Deliveroo is a British multinational delivery company, delivering goods for restaurants and stores to customers with ease.
- Expo: Rapid tooling and deployment platform for React Native applications.
- ReactJS: Framework for building interactive user interfaces.
- JavaScript: Programming language for typing and scripting functionalities.
- TailwindCSS: Utility-first CSS framework for rapid styling and customization.
- Redux: Library for managing application state in JavaScript apps.
- Sanity CMS: Gestión flexible de contenido para el backend de la aplicación.
- React Native Animatable: Adición de animaciones mediante una biblioteca preconstruida y personalizable.
- React Native Progress: Implementación de barras de carga personalizables durante la obtención de datos.
- React Navigation: Solución flexible de navegación para la aplicación en múltiples plataformas.
Dynamic menu management using SanityCMS.
Customized search and filtering with GROQ.
Order state management through Redux.
Responsive and appealing UI with TailwindCSS.
Efficient navigation and order tracking.
Secure payment gateway integration.
User-friendly navigation.
To run the app, you will need to have the following installed on your machine:
- Node.js
- npm
- Expo CLI
Clone the project
git clone [](
change directory
cd Uber-Clone
Install dependencies
npx expo install
Start the server
npx expo start
To deploy this project run
publish your project
expo publish
- Photos:
Email ID- [email protected]
Project Link :
- Sonny Sangha for his amazing tutorial.