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Merge branch 'master' into billboard-depth-fail
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bagnell committed Apr 3, 2017
2 parents 9c139ab + ba8ad1f commit 00e6861
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Showing 5 changed files with 293 additions and 21 deletions.
33 changes: 15 additions & 18 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -8,29 +8,26 @@ Change Log
* Breaking changes
* Removed `ArcGisImageServerTerrainProvider`.
* The top-level `properties` in an `Entity` created by `GeoJsonDataSource` are now instances of `ConstantProperty` instead of raw values.
* Added `Camera.flyTo` and `Camera.flyToBoundingSphere` options [#5070](
* `flyOverLongitude` to select one of two possible on Globe paths which camera should fly.
* `flyOverLongitudeWeight` to set a threshold: how many times the `flyOverLongitude` way can be than shortest path.
* `pitchAdjustHeight` to adjust camera pitch during exaggerated flights, to keep Earth in viewport.
* Added the event `Viewer.trackedEntityChanged`, which is raised when the value of `viewer.trackedEntity` changes. [#5060](
* Added `Camera.DEFAULT_OFFSET` for default view of objects with bounding spheres [#4936](
* Changed billboard blending behavior [#5066](
* Decrease multi-frustum overlap to prevent depth artifacts between opaque and translucent draw calls. [#5116](
* Fix crunch compressed textures in IE11. [#5057](
* Fixed a bug in `Quaternion.fromHeadingPitchRoll` that made it erroneously throw an exception when passed individual angles in an unminified / debug build.
* Fix `GroundPrimitive` rendering in 2D and Columbus View [#5078](
* Fixed an issue with `PinBuilder` where inset images could have low-alpha fringes against an opaque background. [#5099](
* Fixed a bug in `ModelAnimationCache` causing different animations to reference the same animation. [#5064](
* Fixed a bug that caused an exception in `CesiumInspectorViewModel` when using the NW / NE / SW / SE / Parent buttons to navigate to a terrain tile that is not yet loaded.
* `ConstantProperty` now provides `valueOf` and `toString` methods that return the constant value.
* Added support for time-varying properties in CZML [#5105](https:/
* Added support for an orthographic projection in 3D and Columbus view.
* Set `projectionPicker` to `true` in the options when creating a `Viewer` to add a widget that will switch projections. [#5021](
* Call `switchToOrthographicFrustum` or `switchToPerspectiveFrustum` on `Camera` to change projections.
* Fixed an issue with camera tracking of dynamic ellipsoids. [#5133](
* Added support for custom time-varying properties in CZML. [#5105](https:/
* Added new flight parameters to `Camera.flyTo` and `Camera.flyToBoundingSphere`: `flyOverLongitude`, `flyOverLongitudeWeight`, and `pitchAdjustHeight`. [#5070](
* Added the event `Viewer.trackedEntityChanged`, which is raised when the value of `viewer.trackedEntity` changes. [#5060](
* Added `Camera.DEFAULT_OFFSET` for default view of objects with bounding spheres. [#4936](
* Fixed an issue with `TileBoundingBox` that caused the terrain to disappear in certain places [4032](
* Fixed overlapping billboard blending. [#5066](
* Fixed an issue with `PinBuilder` where inset images could have low-alpha fringes against an opaque background. [#5099](
* Fix billboard, point and label clustering in 2D and Columbus view. [#5136](
* Fixed `GroundPrimitive` rendering in 2D and Columbus View. [#5078](
* Fixed an issue with camera tracking of dynamic ellipsoids. [#5133](
* Fixed issues with imagerySplitPosition and the international date line in 2D mode. [#5151](
* Fixed an issue with `TileBoundingBox` that caused the terrain to disappear in certain places [4032](
* Fixed a bug in `ModelAnimationCache` causing different animations to reference the same animation. [#5064](
* `ConstantProperty` now provides `valueOf` and `toString` methods that return the constant value.
* Improved depth artifacts between opaque and translucent primitives. [#5116](
* Fixed crunch compressed textures in IE11. [#5057](
* Fixed a bug in `Quaternion.fromHeadingPitchRoll` that made it erroneously throw an exception when passed individual angles in an unminified / debug build.
* Fixed a bug that caused an exception in `CesiumInspectorViewModel` when using the NW / NE / SW / SE / Parent buttons to navigate to a terrain tile that is not yet loaded.
* `QuadtreePrimitive` now uses `frameState.afterRender` to fire `tileLoadProgressEvent` [#3450](
* Added `disableDepthTestDistance` to billboards, points and labels. This sets the distance to the camera where the depth test will be disabled. Setting it to zero (the default) will alwasy enable the depth test. Setting it to `Number.POSITVE_INFINITY` will never enabled the depth test. Also added `scene.minimumDisableDepthTestDistance` to change the default value from zero. [#5166](

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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -52,8 +52,8 @@ We love pull requests. We strive to promptly review them, provide feedback, and

Before we can merge a pull request, we require a signed Contributor License Agreement. There is a CLA for:

* [individuals]( and
* [corporations](
* [individuals](Documentation/Contributors/CLAs/individual-cla-agi-v1.0.txt) and
* [corporations](Documentation/Contributors/CLAs/corporate-cla-agi-v1.0.txt).

This only needs to be completed once. The CLA ensures you retain copyright to your contributions, and we have the right to use them and incorporate them into Cesium using the [Apache 2.0 License](

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147 changes: 147 additions & 0 deletions Documentation/Contributors/CLAs/corporate-cla-agi-v1.0.txt
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@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
Analytical Graphics, Inc.
Software Grant and Corporate Contributor License Agreement ("Agreement")

In order to clarify the intellectual property license granted with
Contributions from any person or entity, Analytical Graphics, Inc.
("AGI") must have a Contributor License Agreement (CLA) on file that has
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terms below. This license is for your protection as a Contributor as well
as the protection of AGI and its users; it does not change your rights to
use your own Contributions for any other purpose.

This version of the Agreement allows an entity (the "Corporation") to
submit Contributions to AGI, to authorize Contributions submitted by its
designated employees to AGI, and to grant copyright and patent licenses thereto.

Please send complete forms to [email protected].

Please read this document carefully before signing and keep a copy
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Corporation name: ________________________________________________

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You accept and agree to the following terms and conditions for Your present
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1. Definitions.

"You" (or "Your") shall mean the copyright owner or legal entity
authorized by the copyright owner that is making this Agreement
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all other entities that control, are controlled by, or are under
common control with that entity are considered to be a single
Contributor. For the purposes of this definition, "control" means
(i) the power, direct or indirect, to cause the direction or
management of such entity, whether by contract or otherwise, or
(ii) ownership of fifty percent (50%) or more of the outstanding
shares, or (iii) beneficial ownership of such entity.

"Contribution" shall mean the code, documentation or other original
works of authorship expressly identified in Schedule B, as well as
any original work of authorship, including any modifications or
additions to an existing work, that is intentionally submitted by
You to AGI for inclusion in, or documentation of, any of the
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3. Grant of Patent License. Subject to the terms and conditions of
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applies only to those patent claims licensable by You that are
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were submitted. If any entity institutes patent litigation against
You or any other entity (including a cross-claim or counterclaim in a
awsuit) alleging that your Contribution, or the Work to which you
have contributed, constitutes direct or contributory patent
infringement, then any patent licenses granted to that entity under
this Agreement for that Contribution or Work shall terminate as of
the date such litigation is filed.

4. You represent that You are legally entitled to grant the above
license. You represent further that each employee of the
Corporation designated on Schedule A below (or in a subsequent
written modification to that Schedule) is authorized to submit
Contributions on behalf of the Corporation.

5. You represent that each of Your Contributions is Your original
creation (see section 7 for submissions on behalf of others).

6. You are not expected to provide support for Your Contributions,
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limitation, any warranties or conditions of TITLE, NON-INFRINGEMENT,

7. Should You wish to submit work that is not Your original creation,
You may submit it to AGI separately from any Contribution, identifying
the complete details of its source and of any license or other
restriction (including, but not limited to, related patents, trademarks,
and license agreements) of which you are personally aware, and
conspicuously marking the work as "Submitted on behalf of a third-
party: [named here]".

8. It is your responsibility to notify AGI when any change is required
to the list of designated employees authorized to submit Contributions
on behalf of the Corporation, or to the Corporation's Point of Contact
with AGI.

Sign by typing your full name.

Please sign: __________________________________ Date: _______________

Title: __________________________________

Corporation: __________________________________

Schedule A

[Initial list of designated employees. NB: authorization is not
tied to particular Contributions.]

Schedule B

[Identification of optional concurrent software grant. Would be
left blank or omitted if there is no concurrent software grant.]

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