERC Contest #2 - Best train-ride sequence
- VOLCAN Beta 1.3
- Woodpigeon's Map Pack
there is a same critical issue in first 9 mods - an unworking level transition from a first map to a second one; to overcome the bug, follow these steps:
start a second map of a mod - 2009eb_map2 / HLRE2 / deth2 / paranormal2 / jail2 / map2 / ward / mistake2 / SAJ2A - manually via console
step back to activate a level transition to the previous map
type restart into console
play with working transition!
- 2009EB
- A Day in the Life of a Coward
- Deth
- HL: Paranormal Demo
- Jailbreak
- Misantrophy
- Mistaken Identity
- Mistaken Identity 2
- The Returning
- Alternate Path (there is an issue with deep sticking in elevator, when you return from map out3 to map out2, so you'll be forced to use noclip as solution; also you need to set sv_validate_changelevel to 0, because of unstable level transition between map outside and map out2)
- Final Run
- Hard (you can get stuck inside boxes in a moving truck on the second map of the mod - type restart command in the console to fix your position when the next map is loaded and truck is stopped)
- Office Commando (changelevel bug between 1st, 2nd and 3rd maps)
- Preview of the "Paradox" (changelevel bug between 1st, 2nd and 3rd maps)
- The Hill (there is a mapper's flaw in changelevel settings between maps thehill & thesequel, it can be corrected only manually by editing of entpatches for these maps - you need to rename "bottom rung" value to "bottomrung"; after editing you new to start new game)
- Threatening Skies Pre-Demo (aka Half-Life 1.5; you can get stuck in a roof of a train on level change between maps game010c and game010d; use noclip or restart command to fix this)
Singleplayer mods which has custom gamedll with minor changes and fully playable with vanilla Half-Life libraries
- Big Lolly (Windows version has pink HUD)
- Citizen Arms Demo 2 (there are few inner bugs in the mod, but it still playable)
- DALEK unbidden
- Fight for Life
- Half-Life Baby v1.4 (it's an unfinished but playable mod; after installing of the mod open liblist.gam or gameinfo.txt file in the mod's folder and correct the line gamedll "..\hlbaby\dlls\hl.dll" for gamedll "dlls\hl.dll", otherwise you'll not be able to start a game)
- Half-Secret (this mod has custom weapon_snark code)
- Induction (this mod has new item - item_flashlight)
- Lost in Black Mesa(first version without HLFX)
- Soldier
- Solo Operations
- The Blood v1.1 (there are some inner bugs in the mod, but they don't interfere with a game progress)
- The Escape (there is a couple of strange glitches on a map evasion7, but they are not interrupting a gameplay, just don't forget to download and install all of presented fixes for the mod)
- Wilson Chronicles: The Unfinished Edition
- 3rd505th
- 5 More Ways to Die
- 5 Ways to Die
- 5 Worse Ways to Die
- A Bad Day
- A Disgruntled Christmas
- Accidental Life Demo
- Aftermath
- Ali Meyer
- Alien (map by Nicolas Gadenne)
- Alien Blast
- Alien Survival
- American Training Facility
- An Escape
- Area Assault
- Assassination
- Atom's Mini Compo by Tetsu0
- Atom's Mini Compo by zeeba-G
- B.O.G aka Black.Orange.Grenade (you need to have additional textures to play this map properly - opfor.wad & tfc.wad; also game crashes in the final because of inner mapping flaw )
- Barney's Dream Demo( B-dream Beta )
- Barrel of Grunts
- Beach Party
- Beastie
- Black Mesa South (there are few minor glitches, but they are inner flaws of the map and don't interfere with completing a game)
- Black Mesa Storage Facility - Bay A2
- Black Mesa Xmas(A Black Mesa Christmas)
- Blood and Guts
- Blood1 (link dead!)
- Bhop
- Breakout (map for Single Mapping Competition by BennyBlanco)
- Breakout (map by Mediocre MapGuy)
- Bullsuid Will Survive
- C2
- C3
- C5
- Caged (link dead!)
- Camera Puzzle (this map perfectly demonstrates an improved feature of Xash3D Engine - game is correctly saving and restoring 3rd person view for the player after loading a previously saved game)
- CataXen
- Cause of Death
- Challenge (map by tnkqwe)
- CHALLENGE aka Can You Live (map by killer487554; remove spaces in the map name before you play)
- Choices
- Chuck - Texas Rangers
- Coach
- Cook The Headcrab
- Core01 (map for Fast Level Design competition by Flash)
- Crawler
- Crysis 3 (map for Single Mapping Competition by Raid)
- CUBE (map by Jobabob)
- danger1
- Data-base
- de_dust2_azabetfeN (remove cl_dlls & dlls folders from inside of mod's directory before you start the game)
- De-railed
- Dead Shift Beta - Demo 1 & Demo 2 (3rd link dead!)
- Deep
- Desert Attack
- Desert Combat Demo (despite a big file size there's only one small unfinished map)
- Desert Strike
- Devil Mesa
- Disco Party v1.1
- dissolution (you need to have additional textures to play this map properly - nw.wad from Nightwatch Texture Pack and decals.wad from Opposing Force)
- Doomed Demo
- Dream1_ver3, Dream1_ver2, Dream1
- Dressed to Kill
- Dying at Sea( Signs )
- eif coloseum
- eif_room
- eif_school
- Emissary
- En Route 66 (set -num edicts 4096 in command-line parameters for successful start)
- Enclosed Space
- Endlevel Boss
- ES (map for Single Mapping Competition by Flash)
- escape by killer1102 (there is a potential bug with a scientist, who should open a door for you, but it's an inner scripting problem of the map)
- Escape from Black Mesa v1.44 (map from TWHL by Satchmo) (wrong link!)
- Escape Off (a part of this map was used later in Friendship 2.0 mod)
- Evasion
- Evil Space
- Experimental Problems
- Extinct Lifeform Hunt
- Facility
- Facility Escape
- Fallout (map by simb)
- Final Assault
- Flat
- Freeman's Allegiance
- Freeman's Escape (map by Dave Crabb)
- Freeman's Suicide( Kill Yourself )
- Funhouse
- Func_breakable - The Invasion (map from TWHL by Archie aka The Hunter)
- Genetic Research Facility
- Gladiator
- Go to Xen Awalk(Xen Walk/SP-Offyxen)
- goldsource (link dead!)
- Govnomod (DevTest Demo was tested; for the proper installation you should have Counter-Strike mod preliminarily installed in your main game folder; demo map text is on russian)
- Govnomod: Mysterious Force
- GruntMatch
- Grunts Domain( archiveSP01 )
- Gunship v1
- Half-Life 1: Traptown E3 2003
- Half-Life 2 Tech Demo Parody( Half-Life 2 Physics Test Level )
- Hard Way
- Headcrab Revenge
- Headcrab-BOSS
- HL Dance( Half-Dance )
- hl_egzekucja
- HLywood
- Hnaii - Office Komplex
- Hospital (you need to edit liblist.gam file in the mod's folder - delete gamedll & type strings from it before you start to play)
- Hostage
- House
- Impulse 101 Fun - The Train (map from TWHL by Archie aka The Hunter)
- In America
- In the Kitchen
- Infiltration
- Interactivity & Lots of Entities (link dead!)
- Interior
- Into the Frying Pan
- Island Bombing
- Ivy
- Jump Program
- Killer on the Run
- Killing House for Half-Life
- Kosovo 2000
- Kosovo II – The Second Day
- KotiteolliSuus
- Kyo Half-Strike (there are few error messages at start, which can be safely skipped; also the code in the beginning is 3141)
- l33t Test 1: Conclusive Analysis
- Lab
- Lambda Station
- LC (map for Fast Level Design competition by Slux)
- LDSF( Laser Deployed Security Force )
- Locked Up
- Looping Stage
- Lord's Lair
- Losspower
- Lost-World
- Lounge
- MatrixTrainstation
- Maze01a (link dead!)
- Meat, Blood, Gun (there are 2 maps, but only first map is playable, in fact)
- Merry Christmas to hlife_hotdog aka Happy Holidays (to play the right map, enter map happyholidays into console, or edit startmap parameter in liblist.gam file inside mod's folder)
- Museum Lockdown
- My Backyard
- My Black Mesa (map for Single Mapping Competition by Zanzer)
- Nameless (map for Single Mapping Competition by AGRESSOR)
- Need for Energy(SP-Energy)
- Nightmare: A horror map
- Nightshift_FsC
- No Chance
- No Regret
- Nuclear Aftermath (map 48h_map1_pre by Bluthund)
- Nuke (map tmdnuke by the-middleman)
- Observatory
- Ominous Reality: Part 1
- Operation Rainbow
- Operation Randomosity
- Orb
- Osprey Chopper Competition (map by Andy)
- Otage Beta v0.05
- Outpost
- Oxidum (the map is unfinished and after a dead-end there is another interesting place that you can reach only by using of noclip)
- Pac-Man
- Parallax Beta (there are 2 maps, but only first map is playable, in fact)
- Postal
- Problems in Building 2
- Pulse: Demo #1
- Quake
- Quilted Thought Organ
- Radix (this map is also a part of Project Quantum Leap mod)
- Rat Hunt: Quarters (there is only 1 little issue - rats counter messages do not displayed until all rats are eliminated)
- Remember All
- Rescue by SaCo (there is an inner bug - once you have activated a scientist in the end of the map, you should run quickly from him to the door with a scanner, otherwise he gets stuck into you; so you have to kill all enemies before you activate him)
- Rescue 2 (map by SaCo)
- Revamp
- Rogat
- Rooms (map by ghost2)
- Ruled by Insanity
- Rube Goldberg aka Entity Challenge 2(map by Captain Terror)
- Rube Goldberg Machine (map by TJB)
- Rum
- Rumble
- Run, Run, Run!
- Runaway
- Runder
- s_3_LumbdaCore (map for Fast Level Design competition by Sania3)
- Saving Santa ( Secret Santa 2011 for Rimrook by Urby )
- sand_01
- SciMaker 1.1 (With Kill Func)
- Scientist Killing
- Scientists Hideout (map 48h_m01 by ToTac)
- Scramble
- Seek and Destroy
- SelfKill
- SEMTEX (map by kol)
- Sepulcher
- Shootout Alpha 3
- Small Battle
- Small Battle 2
- Smash Half-Life
- Snatch
- Soft Boiled
- Someplace Else (this map is also a part of Project Quantum Leap mod)
- Somewhere( Kasperg: Unique Map )
- Southeastern Lan Party
- sp_valley
- Space_Lasercore
- Spearhead
- Spellbinder - The Summoning Tower v1.2
- Sproutch Mod!!! (another variation of this map is Bullsquids Pet)
- Star (there are 2 maps, but only first map is playable, in fact; also changelevel is not working properly there, but it's an inner bug of the mod)
- Stacja
- Station17
- Storage Facility (map by T.J Brosnan)
- Strange Findings Part 1
- Subway - The Longest Fall (you need to have additional textures to play this map properly: opfor.wad from Opposing Force, specialists.wad from The Specialists, tfc2.wad from Team Fortress Classic and wanted.wad from Wanted!)
- Surfacerun
- SwirusMap (call it "Dream")
- Target Practice
- Technical Problems
- Teh Hammre
- Test Lab 16
- Test Map (map by NinjaBlack1337 aka Guillermo_SPY)
- Test of Destruction
- The Abandon
- The Arena - Room 1
- The Crab Lab
- The Cupboard of Doom
- The Desert of Doom
- The Gloom
- The History Can Be Changed (you need to have additional textures to play this map properly - opfor.wad from Opposing Force)
- The House Beta 0.1
- The Innocent Eternity (there are 2 maps, but only first map is playable, in fact)
- The Interview, Stage 1
- The Last Survivor (there is an issue with saved games in this map - they don't work properly after loading, but it's an inner flaw of the map, not an engine's bug)
- The Leech Pits
- The Origin of Symmetry
- The Plague
- The Playtest
- The Poseidon Incident( USCM: Infestation Demo )
- The Run
- The Secret Mission
- The Silo Station
- The Stupendous Quest of the Annoying Microwave
- The Swimmingpool (there is an inner bug of unmovable trashcan, so you have to use noclip on your way back)
- The Transporter( Xen Transportation )
- The_Work_Area v1.0
- Torching the Light
- Torture a Friendly NPC
- Torture That Alien
- Total Evasion
- Tower (Required Spirit of Half-Life for item_suit)
- TriggerHappy
- TriggerHappy2
- TriggerHappy2.5 (link dead!)
- Trouble
- Tunnels
- Twisted Hazard Course
- Two Towers
- Underground Facility
- Unnamed by rowleybob
- Urb's Challenge
- USS Gaspra
- USSL Blue Mesa (remove space from the end of the map's name before you play)
- Valve Pressure Beta v2
- Vassy Compo
- Vilcabamba (this map is also used as a first map in Idol Hunt mod)
- Vital Signs
- Wake Up and Stay Alive
- war_coop1
- Warehouse Firefight
- We Got Work to Do!
- Weird Dreams (Required Spirit of Half-Life for item_suit)
- When the Army Came to the Office
- WWE Bullsquid Royal Rumble
- Wybuchowka
- X-treme Violence
- XargoL's Entry for Vassy's Compo
- Xen Again
- Xen World
- XUnil
- Zeeba-G's TWHL Compo 26 Entry
- Zombies!
- Zone: Map 1 (Intro)
- Zone: Map 2 (Part 1)
- Zone: Map 3 (Part 2)
Originally this list was written by Qwertyus(Qortez)
Spirit of Half-Life - extended toolkit for HL1 mappers by Laurie Cheers.
To run mods from this category - first of all place mod folder to folder where is valve folder located.
On android install launcher from here and run it with command-line parameter -game <modfolder>
On iOS use library suffix sohl or Spirit
For Linux and OS X you must download crossbuild from here and place cl_dlls/dlls folders from archive to your mod folder.
Mods which based on vanilla Spirit of Half-Life 1.2 or older(Fully playable with SoHL 1.2 libraries)
- Accidental Assassin (this mod has inner bugs; type restart if you stuck on changelevel)
- Big Scientists
- Black Silla Assault DEMO v1.2
- Blbej Den
- Cold Experiment v1 (you will need some files from SoHL to play it properly; download SoHL 1.2, extract files and copy following folders into coldexv1 folder: cl_dlls, dlls, models, sprites)
- Dead Sector v1.0a
- Death Is Dead (there is a fog-related inner bug at the first map)
- Escape from Black Mesa Alpha
- ESCAPE: Trainingroom
- City Crush v0.1
- Invasion 105 v2.0
- Issues( Project Quantum Leap 2 )
- Mission Impracticable 2
- Prison v2.1
- Prize v1.1
- Radiation Alert: Episode 1 v1.1
- Run From Hell v1.1b (there is an inner bug with underwater crates in the map firstmap9 - they can't be broken, so you should use noclip to pass through them)
- Santa's Revenge (set fps_max to 60 to avoid an inner problem of the last map with final scripted sequence, otherwise the mod can not be finished properly)
- Sector 6 (link dead!)
- Space Prisoner v1.1 (after installing of the mod open liblist.gam or gameinfo.txt file in the mod's folder and correct the line gamedll "..\prison\dlls\spirit.dll" for gamedll "dlls\spirit.dll", otherwise you'll not be able to start a game; there is also a scripting error on a third map of the mod, so you'll be forced to use noclip to pass around bugged place)
- Terrorist Attack 2 (link dead!)
- Timeline III: The Heart of Darkness
- Underground 2 Demo
Mods which based on modified Spirit of Half-Life 1.2 or older(Partially playable with SoHL 1.2 libraries or not playable at all)
- Black Death
- Borderlands v0.4
- Dark Territory (set fps_max to 60 to avoid an inner problem of the map tau_jungle_02 with a scripted sequence, otherwise you can get a gamebreaking bug)
- Dead Way Alpha
- Emergency
- ESCAPE (final) by DMC Interactive
- ESCAPE 2 by DMC Interactive
- Force of Evil
- Friendship: Town of half-life.ru mappers v2.0 (this mod has inner bugs)
- Malevolence v1.4 Open Source Beta
- Portrait of Freeman v1.1
- Project M.L.P v1.0 (Remove halflife.wad from mod folder)
- Snark Planet Demo
- Survive in Catacombs
- Survive in Catacombs 2: Fear (Bloodbath)
- The Lost Hell
- The Trap v1.50 (mod by Reaktor)
- Ispitatel 4: Classic
- Half-Life 2: Classic Demo
Mods which based on Spirit of Half-Life 1.4/1.5/1.8(Fully playable with SoHL 1.8 libraries, partially playable with SoHL 1.2 libraries or not playable at all)
- Before v1.0
- Christmas Life v1.0 (initial mod works properly, but additional mappacks for this mod contain few maps that have some gameplay problems under Xash3D)
- COLONY 42 Alpha
- Crazy Crabs Demo 1 & 2 (link dead!)
- Far Crab Demo v2
- Firefighter Demo v1.1
- Halfquake 3: Sunrise
- Prototype 98 (set fps_max to 60, otherwise you can get stuck in some places)
- Reissues v1.1
- Santa's Revenge 2: Xmas Meltdown
- Tactical Espionage Action v1.0
- TWHL Tower Alpha
Mods which based on Spirit of Half-Life 1.3/1.6/1.7/1.9(Fully playable with SoHL 1.9 libraries, partially playable with SoHL 1.2 libraries or not playable at all)
Originally this list was written by Qwertyus(Qortez)
To run mods from this category - first of all place mod folder and gearbox folder from Opposing Force to folder where is valve folder located.
On android install launcher from here and run it with command-line parameter -game <modfolder>
For mappacks - place *.bsp files to gearbox/maps folder, *.wad files to gearbox and type map <mapname>
- Aron
- A Soldiers Tale
- Black Bag Operations
- Bootleg Squadrog (there is an inner bug - don't save/load your game at the second map of the mod, otherwise a script that giving you weapons in the armory will not work)
- Camp Aign
- Campaign: Part 1
- Double Helix
- Fallback, Fire, and Ice, plus simply Fallback (initial version of the mod with 5 maps)
- Fallen Chopper
- Focalpoint
- Foothold
- Ground Zero by Necromancer
- Ground Zero 2: Fallout by Derek 'Hellfire' McBurney (there is a potential inner bug with unmovable barrel at the second map; you can break that barrel, but it very durable and has 9000 health points)
- Intolerable Threat
- Little Skyscraper of Horrors
- Mechanized Death: An Army of None
- Nuclear Winter
- Opposing Force Aliens Addon
- Opposing Life2Life (link dead!)
- Realms
- Shepard's Adventures
- Snowy Rock
- Space Disaster
- The Alpha Unit
- The Evasion
- The Tower
- The Xen Campaigns
- Ultimate Attack
- Under the Blackmoon
- Warzone
- Black Op Mission
- Mission Impossible (the mod is not fully finished and changelevel to the last map doesn't work)
- Poisonheadcrab Nightmare Mappack Demo + Update (there are some bugs, but they are inner bugs of the mod)
- Return to Black Mesa (link dead!)
- The Bounty Hunter
- Xen Assault (there are inner bugs, which interfere with level change in introductury maps p1vs1 and xenmp; you can just skip them and begin to play directly from the map p1v1)
There is a same critical issue in these mods - an unworking level transition from a first map to a second one
To overcome the bug, follow these steps:
start a second map of a mod - op2 / ret2 - manually via console
step back to activate a level transition to the previous map
type restart into console
play with working transition!
- Alternate Points
- Battle
- Bomb Squad
- Corruption
- Critical Mass C3M1 Build 1 Demo
- EPRST! (link dead!)
- Firing Range
- Friendly Fire
- Guitar Star Pre-Alpha (link dead!)
- J2000
- Killing House for OF
- Klabautermann (though the map has some inner issues, it can be properly finished, just don't let the welder soldier die and don't press the fifth button until you mount a special gun in its' place)
- Little Escape
- Madness 2
- Operation: Sandblast
- OpFor Postal
- Super Nova Space Station
- The Red Area
- Underhalls
- Without Doubts Beta
- X-Abaddon
- You Die v2
- Zombies
XashXT - SoHL-based extended toolkit for Xash3D mappers by Unkle Mike.
To run mods from this category - first of all place mod folder to folder where is valve folder located.
On android install launcher from here and run it with command-line parameter -game <modfolder>
- Meanwile in Russia demo(MIR)
- Monorail Quest
- Awful changes by MSteam
- Dark Rock by Adam 'Jeb_Radec' Brown
- Hospital by Nod24
- They Hunger: Escape by Gua
- They Hunger: Lab of Horrors by Jordan
- They Hunger: Route666 Demo by MadMapper
For mods from this category - first of all place mod folder to folder where is valve folder located.
On android need to install separate launcher with custom game libraries
On iOS need to run the game from Xash3D FWGS app with command-line parameter -game <modfolder>
and special library suffix(if it needed).
On Linux and OS X need to download special build for this OSes.
Package for FreeBSD already has libraries for some mods from this list.
NOTE: Many mods from this list was ported only on android, but you can use source code to build mod libraries manually for your platform.
Android launcher: Play Market, ModDB, Github
On Linux you can use OpenAG client by YaLTeR
Source code:
Original source code: https://github.com/martinwebrant/agmod
nekonomicon's branch: https://github.com/FWGS/hlsdk-xash3d/tree/aghl
Android launcher: Play Market, ModDB, Github
For Linux and OS X you can download crossbuild from here
Source code:
nekonomicon's branch: https://github.com/FWGS/hlsdk-xash3d/tree/aomdc
Android launcher: ModDB, Github
For Linux and OS X you can download crossbuild from here
Source code:
nekonomicon's branch: https://github.com/FWGS/hlsdk-xash3d/tree/asheep
Android launcher: Play Market, ModDB, Github
For Linux and OS X you can download crossbuild from here
Source code:
nekonomicon's branch: https://github.com/FWGS/hlsdk-xash3d/tree/blackops
Android launcher: Play Market, ModDB, Github
library suffix for iOS: bubblemod
This mod already has version for Linux.
Source code:
You can find original source code into archive from downloads section on bubblemod.org
nekonomicon's branch: https://github.com/FWGS/hlsdk-xash3d/commits/bubblemod
Android launcher: Play Market, ModDB, Github
For Linux and OS X you can download crossbuild from here
Source code:
nekonomicon's branch: https://github.com/FWGS/hlsdk-xash3d/commits/CAd
Android launcher: Play Market
On PC you can run only server.
Source code:
Client: https://github.com/FWGS/cs16-client/tree/v1.32
Server: https://github.com/FWGS/regamedll
Android launcher: ModDB, Github
Source code:
lostgamer's branch: https://github.com/LostGamerHL/crack_life
Android launcher: Play Market, ModDB, Github
Source code:
Original source code: https://github.com/ValveSoftware/halflife/tree/master/dmc
nekonomicon's branch: https://github.com/FWGS/hlsdk-xash3d/tree/dmc
Android launcher: Play Market, ModDB, Github
For Linux and OS X you can download crossbuild from here
Source code:
nekonomicon's branch: https://github.com/FWGS/hlsdk-xash3d/tree/eftd
Android launcher: Play Market, ModDB, Github
Source code:
nekonomicon's branch: https://github.com/FWGS/hlsdk-xash3d/tree/bshift
Android launcher: ModDB, Github
Source code:
nekonomicon's branch: https://github.com/FWGS/hlsdk-xash3d/tree/echoes
- Half-Life: Gravgun (unfinished) by mittorn, a1batross and Solexid
Support temporary abandoned
Old launcher for android here
New launcher(leaked by lostgamer) for android here (Rename gravgun.apkk to gravgun.apk)
Source code: https://github.com/FWGS/hlsdk-xash3d/tree/gravgun
Source code:
Hings's branch: https://github.com/H-I-N-G/hlsdk-xash3d
lostgamer's branch: https://github.com/LostGamerHL/hlsdk-xash3d/tree/opfor
nekonomicon's branch: https://github.com/FWGS/hlsdk-xash3d/tree/opfor
Android launcher: ModDB, Github
Source code:
nekonomicon's branch: https://github.com/FWGS/hlsdk-xash3d/tree/hltopdown
Android launcher: Play Market, ModDB, Github
For Linux and OS X you can download crossbuild from here
Source code:
nekonomicon's branch: https://github.com/FWGS/hlsdk-xash3d/tree/visitors
Android launcher: Play Market, ModDB, Github
Source code:
Original source code: https://github.com/desukuran/half-screwed
nekonomicon's branch: https://github.com/FWGS/hlsdk-xash3d/tree/half-screwed
Android launcher: Play Market, ModDB, Github
Source code:
nekonomicon's branch: https://github.com/FWGS/hlsdk-xash3d/tree/noffice
Support temporary abandoned
Test version for android you can find here (Rename paranoia.bin to paranoia.apk)
Source code: https://github.com/FWGS/paranoia_toolkit
Android launcher: Play Market, ModDB, Github
For Linux you can download special build from here
Source code:
nekonomicon's branch: https://github.com/FWGS/hlsdk-xash3d/tree/poke646
Android launcher: Play Market, ModDB, Github
For Linux you can download special build from here
Source code:
nekonomicon's branch: https://github.com/FWGS/hlsdk-xash3d/tree/poke646_vendetta
Support temporary abandoned
Old launcher for android you can find here
Source code: https://github.com/FWGS/QuakeRemakeDevkit
Android launcher: ModDB, Github
For Linux and OS X you can download crossbuild from here
Source code:
nekonomicon's branch: https://github.com/FWGS/hlsdk-xash3d/tree/rebellion
Android launcher: Play Market, ModDB, Github
library suffix for iOS: rp
For Linux and OS X you can download crossbuild from here
Source code:
nekonomicon's branch: https://github.com/FWGS/hlsdk-xash3d/tree/residual_point
Android launcher: Play Market, ModDB, Github
library suffix for iOS: rp
For Linux and OS X you can download crossbuild from here
Source code:
nekonomicon's branch: https://github.com/FWGS/hlsdk-xash3d/tree/residual_point
Android launcher: ModDB, Github
library suffix for iOS: sohl / Spirit
For Linux and OS X you can download crossbuild from here
Source code:
Logic&Trick's mirror with different SoHL versions source code.
nekonomicon's branch: https://github.com/FWGS/hlsdk-xash3d/tree/sohl1.2
Android launcher: Play Market, ModDB, Github
library suffix for iOS: shall
Source code:
nekonomicon's branch: https://github.com/FWGS/hlsdk-xash3d/tree/halloween
Android launcher: ModDB, Github
library suffix for iOS: thegate / TheGate
Source code:
nekonomicon's branch: https://github.com/FWGS/hlsdk-xash3d/tree/thegate
Android launcher: Play Market, ModDB, Github
library suffix for iOS: hunger / Hunger
For Linux and OS X you can download crossbuild from here
Source code:
nekonomicon's branch: https://github.com/FWGS/hlsdk-xash3d/tree/theyhunger
Android launcher: Play Market, ModDB, Github
For Linux and OS X you can download patch from here
Source code:
nekonomicon's branch: https://github.com/FWGS/hlsdk-xash3d/tree/dmc
Android launcher: Play Market, ModDB, Github
For Linux and OS X you can download crossbuild from here
Source code:
nekonomicon's branch: https://github.com/FWGS/hlsdk-xash3d/tree/tot
Support temporary abandoned
Test version for android and linux you can find here
Android launcher: Play Market, ModDB, Github
Source code:
Just compile SoHL 1.0-1.2 with -DXENWARRIOR flag.
nekonomicon's branch: https://github.com/FWGS/hlsdk-xash3d/tree/sohl1.2
Android launcher: Play Market, ModDB, Github
library suffix for iOS: Zombie-X-DLE
Source code:
nekonomicon's branch: https://github.com/FWGS/hlsdk-xash3d/tree/zombie-x
For mods from this category - place cstrike folder to folder where is valve folder located and install CS16Client launcher.
- Counter Strike: BreakThrough Edition by Chinese Xash3D FWGS Community
- Counter Strike 1.6: Deathmatch by Hings
- DeathFortress by Hings
- XashFortress by Solexid