CombineDataSources provides custom Combine subscribers that act as table and collection view controllers and bind a stream of element collections to table or collection sections with cells.
1.1 Bind a plain list of elements
1.2 Bind a list of Section models
1.2 Customize the list controller
2.2 Cocoapods
The repo contains a demo app in the Example sub-folder that demonstrates the different ways to use CombineDataSources in practice.
var data = PassthroughSubject<[Person], Never>()
.bind(subscriber: tableView.rowsSubscriber(cellIdentifier: "Cell", cellType: PersonCell.self, cellConfig: { cell, indexPath, model in
cell.nameLabel.text =
.store(in: &subscriptions)
Respectively for a collection view:
.bind(subscriber: collectionView.itemsSubscriber(cellIdentifier: "Cell", cellType: PersonCollectionCell.self, cellConfig: { cell, indexPath, model in
cell.nameLabel.text =
cell.imageURL = URL(string: "\(")!
.store(in: &subscriptions)
var data = PassthroughSubject<[Section<Person>], Never>()
.bind(subscriber: tableView.sectionsSubscriber(cellIdentifier: "Cell", cellType: PersonCell.self, cellConfig: { cell, indexPath, model in
cell.nameLabel.text =
.store(in: &subscriptions)
var data = PassthroughSubject<[[Person]], Never>()
let controller = TableViewItemsController<[[Person]]>(cellIdentifier: "Cell", cellType: PersonCell.self) { cell, indexPath, person in
cell.nameLabel.text =
controller.animated = false
// More custom controller configuration ...
.bind(subscriber: tableView.sectionsSubscriber(controller))
.store(in: &subscriptions)
A common pattern for list views is to load a very long list of elements in "batches" or "pages". (The distinction being that pages imply ordered, equal-length batches.)
CombineDataSources includes a data source allowing you to easily implement the batched list pattern called BatchesDataSource
and a table view controller TableViewBatchesController
which wraps loading items in batches via the said data source and managing your UI.
In case you want to implement your own custom logic, you can use directly the data source type:
let input = BatchesInput(
reload: resetSubject.eraseToAnyPublisher(),
loadNext: loadNextSubject.eraseToAnyPublisher()
let dataSource = BatchesDataSource<String>(
items: ["Initial Element"],
input: input,
initialToken: nil,
loadItemsWithToken: { token in
return MockAPI.requestBatchCustomToken(token)
is controlled via the two inputs:
(to reload the very first batch) and -
(to load each next batch)The data source has four outputs:
is the current list of elements, -
whether it's currently fetching a batch of elements, -
whether the data source fetched all available elements, and -
which is a stream ofError?
elements where errors by the loading closure will bubble up.
In case you'd like to use the provided controller the code is fairly simple as well. You use the standard table view items controller and TableViewBatchesController
like so:
let itemsController = TableViewItemsController<[[String]]>(cellIdentifier: "Cell", cellType: UITableViewCell.self, cellConfig: { cell, indexPath, text in
cell.textLabel!.text = "\(indexPath.row+1). \(text)"
let tableController = TableViewBatchesController<String>(
tableView: tableView,
itemsController: itemsController,
initialToken: nil,
loadItemsWithToken: { nextToken in
MockAPI.requestBatch(token: nextToken)
will set the table view data source, fetch items, and display cells with the proper animations.
- much better README, pls
- use a @Published for the time being instead of withLatestFrom
- make the batches data source prepend or append the new batch (e.g. new items come from the top or at the bottom)
- cover every API with tests
- make the default batches view controller neater
- add AppKit version of the data sources
- support Cocoapods
Add the following dependency to your Package.swift file:
.package(url: ", from: "0.2")
Add the following dependency to your Podfile:
pod 'CombineDataSources'
CombineOpenSource is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.
CombineOpenSource Slack channel:
Created by Marin Todorov for CombineOpenSource.
📚 You can support me by checking out our Combine book:
Inspired by RxDataSources and RxRealmDataSources.