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DBS Assignment Example in Python

This repository is a simple example of a Python HTTP application based on the FastAPI containerized in the Docker environment. You don't have to stick with the FastAPI for your assignments, this repository is just a simple example of Docker build process with environments variables (which you have to use because of the database configuration).

If you have any questions feel free to create a issue or offer a pull request.

Content of the repository

Application contains a simple HTTP endpoint GET /v1/hello which will return a JSON bellow where value of the hello property is from the NAME environment variable. Environment variables are processed using the BaseSettings object of the pydantic library.

Dockerfile inside the repository contains all required dependencies for the Python PostgreSQL driver psycopg2-binary. If you want to build a psycopg2 from source (using the psycopg2 you have to install a compiler inside the container).

The .github/workflows/publish.yml contains a CI/CD configuration for the Docker image build and publish using the GitHub Actions. If you wish to build and publish the image manually check the installation section specialized for the Docker image.


  • .github/workflows/publish.yml: GitHub Action recipe for Docker build and publish to the GitHub Container Registry (you probably don't need to touch this)
  • dbs_assignment: application module
    • endpoints: module for HTTP endpoints
      • home of the GET /v1/hello HTTP endpoint
    • Check Python docs
    • Check Python docs
    • Definition of the settings object
    • FastAPI router
  • .dockerignore: Files skipped in the Docker COPY command
  • .editorconfig: Nice & shiny editor settings
  • .gitignore: Files ignored by git
  • Dockerfile: Docker image definition
  • requirements.txt: Python dependencies file


From source

These are instructions for Linux/macOS operating systems. Windows may differ depending on your system configuration. Keep in mind that application requires presence of variables from the Check the Pydantic docs provided for more information.

  1. Create python virtual environment: python -m venv venv
  2. Enter environment: source venv/bin/activate
  3. Install dependencies: pip install -r requirements.txt
  4. Run application: uvicorn dbs_assignment.__main__:app --reload


You can build your Docker image with name dbs-python-example (you have to use same name as the name of the repository) simply by calling:

docker build -t dbs-python-example .

After a successful build, you can run it as a container named dbs-python-example-container using command bellow. This example also pass the NAME environment variable with value Dexter and redirect ports, so you can access the HTTP server inside the container.

docker run -p --env NAME=Dexter --name dbs-python-example-container dbs-python-example

If the waiting time for a GitHub actions is too long, you can publish yours local build image using docker push. Keep in mind the tester accepts only images published inside the FIIT-Databases GitHub organisation.

Firstly you have to tag your local image according to the scheme bellow (replace curly braces):{your-repository-name}:{tag-name}.

Valid command for this repository and tag name latest looks like this:

docker tag dbs-python-example

You can use tag names for different versions of your image (for example to identify assignment version). The CI/CD pipeline creates Docker image for:

  • each commit to main branch (will produce Docker image with :main tag),
  • each commit to master branch (will produce Docker image with :main tag),
  • each tag following sematic versioning (will produce Docker image with :x.x.x tag where x.x.x is version)

For more information check the Publishing section.

You can publish newly tagged image to the remote using docker push command.

docker push


Each assignment have to be published using via GitHub Releases. The CI/CD pipeline is configured for the Semantic versioning scheme (the Docker is created for each git tag with sematic version eg. 1.0.0).

After you submit your assignment, you can't replace a container in the registry (Docker images created after submission deadline will be rejected).


dbs24-brach-stv8-szabo-martin created by GitHub Classroom







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