ci: add status for build and test (#1284) #683
GitHub Actions / Test Results
Oct 14, 2024 in 0s
All 391 tests pass in 0s
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github-actions / Test Results
391 tests found
There are 391 tests, see "Raw output" for the full list of tests.
Raw output
Allow dialog create as valid serviceowner ‑ response status: expected 201 to equal 201
Allow getting activities as valid serviceowner ‑ response status: expected 200 to equal 200
Allow getting activity entry as valid serviceowner ‑ response status: expected 200 to equal 200
Allow getting dialog as valid serviceowner ‑ response status: expected 200 to equal 200
Allow getting dialog transmission as valid serviceowner ‑ response status: expected 200 to equal 200
Allow getting dialog transmission list as valid serviceowner ‑ response status: expected 200 to equal 200
Allow patch with valid If-Match ‑ response status: expected 204 to equal 204
Allow patching dialog as valid serviceowner ‑ response status: expected 204 to equal 204
Allow posting activity as valid serviceowner ‑ response status: expected 201 to equal 201
Allow purging dialog as valid serviceowner ‑ response status: expected 204 to equal 204
Allow updating dialog as valid serviceowner ‑ response status: expected 204 to equal 204
Arrange: Create a dialog to test against ‑ response status: expected 201 to equal 201
Arrange: Create some dialogs to test against ‑ response status: expected 201 to equal 201
Arrange: Create some dialogs to test against ‑ response status: expected 204 to equal 204
Attempt activity history get with invalid token ‑ WWW-Authenticate header: expected 'Bearer error="invalid_token", Bearer …' to include 'Bearer error="invalid_token"'
Attempt activity history get with invalid token ‑ reponse headers: expected { 'Content-Length': '0', …(3) } to have property 'Www-Authenticate'
Attempt activity history get with invalid token ‑ response status: expected 401 to equal 401
Attempt activity history get without token ‑ WWW-Authenticate header: expected 'Bearer, Bearer, Bearer' to include 'Bearer'
Attempt activity history get without token ‑ reponse headers: expected { …(4) } to have property 'Www-Authenticate'
Attempt activity history get without token ‑ response status: expected 401 to equal 401
Attempt activity history post with invalid token ‑ WWW-Authenticate header: expected 'Bearer error="invalid_token", Bearer …' to include 'Bearer error="invalid_token"'
Attempt activity history post with invalid token ‑ reponse headers: expected { 'Content-Length': '0', …(3) } to have property 'Www-Authenticate'
Attempt activity history post with invalid token ‑ response status: expected 401 to equal 401
Attempt activity history post without token ‑ WWW-Authenticate header: expected 'Bearer, Bearer, Bearer' to include 'Bearer'
Attempt activity history post without token ‑ reponse headers: expected { 'Content-Length': '0', …(3) } to have property 'Www-Authenticate'
Attempt activity history post without token ‑ response status: expected 401 to equal 401
Attempt dialog create with API action referring available external resource ‑ has valid json body
Attempt dialog create with API action referring available external resource ‑ response status: expected 201 to equal 201
Attempt dialog create with API action referring available external resource ‑ response status: expected 204 to equal 204
Attempt dialog create with API action referring unavailable resource ‑ has valid json body
Attempt dialog create with API action referring unavailable resource ‑ response status: expected 403 to equal 403
Attempt dialog create with API action referring unavailable resource ‑ response: expected { …(6) } to have property 'errors'
Attempt dialog create with GUI action referring available external resource ‑ has valid json body
Attempt dialog create with GUI action referring available external resource ‑ response status: expected 201 to equal 201
Attempt dialog create with GUI action referring available external resource ‑ response status: expected 204 to equal 204
Attempt dialog create with GUI action referring unavailable resource ‑ has valid json body
Attempt dialog create with GUI action referring unavailable resource ‑ response status: expected 403 to equal 403
Attempt dialog create with GUI action referring unavailable resource ‑ response: expected { …(6) } to have property 'errors'
Attempt dialog create with dialog transmission referring available external resource ‑ has valid json body
Attempt dialog create with dialog transmission referring available external resource ‑ response status: expected 201 to equal 201
Attempt dialog create with dialog transmission referring available external resource ‑ response status: expected 204 to equal 204
Attempt dialog create with dialog transmission referring unavailable resource ‑ has valid json body
Attempt dialog create with dialog transmission referring unavailable resource ‑ response status: expected 403 to equal 403
Attempt dialog create with dialog transmission referring unavailable resource ‑ response: expected { …(6) } to have property 'errors'
Attempt dialog create with invalid token ‑ WWW-Authenticate header: expected 'Bearer error="invalid_token", Bearer …' to include 'Bearer error="invalid_token"'
Attempt dialog create with invalid token ‑ reponse headers: expected { 'Content-Length': '0', …(3) } to have property 'Www-Authenticate'
Attempt dialog create with invalid token ‑ response status: expected 401 to equal 401
Attempt dialog create with six tertiary actions ‑ error: expected { …(7) } to have property 'GuiActions'
Attempt dialog create with six tertiary actions ‑ has valid json body
Attempt dialog create with six tertiary actions ‑ reponse: expected { status: 400, …(5) } to have property 'errors'
Attempt dialog create with six tertiary actions ‑ response status: expected 400 to equal 400
Attempt dialog create with two primary actions ‑ error: expected { …(3) } to have property 'GuiActions'
Attempt dialog create with two primary actions ‑ has valid json body
Attempt dialog create with two primary actions ‑ reponse: expected { …(6) } to have property 'errors'
Attempt dialog create with two primary actions ‑ response status: expected 400 to equal 400
Attempt dialog create with two secondary actions ‑ error: expected { …(3) } to have property 'GuiActions'
Attempt dialog create with two secondary actions ‑ has valid json body
Attempt dialog create with two secondary actions ‑ reponse: expected { status: 400, …(5) } to have property 'errors'
Attempt dialog create with two secondary actions ‑ response status: expected 400 to equal 400
Attempt dialog create without token ‑ WWW-Authenticate header: expected 'Bearer, Bearer, Bearer' to include 'Bearer'
Attempt dialog create without token ‑ reponse headers: expected { …(4) } to have property 'Www-Authenticate'
Attempt dialog create without token ‑ response status: expected 401 to equal 401
Attempt dialog delete with invalid token ‑ WWW-Authenticate header: expected 'Bearer error="invalid_token", Bearer …' to include 'Bearer error="invalid_token"'
Attempt dialog delete with invalid token ‑ reponse headers: expected { 'Content-Length': '0', …(3) } to have property 'Www-Authenticate'
Attempt dialog delete with invalid token ‑ response status: expected 401 to equal 401
Attempt dialog delete without token ‑ WWW-Authenticate header: expected 'Bearer, Bearer, Bearer' to include 'Bearer'
Attempt dialog delete without token ‑ reponse headers: expected { …(4) } to have property 'Www-Authenticate'
Attempt dialog delete without token ‑ response status: expected 401 to equal 401
Attempt dialog patch with invalid token ‑ WWW-Authenticate header: expected 'Bearer error="invalid_token", Bearer …' to include 'Bearer error="invalid_token"'
Attempt dialog patch with invalid token ‑ reponse headers: expected { …(4) } to have property 'Www-Authenticate'
Attempt dialog patch with invalid token ‑ response status: expected 401 to equal 401
Attempt dialog patch without token ‑ WWW-Authenticate header: expected 'Bearer, Bearer, Bearer' to include 'Bearer'
Attempt dialog patch without token ‑ reponse headers: expected { 'Content-Length': '0', …(3) } to have property 'Www-Authenticate'
Attempt dialog patch without token ‑ response status: expected 401 to equal 401
Attempt dialog put with invalid token ‑ WWW-Authenticate header: expected 'Bearer error="invalid_token", Bearer …' to include 'Bearer error="invalid_token"'
Attempt dialog put with invalid token ‑ reponse headers: expected { …(4) } to have property 'Www-Authenticate'
Attempt dialog put with invalid token ‑ response status: expected 401 to equal 401
Attempt dialog put without token ‑ WWW-Authenticate header: expected 'Bearer, Bearer, Bearer' to include 'Bearer'
Attempt dialog put without token ‑ reponse headers: expected { 'Content-Length': '0', …(3) } to have property 'Www-Authenticate'
Attempt dialog put without token ‑ response status: expected 401 to equal 401
Attempt dialog transmission get with invalid token ‑ WWW-Authenticate header: expected 'Bearer error="invalid_token", Bearer …' to include 'Bearer error="invalid_token"'
Attempt dialog transmission get with invalid token ‑ reponse headers: expected { …(4) } to have property 'Www-Authenticate'
Attempt dialog transmission get with invalid token ‑ response status: expected 401 to equal 401
Attempt dialog transmission get without token ‑ WWW-Authenticate header: expected 'Bearer, Bearer, Bearer' to include 'Bearer'
Attempt dialog transmission get without token ‑ reponse headers: expected { …(4) } to have property 'Www-Authenticate'
Attempt dialog transmission get without token ‑ response status: expected 401 to equal 401
Attempt get single with invalid token ‑ WWW-Authenticate header: expected 'Bearer error="invalid_token", Bearer …' to include 'Bearer error="invalid_token"'
Attempt get single with invalid token ‑ reponse headers: expected { …(4) } to have property 'Www-Authenticate'
Attempt get single with invalid token ‑ response status: expected 401 to equal 401
Attempt get single without token ‑ WWW-Authenticate header: expected 'Bearer, Bearer, Bearer' to include 'Bearer'
Attempt get single without token ‑ reponse headers: expected { …(4) } to have property 'Www-Authenticate'
Attempt get single without token ‑ response status: expected 401 to equal 401
Attempt search with invalid token ‑ WWW-Authenticate header: expected 'Bearer error="invalid_token", Bearer …' to include 'Bearer error="invalid_token"'
Attempt search with invalid token ‑ reponse headers: expected { 'Content-Length': '0', …(3) } to have property 'Www-Authenticate'
Attempt search with invalid token ‑ response status: expected 401 to equal 401
Attempt search without token ‑ WWW-Authenticate header: expected 'Bearer, Bearer, Bearer' to include 'Bearer'
Attempt search without token ‑ reponse headers: expected { 'Content-Length': '0', …(3) } to have property 'Www-Authenticate'
Attempt search without token ‑ response status: expected 401 to equal 401
Attempt to add a few child entities concurrently ‑ status code for concurrently added child entity: expected 201 to equal 201
Attempt to create dialog with invalid URI ‑ has valid json body
Attempt to create dialog with invalid URI ‑ response body: expected { …(6) } to have property 'errors'
Attempt to create dialog with invalid URI ‑ response status: expected 400 to equal 400
Changing labels trigger 2 logs ‑ has valid json body
Changing labels trigger 2 logs ‑ response body: expected [ { …(4) }, …(2) ] to have a length of 3 got 3
Changing labels trigger 2 logs ‑ response body: expected [ { …(4) }, …(2) ] to have property 'length'
Changing labels trigger 2 logs ‑ response status: expected 200 to equal 200
Changing labels trigger 2 logs ‑ response status: expected 204 to equal 204
Check if we get 404 Not found ‑ response status: expected 404 to equal 404
Check if we get any parties ‑ has valid json body
Check if we get any parties ‑ response json: expected [ { …(9) }, …(3) ] to have property 'length'
Check if we get any parties ‑ response json: expected [ …(4) ] to have a length at least 2 got 4
Check if we get any parties ‑ response json: expected { authorizedParties: [ …(4) ] } to have property 'authorizedParties'
Check if we get any parties ‑ response status: expected 200 to equal 200
Check seen logs in dialog list ‑ actorId: expected 'urn:altinn:person:identifier-ephemera…' to match /urn:altinn:person:identifier-ephemeral/
Check seen logs in dialog list ‑ isCurrentEndUser: expected true to equal true
Check seen logs in dialog list ‑ items: expected [ { …(15) }, { …(15) }, …(12) ] not to be empty
Check seen logs in dialog list ‑ items: expected [ { …(15) }, …(13) ] to be an array
Check seen logs in dialog list ‑ seenSinceLastUpdate: expected [ { isViaServiceOwner: true, …(4) } ] to have a length of 1 got 1
Check seen logs in dialog list ‑ seenSinceLastUpdate: expected [ { isViaServiceOwner: true, …(4) } ] to have property 'length'
Check seen logs in dialog list ‑ seenSinceLastUpdate: expected [ { …(5) } ] to have a length of 1 got 1
Check seen logs in dialog list ‑ seenSinceLastUpdate: expected [ { …(5) } ] to have property 'length'
Check that authorized actions have real URLs ‑ dialog: expected [ { action: 'read', …(7) }, …(1) ] to have a length of 2 got 2
Check that authorized actions have real URLs ‑ dialog: expected [ { …(8) }, …(1) ] to have property 'length'
Check that authorized actions have real URLs ‑ dialog: expected { …(22) } to have property 'guiActions'
Check that authorized actions have real URLs ‑ first gui action url: expected '' to include 'https://'
Check that authorized actions have real URLs ‑ first gui action: expected true to equal true
Check that authorized actions have real URLs ‑ first gui action: expected { url: '', …(7) } to have property 'isAuthorized'
Check that authorized actions have real URLs ‑ first gui action: expected { url: '', …(7) } to have property 'url'
Check that authorized actions have real URLs ‑ second gui action httpMethod: expected 'POST' to equal 'POST'
Check that authorized actions have real URLs ‑ second gui action: expected { url: '', …(8) } to have property 'prompt'
Check that seen log has been populated ‑ actorId: expected 'urn:altinn:person:identifier-ephemera…' to match /urn:altinn:person:identifier-ephemeral/
Check that seen log has been populated ‑ isCurrentEndUser: expected true to equal true
Check that seen log has been populated ‑ seenSinceLastUpdate: expected [ { isCurrentEndUser: true, …(4) } ] to have a length of 1 got 1
Check that seen log has been populated ‑ seenSinceLastUpdate: expected [ { …(5) } ] to have property 'length'
Check that unauthorized actions to have default URLs ‑ api action: expected false to equal false
Check that unauthorized actions to have default URLs ‑ api action: expected { …(4) } to have property 'isAuthorized'
Check that unauthorized actions to have default URLs ‑ dialog: expected [ { isAuthorized: false, …(3) } ] to have a length of 1 got 1
Check that unauthorized actions to have default URLs ‑ dialog: expected [ { …(4) } ] to have property 'length'
Check that unauthorized actions to have default URLs ‑ dialog: expected { …(22) } to have property 'apiActions'
Check that unauthorized actions to have default URLs ‑ url: expected { …(4) } to have property 'endpoints'
Check that we are authorized for the dialog transmission referring an external resource ‑ dialog: expected { systemLabel: 'Default', …(21) } to have property 'transmissions'
Check that we are authorized for the dialog transmission referring an external resource ‑ transmission with available external resource: expected true to equal true
Check that we are authorized for the dialog transmission referring an external resource ‑ transmission with available external resource: expected { …(8) } to have property 'isAuthorized'
Check that we are authorized for the dialog transmission referring an external resource ‑ transmission with unavailable external resource: expected false to equal false
Check that we are authorized for the dialog transmission referring an external resource ‑ transmission with unavailable external resource: expected { attachments: [ { …(3) } ], …(7) } to have property 'isAuthorized'
Check that we are authorized for the dialog transmission referring an external resource ‑ transmission with unavailable subresource: expected false to equal false
Check that we are authorized for the dialog transmission referring an external resource ‑ transmission with unavailable subresource: expected { attachments: [ { …(3) } ], …(7) } to have property 'isAuthorized'
Cleanup ‑ response status: expected 204 to equal 204
Deny attempt to patch with invalid If-Match ‑ response status: expected 412 to equal 412
Deny deleting dialog as invalid serviceowner ‑ response status: expected 404 to equal 404
Deny dialog create as invalid serviceowner ‑ response status: expected 403 to equal 403
Deny getting activities as invalid serviceowner ‑ response status: expected 404 to equal 404
Deny getting activity entry as invalid serviceowner ‑ response status: expected 404 to equal 404
Deny getting dialog as invalid serviceowner ‑ response status: expected 404 to equal 404
Deny getting dialog transmission as invalid serviceowner ‑ response status: expected 404 to equal 404
Deny getting dialog transmission list as invalid serviceowner ‑ response status: expected 404 to equal 404
Deny patching dialog as invalid serviceowner ‑ response status: expected 404 to equal 404
Deny posting activity as invalid serviceowner ‑ response status: expected 404 to equal 404
Deny searching dialogs without search-scope ‑ response status: expected 403 to equal 403
Deny updating dialog as invalid serviceowner ‑ response status: expected 404 to equal 404
Dialog update set system label to default ‑ has valid json body
Dialog update set system label to default ‑ response body: expected [ { …(4) }, { …(4) }, { …(4) }, …(1) ] to have a length of 4 got 4
Dialog update set system label to default ‑ response body: expected [ { …(4) }, { …(4) }, { …(4) }, …(1) ] to have property 'length'
Dialog update set system label to default ‑ response status: expected 200 to equal 200
Dialog update set system label to default ‑ response status: expected 204 to equal 204
Filter by extended status ‑ has valid json body
Filter by extended status ‑ response json: expected [ { …(15) }, { …(15) } ] to have a length of 2 got 2
Filter by extended status ‑ response json: expected [ { …(15) }, { …(15) } ] to have property 'length'
Filter by extended status ‑ response json: expected [ { …(17) }, { …(17) } ] to have a length of 2 got 2
Filter by extended status ‑ response json: expected [ { …(17) }, { …(17) } ] to have property 'length'
Filter by extended status ‑ response json: expected { …(4) } to have property 'items'
Filter by extended status ‑ response status: expected 200 to equal 200
List with custom orderBy ‑ expected [ { languageCode: 'nb', …(1) }, …(1) ] to be an array
List with custom orderBy ‑ expected [ { …(2) }, { …(2) } ] to be an array
List with custom orderBy ‑ expected [ { …(2) }, …(1) ] to be an array
List with custom orderBy ‑ expected { extendedStatus: { …(2) }, …(3) } to be an object
List with custom orderBy ‑ expected { org: 'digdir', …(14) } to have property 'content'
List with custom orderBy ‑ expected { senderName: { …(2) }, …(3) } to be an object
List with custom orderBy ‑ expected { status: 'New', …(14) } to have property 'content'
List with custom orderBy ‑ expected { summary: { …(2) }, …(3) } to be an object
List with custom orderBy ‑ expected { title: { …(2) }, …(3) } to be an object
List with custom orderBy ‑ expected { …(15) } to have property 'content'
List with custom orderBy ‑ expected { …(17) } to have property 'content'
List with custom orderBy ‑ expected { …(4) } to be an object
List with custom orderBy ‑ first dialog reversed title: expected [ { …(2) }, { …(2) } ] to have a localized text of f65207ba-6935-4b30-8f4f-f8afeed4d1aa
List with custom orderBy ‑ first dialog reversed: expected [ { …(2) }, { …(2) } ] to have a localized text of updated_30fe2d12-b249-4c77-80a7-39724e69809b
List with custom orderBy ‑ first dialog title: expected [ { languageCode: 'nb', …(1) }, …(1) ] to have a localized text of a92ae960-0a34-43fd-9d64-540696846039
List with custom orderBy ‑ first dialog: expected [ { …(2) }, { …(2) } ] to have a localized text of due_2d81a00e-bc30-47bb-85e3-7e93a3b70c03
List with custom orderBy ‑ has valid json body
List with custom orderBy ‑ response json: expected [ { org: 'digdir', …(14) }, …(2) ] to have a length of 3 got 3
List with custom orderBy ‑ response json: expected [ { org: 'digdir', …(16) }, …(2) ] to have a length of 3 got 3
List with custom orderBy ‑ response json: expected [ { org: 'digdir', …(16) }, …(2) ] to have property 'length'
List with custom orderBy ‑ response json: expected [ { …(15) }, { …(15) }, { …(15) } ] to have property 'length'
List with custom orderBy ‑ response json: expected [ { …(17) }, …(2) ] to have property 'length'
List with custom orderBy ‑ response json: expected [ …(3) ] to have a length of 3 got 3
List with custom orderBy ‑ response json: expected { items: [ { …(15) }, …(2) ], …(3) } to have property 'items'
List with custom orderBy ‑ response json: expected { items: [ { …(17) }, …(2) ], …(3) } to have property 'items'
List with custom orderBy ‑ response json: expected { …(4) } to have property 'items'
List with custom orderBy ‑ response status: expected 200 to equal 200
List with custom orderBy ‑ second dialog reversed title: expected [ { …(2) }, { …(2) } ] to have a localized text of 4b4266d0-80ed-4156-9625-1d0403de3d4b
List with custom orderBy ‑ second dialog reversed: expected [ { …(2) }, { …(2) } ] to have a localized text of last_17dfbb9e-174c-471a-88f1-d75b9e1e1f84
List with custom orderBy ‑ second dialog title: expected [ { …(2) }, { …(2) } ] to have a localized text of f65207ba-6935-4b30-8f4f-f8afeed4d1aa
List with custom orderBy ‑ second dialog: expected [ { …(2) }, { …(2) } ] to have a localized text of updated_30fe2d12-b249-4c77-80a7-39724e69809b
List with custom orderBy ‑ third dialog title: expected [ { …(2) }, { …(2) } ] to have a localized text of 4b4266d0-80ed-4156-9625-1d0403de3d4b
List with custom orderBy ‑ third dialog: expected [ { …(2) }, { …(2) } ] to have a localized text of last_17dfbb9e-174c-471a-88f1-d75b9e1e1f84
List with enduserid ‑ has valid json body
List with enduserid ‑ party: expected 'urn:altinn:resource:ttd-dialogporten-…' to equal 'urn:altinn:resource:ttd-dialogporten-…'
List with enduserid ‑ party: expected { …(17) } to have property 'serviceResource'
List with enduserid ‑ response json: expected [ { guiAttachmentCount: 3, …(16) } ] to have property 'length'
List with enduserid ‑ response json: expected [ { …(17) } ] to have a length of 1 got 1
List with enduserid ‑ response json: expected { hasNextPage: false, …(3) } to have property 'items'
List with enduserid ‑ response status: expected 200 to equal 200
List with invalid enduserid ‑ has valid json body
List with invalid enduserid ‑ response json: expected { hasNextPage: false, …(1) } to not have property 'items'
List with invalid enduserid ‑ response status: expected 200 to equal 200
List with invalid process filter ‑ errors: expected [ Array(1) ] to have a length of 1 got 1
List with invalid process filter ‑ errors: expected [ Array(1) ] to have property 'length'
List with invalid process filter ‑ errors: expected { Object (Process) } to have property 'Process'
List with invalid process filter ‑ has valid json body
List with invalid process filter ‑ response json: expected { status: 400, …(5) } to have property 'errors'
List with invalid process filter ‑ response status: expected 400 to equal 400
List with invalid process ‑ has valid json body
List with invalid process ‑ response json: expected { …(6) } to have property 'errors'
List with invalid process ‑ response status: expected 400 to equal 400
List with invalid systemLabel filter ‑ has valid json body
List with invalid systemLabel filter ‑ response json: expected { …(6) } to have property 'errors'
List with invalid systemLabel filter ‑ response status: expected 400 to equal 400
List with limit ‑ expected false to be false
List with limit ‑ has valid json body
List with limit ‑ response json: expected [ { content: { …(4) }, …(14) }, …(2) ] to have a length of 3 got 3
List with limit ‑ response json: expected [ { …(15) }, { …(15) }, { …(15) } ] to have property 'length'
List with limit ‑ response json: expected [ { …(15) }, …(2) ] to have a length of 3 got 3
List with limit ‑ response json: expected [ { …(15) }, …(2) ] to have property 'length'
List with limit ‑ response json: expected [ { …(17) }, { …(17) }, { …(17) } ] to have a length of 3 got 3
List with limit ‑ response json: expected [ { …(17) }, { …(17) }, { …(17) } ] to have property 'length'
List with limit ‑ response json: expected [ …(3) ] to have a length of 3 got 3
List with limit ‑ response json: expected true to be true
List with limit ‑ response json: expected { hasNextPage: true, …(3) } to have property 'items'
List with limit ‑ response json: expected { items: [ { …(15) }, …(2) ], …(3) } to have property 'items'
List with limit ‑ response json: expected { items: [ { …(17) }, …(2) ], …(3) } to have property 'hasNextPage'
List with limit ‑ response json: expected { …(4) } to have property 'continuationToken'
List with limit ‑ response json: expected { …(4) } to have property 'hasNextPage'
List with limit ‑ response json: expected { …(4) } to have property 'items'
List with limit ‑ response status: expected 200 to equal 200
List with party filter ‑ has valid json body
List with party filter ‑ party: expected 'urn:altinn:organization:identifier-no…' to equal 'urn:altinn:organization:identifier-no…'
List with party filter ‑ party: expected { …(17) } to have property 'party'
List with party filter ‑ response json: expected [ { systemLabel: 'Default', …(16) } ] to have property 'length'
List with party filter ‑ response json: expected [ { …(17) } ] to have a length of 1 got 1
List with party filter ‑ response json: expected { items: [ { …(17) } ], …(3) } to have property 'items'
List with party filter ‑ response status: expected 200 to equal 200
List with process filter ‑ has valid json body
List with process filter ‑ process: expected 'urn:test:process:1' to equal 'urn:test:process:1'
List with process filter ‑ process: expected { …(16) } to have property 'process'
List with process filter ‑ response json: expected [ { guiAttachmentCount: 3, …(15) } ] to have property 'length'
List with process filter ‑ response json: expected [ { …(16) } ] to have a length of 1 got 1
List with process filter ‑ response json: expected { items: [ { …(16) } ], …(3) } to have property 'items'
List with process filter ‑ response status: expected 200 to equal 200
List with process ‑ has valid json body
List with process ‑ process: expected 'urn:test:process:1' to equal 'urn:test:process:1'
List with process ‑ process: expected { org: 'digdir', …(16) } to have property 'process'
List with process ‑ response json: expected [ { org: 'digdir', …(16) } ] to have a length of 1 got 1
List with process ‑ response json: expected [ { status: 'New', …(16) } ] to have property 'length'
List with process ‑ response json: expected { …(4) } to have property 'items'
List with process ‑ response status: expected 200 to equal 200
List with resource filter ‑ has valid json body
List with resource filter ‑ party: expected 'urn:altinn:resource:ttd-dialogporten-…' to equal 'urn:altinn:resource:ttd-dialogporten-…'
List with resource filter ‑ party: expected { …(15) } to have property 'serviceResource'
List with resource filter ‑ party: expected { …(17) } to have property 'serviceResource'
List with resource filter ‑ response json: expected [ { guiAttachmentCount: 3, …(16) } ] to have a length of 1 got 1
List with resource filter ‑ response json: expected [ { org: 'digdir', …(16) } ] to have property 'length'
List with resource filter ‑ response json: expected [ { status: 'New', …(14) } ] to have a length of 1 got 1
List with resource filter ‑ response json: expected [ { …(15) } ] to have property 'length'
List with resource filter ‑ response json: expected { items: [ { …(15) } ], …(3) } to have property 'items'
List with resource filter ‑ response json: expected { items: [ { …(17) } ], …(3) } to have property 'items'
List with resource filter ‑ response status: expected 200 to equal 200
List with systemLabel filter ‑ has valid json body
List with systemLabel filter ‑ response json: expected [ { org: 'digdir', …(14) } ] to have a length of 1 got 1
List with systemLabel filter ‑ response json: expected [ { …(15) } ] to have property 'length'
List with systemLabel filter ‑ response json: expected { items: [ { …(15) } ], …(3) } to have property 'items'
List with systemLabel filter ‑ response status: expected 200 to equal 200
List with systemLabel filter ‑ system label: expected 'Bin' to equal 'Bin'
List with systemLabel filter ‑ system label: expected { …(15) } to have property 'systemLabel'
Perform dialog create with activity type (dialogOpened) ‑ has valid json body
Perform dialog create with activity type (dialogOpened) ‑ response json: expected '01928a38-94a7-72f7-8027-6cdc6f130f37' to match /^[0-9a-fA-F]{8}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}$/
Perform dialog create with activity type (dialogOpened) ‑ response json: expected '01928a38-a846-746e-a314-a373b651cc00' to match /^[0-9a-fA-F]{8}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}$/
Perform dialog create with activity type (dialogOpened) ‑ response status: expected 201 to equal 201
Perform dialog create with activity type (transmissionOpened) ‑ has valid json body
Perform dialog create with activity type (transmissionOpened) ‑ response json: expected '01928a38-95ee-7706-a736-f9b5b848a1c3' to match /^[0-9a-fA-F]{8}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}$/
Perform dialog create with activity type (transmissionOpened) ‑ response json: expected '01928a38-a960-7300-9a41-e3cfa203df7c' to match /^[0-9a-fA-F]{8}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}$/
Perform dialog create with activity type (transmissionOpened) ‑ response status: expected 201 to equal 201
Perform dialog create with invalid activity type (dialogOpened) ‑ has valid json body
Perform dialog create with invalid activity type (dialogOpened) ‑ response json: expected { …(6) } to have property 'errors'
Perform dialog create with invalid activity type (dialogOpened) ‑ response status: expected 400 to equal 400
Perform dialog create with invalid activity type (transmissionOpened) ‑ has valid json body
Perform dialog create with invalid activity type (transmissionOpened) ‑ response json: expected { status: 400, …(5) } to have property 'errors'
Perform dialog create with invalid activity type (transmissionOpened) ‑ response json: expected { …(6) } to have property 'errors'
Perform dialog create with invalid activity type (transmissionOpened) ‑ response status: expected 400 to equal 400
Perform dialog create ‑ has valid json body
Perform dialog create ‑ response json: expected '01928a38-8617-73aa-b743-2a687a667826' to match /^[0-9a-fA-F]{8}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}$/
Perform dialog create ‑ response json: expected '01928a38-a259-7201-9666-31eb71109759' to match /^[0-9a-fA-F]{8}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}$/
Perform dialog create ‑ response status: expected 201 to equal 201
Perform dialog get after patch ‑ dialog: expected '…' to equal '…'
Perform dialog get after patch ‑ dialog: expected { …(22) } to have nested property 'apiActions[0].endpoints[1].url'
Perform dialog get after patch ‑ dialog: expected { …(22) } to have property 'createdAt'
Perform dialog get after patch ‑ dialog: expected { …(22) } to have property 'revision'
Perform dialog get after patch ‑ dialog: expected { …(22) } to have property 'updatedAt'
Perform dialog get after patch ‑ has valid json body
Perform dialog get after patch ‑ response status: expected 200 to equal 200
Perform dialog get after patch ‑ updated revision: expected 'e2da1fbe-1d46-4457-a228-121f22b0dc27' to not equal '1f799421-62e3-4efc-8c12-75f0de1945b2'
Perform dialog get after patch ‑ updatedAt: expected '2024-10-14T08:50:21.3081220Z' to match /^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}T\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}\.\d{7}Z$/
Perform dialog get after patch ‑ updatedAt: expected '2024-10-14T08:50:21.3081220Z' to not equal '2024-10-14T08:50:20.3761470Z'
Perform dialog get with endUserId ‑ dialog: expected '01928a38-b0e0-72c3-a745-14aeec8e2b6c' to equal '01928a38-b0e0-72c3-a745-14aeec8e2b6c'
Perform dialog get with endUserId ‑ dialog: expected { …(23) } to have property 'id'
Perform dialog get with endUserId ‑ has valid json body
Perform dialog get with endUserId ‑ response status: expected 200 to equal 200
Perform dialog get with invalid endUserId ‑ response status: expected 404 to equal 404
Perform dialog get ‑ createdAt: expected '2024-10-14T08:50:20.3761470Z' to match /^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}T\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}\.\d{7}Z$/
Perform dialog get ‑ dialog: expected '01928a38-a259-7201-9666-31eb71109759' to equal '01928a38-a259-7201-9666-31eb71109759'
Perform dialog get ‑ dialog: expected { apiActions: [ { …(3) } ], …(21) } to have property 'id'
Perform dialog get ‑ dialog: expected { systemLabel: 'Default', …(21) } to have property 'revision'
Perform dialog get ‑ dialog: expected { …(22) } to have property 'createdAt'
Perform dialog get ‑ dialog: expected { …(22) } to have property 'updatedAt'
Perform dialog get ‑ has valid json body
Perform dialog get ‑ response status: expected 200 to equal 200
Perform dialog get ‑ updatedAt: expected '2024-10-14T08:50:20.3761470Z' to equal '2024-10-14T08:50:20.3761470Z'
Perform dialog purge ‑ response status: expected 204 to equal 204
Perform simple dialog get ‑ dialog id: expected '01928a38-f35c-7616-9442-00eaa564c1cc' to equal '01928a38-f35c-7616-9442-00eaa564c1cc'
Perform simple dialog get ‑ has valid json body
Perform simple dialog get ‑ response status: expected 200 to equal 200
Perform simple dialog list ‑ has valid json body
Perform simple dialog list ‑ response json: expected [ { content: { …(4) }, …(16) }, …(99) ] to have property 'length'
Perform simple dialog list ‑ response json: expected [ { org: 'digdir', …(14) }, …(13) ] to have property 'length'
Perform simple dialog list ‑ response json: expected [ { …(15) }, { …(15) }, …(12) ] to have a length at least 10 got 14
Perform simple dialog list ‑ response json: expected [ { …(17) }, { …(17) }, …(98) ] to have a length at least 10 got 100
Perform simple dialog list ‑ response json: expected { items: [ { …(17) }, …(99) ], …(3) } to have property 'items'
Perform simple dialog list ‑ response json: expected { …(4) } to have property 'items'
Perform simple dialog list ‑ response status: expected 200 to equal 200
Purge dialogs ‑ response status: expected 204 to equal 204
Search for body ‑ has valid json body
Search for body ‑ response json: expected [ { …(16) } ] to have a length of 1 got 1
Search for body ‑ response json: expected [ { …(16) } ] to have property 'length'
Search for body ‑ response json: expected [ { …(17) } ] to have a length of 1 got 1
Search for body ‑ response json: expected [ { …(17) } ] to have property 'length'
Search for body ‑ response json: expected { items: [ { …(16) } ], …(3) } to have property 'items'
Search for body ‑ response json: expected { items: [ { …(17) } ], …(3) } to have property 'items'
Search for body ‑ response status: expected 200 to equal 200
Search for sender name ‑ has valid json body
Search for sender name ‑ response json: expected [ { …(17) } ] to have a length of 1 got 1
Search for sender name ‑ response json: expected [ { …(17) } ] to have property 'length'
Search for sender name ‑ response json: expected { …(4) } to have property 'items'
Search for sender name ‑ response status: expected 200 to equal 200
Search for sender name ‑ has valid json body
Search for sender name ‑ response json: expected [ { …(15) } ] to have a length of 1 got 1
Search for sender name ‑ response json: expected [ { …(15) } ] to have property 'length'
Search for sender name ‑ response json: expected { items: [ { …(15) } ], …(3) } to have property 'items'
Search for sender name ‑ response status: expected 200 to equal 200
Search for title ‑ has valid json body
Search for title ‑ response json: expected [ { …(16) } ] to have a length of 1 got 1
Search for title ‑ response json: expected [ { …(16) } ] to have property 'length'
Search for title ‑ response json: expected [ { …(17) } ] to have a length of 1 got 1
Search for title ‑ response json: expected [ { …(17) } ] to have property 'length'
Search for title ‑ response json: expected { hasNextPage: false, …(3) } to have property 'items'
Search for title ‑ response status: expected 200 to equal 200
Update dialog with dialogOpened activity ‑ response status: expected 204 to equal 204
Update dialog with invalid dialogOpened activity ‑ response status: expected 400 to equal 400
Update dialog with invalid transmissionOpened activity ‑ response status: expected 400 to equal 400
Update dialog with transmissionOpened activity ‑ response status: expected 204 to equal 204
Update label as enduser ‑ has valid json body
Update label as enduser ‑ response body: expected [ { …(4) } ] to have a length of 1 got 1
Update label as enduser ‑ response body: expected [ { …(4) } ] to have property 'length'
Update label as enduser ‑ response status: expected 200 to equal 200
Update label as enduser ‑ response status: expected 204 to equal 204
create dialog with correspondence resource without correct scope ‑ has valid json body
create dialog with correspondence resource without correct scope ‑ response body: expected { …(6) } to have property 'errors'
create dialog with correspondence resource without correct scope ‑ response status: expected 403 to equal 403
create dialog with correspondence resource with correct scope ‑ has valid json body
create dialog with correspondence resource with correct scope ‑ response json: expected '01928a38-ab62-733e-8ecd-1eaea455ecc2' to match /^[0-9a-fA-F]{8}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}$/
create dialog with correspondence resource with correct scope ‑ response status: expected 201 to equal 201
delete dialog with correspondence resource with correct scope ‑ response status: expected 204 to equal 204
delete dialog with correspondence resource without correct scope ‑ has valid json body
delete dialog with correspondence resource without correct scope ‑ response body: expected { …(6) } to have property 'errors'
delete dialog with correspondence resource without correct scope ‑ response status: expected 403 to equal 403
patch dialog with correspondence resource with correct scope ‑ response status: expected 204 to equal 204
patch dialog with correspondence resource without correct scope ‑ has valid json body
patch dialog with correspondence resource without correct scope ‑ response body: expected { …(6) } to have property 'errors'
patch dialog with correspondence resource without correct scope ‑ response status: expected 403 to equal 403
update dialog with correspondence resource with correct scope ‑ response status: expected 204 to equal 204
update dialog with correspondence resource without correct scope ‑ has valid json body
update dialog with correspondence resource without correct scope ‑ response body: expected { …(6) } to have property 'errors'
update dialog with correspondence resource without correct scope ‑ response status: expected 403 to equal 403