Share map data with your friends, live, privately. Supports Journeymap and Voxelmap.
Join the Discord for announcements, discussion, and support.
Join a Minecraft server, press the GUI keybind (comma ,
by default), enter the address of your Sync Server, and click "Connect".
When you connect, you receive all chunks that your friends have mapped since the last time you played (and were connected to the Sync Server).
Every time any of your friends load a chunk with Map-Sync installed (even if they don't use any map mods!), it gets mapped and the map data gets sent to the Sync Server. It will then send it to everyone else, and if you have a compatible map mod installed (Journeymap or Voxelmap), the mod will display your friends' chunks.
Map-Sync tracks a timestamp per chunk, so old data will never overwrite newer data.
You can control who has access to a Sync Server by editing its allowed-users.txt
. If someone connects who is not allowed access yet, their name and UUID gets written to denied-users.txt
, from where you can just cut+paste it into allowed-users.txt
and restart the server to grant access.
Docker Install (recommended)
- Install the Docker Engine, if you haven't already.
- Install Docker Compose (We're using Docker Compose V2, so update if you haven't already done so.)
- Open a terminal.
- Clone our code.
git clone
- Change your working directory.
cd map-sync/
- To run the server with interactive prompt:
docker compose run --rm -it -p 12312:12312 map-sync
- To stop the interactive prompt: hit ctrl-c twice
- To run the server headless:
docker compose up map-sync -d
- To stop the headless server:
docker compose down map-sync
System Install
- install recent nodejs (~17)
- clone code,
cd server
npm install
npm run build
-- this has to be run after every time the code is editednpm run start
- to stop, press Ctrl+C twice
Run these inside the command-line interface after starting the server.
whitelist_add_ign <name> -- requires the player to have connected in the past
whitelist_remove_ign <name> -- requires the player to have connected in the past
whitelist_add <uuid>
whitelist_remove <uuid>
Copyright (C) 2022 Map-Sync contributors
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see