This tool is a JSON parser for SecureX Workflow files.
It translates XDR/SecureX Workflow JSON files into a clickable Tree view representation that help you to easily understand their structure and how they work.
All workflow contents are represented in the Tree View. Even descriptions and python scripts that can be displayed by clicking on dedicated links.
The main reason why I wrote this tool was for helping me to easily create worflow documentations based on the instruction available here. In order to publish clean Workflows and documentations.
If you have a look to the documentation template you will see all the key information that are expected. Targets, input variables / output variables, subworkflow dependancies...
After having creating a new worklow, the next steps are to clean it up, optimizing it, secure it, Minimize workflow dependancies...
Identify quickly if we ever let some sensitive data like credentials into the workflow. Check variables and their scopes, list all the targets and their details. If we put correctly comments and descriptions ? etc..etc..
All this tasks can be done into the workflow editor but it is not very user freindly for this. I wanted something that help me to go very fast. Tree View is probably one of the best visualization representation tool for acheiving such goals.
So this tool aims to help you to easily clean, optimize, secure the workflows you might create. In a more easier way than the Workflow editor does.
In a second hand, the tool help as well to understand how an existing workflow works and do some reverse engineering on it.
In this clean up workflow operation, definitely use the Cisco Workflow Online Tool first.
This tool highlights all the key points to corrects into your workflows, and gives you recommandations.
These recommandations are best practices, and the tool help to acquire good habits.
Just copy and paste your Workflow JSON content into the textarea box and click on Analyse.
You need to install the 2 following python modules :
- crayons
- ijson
Clone the whole content of this repository into your Python Workstation.
git clone
Install crayons and ijson
pip install crayons
pip install ijson
And that's it
Step 1 you must copy and paste the XDR JSON workflow export file into the /sxo_json_workflow subfolder. This subfolder is supposed to contains only one JSON file at a time. If several JSON files are located into this subfolder, only the last one will be computed.
Step 2 Open a console terminal and go to the application directory into your laptop
Step 3 run the script.
This script gives an output that contains only key information needed to understand quickly the workflow.
But you can run the to get the full workflow details. Every key contained into the JSON file in their original format
The resulting file is the index.html file located into the /result subfolder.
./result/index.html just open it with your browser by clicking on it
Open it with your browser and the Tree Graph appears
The Tree View is a clickable graph. You can browse the whole tree